Dimensional Technologies - An Endgame for Redstone Flux (Need feedback/Ideas!!)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Trust me, I wish I could be spending my nights learning Forge instead of doing schoolwork.. Unfortunately I am INCREDIBLY busy with school work at the moment. Such is the life of an engineer I suppose, but I will continue with a little bit of learning here and some work on the mod there, so all in good time.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Same here on the school part... I'd like to have enough time to at least get on the computer! Having enough time to learn coding is a dream!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Suggestions:Maybe you could add another tier or two on top of existing thermal expansion items. Think energy cell that could store 1 billion rf or conduits that could transfer 100k rf/ t. These would all require endgame items from your dimension of course.
Another idea I had was needing the mob drops from this dimension to be charged with rf to be able to be used. You could also add boss monsters in this new dimension, possibly variants on the wither/ender dragon that have been tainted by the exon's experiments...
I think on top of the 10 million required to open the portal, there should also be some sort of constant drain for balancing reasons, just to make sure people don't get there without a stable rf supply. End dimensional gateway could be crafted with the end dragon egg, nether one with wither star blocks (9xwither stars), and overworld with diamond blocks.
Hope you like the ideas, looks like an awesome mod already ;)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hmm... Model for corrupted mobs... Thaumcraft has that evil liquid wrapping around you... What about like circuit lines? Red circuit lines along their bodies?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I like the idea, but 10 million RF to open the portal seems way too low.
Yeah you are right, 10 million is much to easy to get too. Hmm.. I think between 100 and 500 million sounds good.[DOUBLEPOST=1414800884][/DOUBLEPOST]
Hmm... Model for corrupted mobs... Thaumcraft has that evil liquid wrapping around you... What about like circuit lines? Red circuit lines along their bodies?
Circuit lines along the bodies of the mobs would be very cool, I like that idea a ton.[DOUBLEPOST=1414800941][/DOUBLEPOST]Unfortunately, I have no had time to do much of anything in the passed week and due to a bunch more exams coming up, my time in the near future will be very limited. But fear not, I will remain active here , and promise to keep updates posted.

Senpai Enigma

Sooo... is this still a thing? i stumbled across this and it sounds so amazing, it would be a shame if this wouldnt be developed some day :(