Defending my base

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If you guys are keen, why not design a CTF map, where everything is warded except for specific parts. These parts would be a single exposed energy conduit that feeds energy into the defense system, and the sort. The other would reverse pistons that are flooding an area with liquid metal and stuff from a source block.

Thus the team has to work together to get to these objectives, and the fastest team takes the flag. Each node would be controlled with CC and given control to the team that captured it.

Bases could regenerate using MFFS, so when a base is captured it is regenerated back to it's full defense.

Sounds like fun, imo.
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I wouldn't go with the railgun with or without block damage turned on. RotaryCraft power transport systems are way too easy to sabotage and a pain to fix up. I'd never use RotaryCraft on a PvP server the headaches would be way too vast.
As you have not stated your mod pack in the initial thread I really can't give any suggestions, MFFS security stations are pretty robust if you set them up ruthlessly, pair them with a force field from the same mod and you are pretty much impervious.
Ignore the open space for now, leave it unfortified and draw the enemy in closer.

In more confined spaces, you want hidden apiaries with unstable bees inside (unstable effect = big damage and ignores armour), thaumcraft golems, pit traps that drop your enemy into an obsidian-lined hole before dropping industrial TNT on them, that block from IC2 that causes damage (although i last used that in 1.5.2 and it may not be in IC2e).

For guerilla tactics you want the modular powersuit with active camo upgrade, it'll make you invisible except for any item you have in your hand. Keep an empty hand until you are ready to strike :)

When you find their base, build a shotgun TNT cannon and OBLITERATE it. A fully automated version can level an entire village in under a minute (speaking from personal experience) I think you can disguise it as a hill using qCraft quantum block thingummies, but I haven't actually tried it yet.

Or spawn a wither in it.

But mainly TNT cannon.
I would just build a bunker. In a Lava Mystcraft age. You would be untouchable.

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Move your base into the sky using inverted skyblocks at the floor (outer) and walls have a inner linning of a block like double compressed cobble or somthing resistant that way it's resistant and you don't lag from the skyblocks render
You could add Witchery and surround your base in a garden of trapped roses and dandelions. I believe WAILA will have them show up as "Flower" and "Rose" too. There are four types of trapped plants; Webs, Sprouting, Thorns, and Ink, and each one has a Rose, Dandelion, and Shrub version.

Webs: functions like the Brew of Webs; explodes into a mesh of cobwebs around the entity.
Sprouting: functions like the Brew of Sprouting; transforms into a 10 block high tree that will deal instant damage (like suffocating in a wall temporarily)
Thorns: functions like the Brew of Thorns; transforms into a 4 block high cactus that will deal instant damage from wall-suffocation and cactus damage
Ink: functions like the Brew of Ink; gives the entity Blindness for 20 seconds.

I'd say the best bet would be to use the Ink and Thorns ones.

There are a thousand different things from Witchery that you could use for a war (curses, banishing players to torment, imp magic, etc.), but this is probably the sneakiest and easiest one.
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I know I can use force fields but those seem a bit out of reach in terms of energy.

Then setup an intelligence system rig that uses the energy as efficiently as possible such as it's set to only turning itself on when they are within range/base begins to take damage. Since you have Magnetic Engines, make a couple of max size steel Railcraft tanks and hook up your lava supply line(s) to it top valve to filler them up! Then you will need a butt load of those engines and hook them to up to the lava supply line from the "lava batteries". I know the controls may be a hassle to figure out at first but that force feild can be turned on as needed without requiring a full ridiculous energy amount. Let's take this for example

You have a Force Field setup that requires 45,000 RF per tick, you may be saying "yea so a lava bucket would only run that for 4 ticks or I would need a constant lava supply of 250mb per tick just to keep it working!!". That what you may think but I doubt that you need that much protection 24/7, all you need is have that energy supply long enough to defend your base until they are out of equipment/time to do so.
So let's say for instance for every 24 hours they will spend an average of an hour a day trying to destroy your base and they do it at about every 5 days. With this data we can plan out how much lava you would need to buffer for their moves. Here what we have accordingly to this example

Attacking every 120 hours cycles lasting 5 hours per cycle, so basically in 120 hours you need to have enough lava buffered (more if you can to better prepare for more damage) for at least 5 hours of constant power consumption of 45,000 RF per tick.

