Did anyone from FTB actually look through the code before posting the modpack?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you start a clean server, you find several errors.. Forestry not loading correctly, ic2 blockID's colliding with other blocksID's, paulscode giving errors, even complaining that it's missing RedPower, and alot more.

Sure, the servers work, but really? This many errors on server start..? from a clean download of the server...

It's a great idea, and I love the modpack so far, but in my honest opinion.. It's not ready for a release yet. Back to the drawing board guys~


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Indeed it is. But you'd think they would work out the errors you get when starting up the server at least.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Some of the mods express their displeasure in the error log with spew rather than taking it silently no matter what you do to make them happy. If it's non-fatal and it doesn't impact gameplay, it's not a priority triage issue; FTB brings together the mods, it doesn't write them. Mod authors have to resolve their own issues on their own timetables.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A lot of those errors aren't really errors, I'd bet some of them are noClassFound errors which are supposed to happen when you don't have some mods installed. Everything is loading correctly and there isn't anything the FTB team can really do to fix these "errors."


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That's normal behavior when running IC2 with GregTech (because GregTech modifies existing IC2 items). In particular, that looks like some tweaking with ITNT and Nukes.

Running the two together in a vacuum reproduces that behavior, no other mods included.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm going to have to Agree with the OP here, we're running a FTB Server and client without anything extra (except a few of us client side are running optifine and most arn't, and we've had people crash the world with laying down Ic2 blocks, There are portal gun Block ID Conflicts, Browsing over any Forestry in creative mode crash's the client, Some stuff isn't craftable, Spiritcraft has a list of paste bins we've been archiving since switching to FTB, you make it a point to say It doesn't fatally affect the server? I think people trying to use certain blocks crashing the server is a big deal...

Some examples of my point- I should probably get around to making a archive.. FTB is buggy.. I don't know if its the mod authors fault or who evers handling the configs, but this mod pack is probably the buggiest I've seen, I love FTB, but I'm just being honest here..

http://pastebin.com/We17yvvV Minecraft has Crashed

http://pastebin.com/3CkDkmrA GL error

http://pastebin.com/FQm7PGwh GL Error Invalid Buffer operation

http://pastebin.com/ryw1Jwqb Advance machines Crashing server?

http://pastebin.com/JQbmsG0r Minecraft Crash Report


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Some items not working, i can understand as it's still in beta. It can be hard to test out every single thing with every possible use, so i can understand why some things aren't working. But the errors you get in your console when you host the server, that's not acceptable to me.

And I've been having alot of issues with the advanced machines, and no success on getting things to work again. Made a topic about it yesterday.

the 210 error seem to be with MFFS, when using a certain amount of monazit at a certain RPM with adv macerators. But i removed that and have been getting a 211 error instead, no idea what that might be.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Most of us are actually happy that they released it. if you want something bugfree, just go back to whatever you used before, and wait for FTB to go out of the beta.
But i'm sure that every single bug/error you can find, will help them get there faster.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hence why I'm reporting the bugs that I can find.
Like I said, I love the modpack, I just think they have some things they need to fix before actually putting it out there, unless they're trying to get the players to fix it for them.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hence why I'm reporting the bugs that I can find.
Like I said, I love the modpack, I just think they have some things they need to fix before actually putting it out there, unless they're trying to get the players to fix it for them.
The things you "reported" in this specific thread aren't issues, they're just messing with your OCD for an unreasonably clean server log. The FTB team can't make IC2 suppress error messages when GregTech is modifying its items. The FTB team can't make IC2 clean up their sound code (partially a result of Mojang themselves holding on to a 4 year old LWJGL library) so it stops spewing things. The FTB team can't make the mod authors do anything; all the FTB team can do is put the mods together and have them function together in a state comparable to what a person compiling their own mod pack with the same mods can do, while removing the issues of (a) configuring them all so they're functional (b) downloading them all from 35 different ad.fly links and putting them in the right places in your .minecraft folder. Have they not met those goalposts?

The Advanced Machines/MFFS issue, like every other issue with pre-release/alpha/beta mods (Forestry saplings, ExtraBees liquids + half of that mod in general, EnderStorage shift-clicking, et al.) is something the mod authors will resolve, and when it is resolved and it makes sense for the team to push a new pack with the resolution, it will be fixed in the pack.

TL;DR: Get all the permissions and put out a better modpack if you think there's actual room for improvement that's large enough to make a difference. I won't hold my breath if all you can come up with are logfile minutiae and known issues the mods themselves have.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Which is the absolute correct course of action. It's just rather harsh to place it on FTB's shoulders to resolve it all, particularly things like logfile minutiae. Their concern is "is it working?", not "is the logfile meeting an arbitrary standard of acceptable". With something this complex, concerns are triaged, and GregTech and IC2 not making a less alarming error message is a bit far down the tree.

I'll admit my tolerance for such is a bit higher. It has to be; I would've murdered several software engineers in my previous life if I hadn't been.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That glitch wasn't really directed directly at the FTB crew though, more to other users of FTB. To see if anyone solved it or had any idea on what the issue might be. The players do alot for modpacks, just look at what the players have done for Tekkit, as an example. It was also really glitchy when it first came. Me and a couple of friends tried to help out as much as we could with the early tekkit as well, including fixing the BC pipes crashing when attached to EE's condensers and cleaning up some code in EE to prevent some duping.

I still think FTB released it a bit too early. They have some things they still need to look through, and sure, if the players can help then figure it out, that would be great.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, the 1.4.2 Minecraft ecosystem in general isn't quite in a polished state, and Mojang continually breaking new things with every one of these micro-pushes isn't being horribly helpful. Thankfully, the MCP and Forge teams have done a fantastic job in keeping their foundation of the mod codebase stable through these tectonic shifts, but very honestly I wouldn't recommend 1.4.2 as stable in any way, shape, or form.

I think the FTB team is painfully aware of this too. It's why even though they've launched the launcher, the pack is still labeled "Beta". I just think it's rather unfair to tell them to go back to the drawing board when, when it comes to things under their control, they've been making a best effort.

All these little quirks and issues are a good reminder for folks who scream for Eloraam to release RP2 right this second. On the one hand, we want it badly. On the other, when Eloraam releases, she wants all that as minimized as possible while still growing the product, so that it's rock solid by the time the week-to-month-later bugpatch deals with any persistent nags.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That's the thing when you're making a modpack though. You make it, knowing that things gets updated frequently, so that's the job you agree'd to do. Sure, it's hard to fix alot of the things, and of course it will take time to get everything working, but then rather put it off for a while longer so that they can figure it out. And if it's something out of their hands, they just simply have to wait for the fixes from the mod creators, and people will have to be patient.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Everything you included is out of their hands. As I said, the one BlockID thing you mentioned is just how GregTech and IC2 interact. Considering how some on IC2's team regard GregTech, especially because of it doing things to their recipes, I'm not holding my breath for them to look at that behavior.