So let's do the math

1x5 (since a bucket of lava will run it for 4 ticks) which is 5 buckets per secound then..
5x60=300 so that is 300 buckets per minute then..
300x60 is 18,000 buckets per hour.. So to keep them at bay we will need..
18Kx5 is 90,000 lava buckets per attack cycle of 5 hours, now you will say.. (No way I have 100's of pumps at the nether to get that 18K lava per hour!!". Now remember in this instance the attack is every 120 hours so let's see how much lava you would actually need per hour to secure your base according to this data.
90,000/120= 750 buckets per hour, now let's see how much lava that is in per minute and per second to best effort to figure out the pump(s) you will need.
750/60= 12 and half buckets full every 60 seconds now already that doesn't sounds too bad right?
12500(converted to mb to get an accurate output)/60= ONLY 209 mb per 20 ticks (rounded up so that should makes up for the extra lava needed to power the pump(s))! A normal Buildcraft pump can pump 2 buckets per second (one full bucket per 10 ticks cycle) if supplied with 10Mj/t (one and half fully powered Magnetic engines) and that you can transfer that much lava. Slap a pair of liquid tesseracts and your good to go! Expect.. you will need to relocate the pump every time the nether lake that is pumping runs dry, so have a couple at the ready and you should be fine to relocate say like 3 daily instead of worrying about the one running dry so quickly.

So you see even a powerful contraption could be powered without necessarily "having" to have that amount of power at the ready day/night. The only drawback of this sort of plan is getting it's started because it sounds much better on "paper" than what's actually happens (like seriously who would actually attacks in defined cycles that I said here??). Then you keeping it up and running you can work on more powerful turn up and you can then be at the ready for longer hauls.
Make an Extra Utilities Unstable Ingot Block to see underground with and search for them.
Use Blood Magic's simple or advanced spell systems against them.
Send in an army of fully-upgraded thaumium golems.
Place an IC2 nuke at their general area.
Autospawn Mandrakes and Banshees.
Shoot a moon portal.
Do a barrel roll.
Use RoC's heat ray or freeze gun.
Witchery has many curses to use against them.
Hook up an Autonomous Activator to OpenBlocks' creeper/zombie/chicken trophies.
Make dirt rain with the OpenBlocks item cannon.
Be creative!
Oh, another fun weapon from Witchery, the Minedrake. Make a pitfall that sends them onto tilled farmland with Minedrake bulbs growing. Or just use some sort of dispenser to send out bulbs when they get too close to important locations.

Made from Mandrakes and a Creeper(and a few other things). They go boom, but don't damage terrain.
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Oh, another fun weapon from Witchery, the Minedrake. Make a pitfall that sends them onto tilled farmland with Minedrake bulbs growing. Or just use some sort of dispenser to send out bulbs when they get too close to important locations.

Made from Mandrakes and a Creeper(and a few other things). They go boom, but don't damage terrain.
The problem with them is that the enemy could easily just pick up the bulbs, then use them against OP.
The problem with them is that the enemy could easily just pick up the bulbs, then use them against OP.
True, but that's why you deploy them in a 1 block tall area a few blocks deep. They deploy and then the run at the nearest target. Prevent the player from knowing they exist and shit gets rekt. Tripwires and dark rooms make for great trapped rooms. People often wise up to it, though. A IR Laser Tripwire is a powerful thing, and totally possible. And even if one can't find a mod with them one can still make "wireless" tripwires with some mods already out.
True, but that's why you deploy them in a 1 block tall area a few blocks deep. They deploy and then the run at the nearest target. Prevent the player from knowing they exist and shit gets rekt.

And yeah, I know how they work, I just wrote an extensive article on them this afternoon

Another problem is that they could also try to target OP, instead of the enemy.

And yeah, I know how they work, I just wrote an extensive article on them this afternoon

Another problem is that they could also try to target OP, instead of the enemy.
They could, but that's why you use them so that when they deploy, you aren't near them, but your foe is. Just play it safe with 'em, and so long as you know where the traps in your base are, you are safe.
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I do not wish to expand my power in more magmatic engines. I think it is quite a nuisance to replace the pumps. I do have a good steve carts farm going and some production of biomass. What energy do you think is best to use in the long run?
Move your base into the sky using inverted skyblocks at the floor (outer) and walls have a inner linning of a block like double compressed cobble or somthing resistant that way it's resistant and you don't lag from the skyblocks render
WAY too easy to see
The sky blocks are easy to see. At night especially, during the day there is a disruption in the sky.
Umm... no. He's referring to these things, whose textures mimic the sky behind them almost exactly. At least, the inverted ones do, if you keep them away from any redstone signals. So, if you build a base in the air with these blocks beneath the floor and outside the walls, you'll be really hard to see from the ground, because the blocks blend into the sky.
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