Why is this even in the modpack AND enabled by default?
Why is this even in the modpack AND enabled by default?
strange, usually it works other way around...This is easy
In singleplayer: If you dont like it dont use it.
In multiplayer: If you dont like it disable it.
while its true, why players should even be bothered to disable mods? its no like they have compatibility issue when server doesnt have some mods.From a server admin point of view its much easier to get people to disable a mod from the launcher then to get people to download and add in a mod. So I would rather them add the mods and let us admins decide if they should be used or not. Not everyone is playing on a server designed for advanced users. Some people play casually and dont even want to work hard at stuff but want to play with others. IMO flexibility is always superior.
oh my... a butthurt thread again? i think i should drop to a level of GT fanboys and say:"dont like it? dont use it"
it`s that simple.
That is because Greg has a very different understanding of Balance then you do. In his opinion, even Vanilla Mechanics are highly OP. Due to that, he nerfs them.Because it's a good mod and it's fun. Why else?
The difference between the "OP" Dartcraft and the "manly mod for manly people such as me" GregTech is that one of them doesn't force itself down your throat.
See above, but Feedback is the key to balancing out a pack after the beta, right? I dont want to turn this topic into an insane shitstorm.Here's my personal take on the DartCraft thing, as it really clicked during slow's stream the other day when he was starting his new Unleashed world and bee-lined through Dartcraft stuff.
What Dartcraft does and does well is supplant the early-mid and mid game, rushing you up to the "end game". Unleashed, like Ultimate, is one of the packs that is great for building large systems and immense, complex contraptions. You only get into that part of the game once you've gotten through the "traditional Minecraft experience": digging tunnels, smelting ores, finding diamonds, etc. If extension of or even a total change of perspective for the early game is what you're looking for, I would suggest you check out the Unhinged, Magic Farm, or Ultra Hard Survival (private pack code: UHS) packs in the launcher, as they all have much more robust takes on the "survival" part of Minecraft.
Thing here is, alot of DartCraft's Functionalitys are extremly unique, as the Looting/Fortune IV things.
What Dartcraft doesn't usually do is outclass every mod at what it does best. The armor is pretty nifty, yes, but MPS armor is either more powerful or more versatile in the categories in which they compete. The tools are great, but the second tier of Tinker's Construct has really brought forward strong contenders. Force Engines are amazing early on, but they can't touch my bee-powered liquid fuel 36HP boilers. Whenever there's an overlap in functionality, DartCraft is generally either a mere alternative or second/third best.
Here is a List in the Undisputeable "Best-In-Slot" Dartcraft Items:
- Force Mitts (extreme Sapling dropchance)
- Force Buff Rods with Repair (Endless Potions)
- Rod of Return
- Looting on Armor / Bleeding on Armor (applies even when you use weapons)
- Custom Looting Code on Armor enabling multidrops from all kinds of stuff you normally don't get any bonuses from [wool from sheep, netherstars, etc.]
- Looting IV / Fortune IV and Sharpness X make the best weaponry in the Game damage wise (56-ish hit on a Cow)
- Power Drill is a Tool that mines twice as much as the Hammer, can easily get Fortune IV, can easily get Silk Touch and uses Low electricity.
- 40 Slot Force Bags with proper Cards make a vastly increased storing and sorting capability
- Force shears can shear sheep and cows
Then it adds functionality other mods don't really handle. You could say the Rod of Return competes with Mystcraft intra-linking following books, except you can't make following books legitimately at the moment. The Force Wrench, though, is the true standout item here. If the mod just added that, I would personally want it in every tech pack (it may need an improved opportunity cost/resource cost, granted).
I grant you that point.
There are of course some holes. I think the "buff stick" Rods are rather crazy, especially when paired with Repair. The high level of Fortune/Looting stacking from enchants makes it a go-to "last hit" weapon for those who want to min-max drops. And the Loot Bags absolutely need tuning. But this seems to be stuff Bluedart is working on, so in the long term I'm not flipping out and in the short term I have to point something out: Unleashed at this point is still a beta pack and not a full release pack, balance is very definitely not certified.
Here's my personal take on the DartCraft thing, as it really clicked during slow's stream the other day when he was starting his new Unleashed world and bee-lined through Dartcraft stuff.
What Dartcraft does and does well is supplant the early-mid and mid game, rushing you up to the "end game". Unleashed, like Ultimate, is one of the packs that is great for building large systems and immense, complex contraptions. You only get into that part of the game once you've gotten through the "traditional Minecraft experience": digging tunnels, smelting ores, finding diamonds, etc. If extension of or even a total change of perspective for the early game is what you're looking for, I would suggest you check out the Unhinged, Magic Farm, or Ultra Hard Survival (private pack code: UHS) packs in the launcher, as they all have much more robust takes on the "survival" part of Minecraft.
What Dartcraft doesn't usually do is outclass every mod at what it does best. The armor is pretty nifty, yes, but MPS armor is either more powerful or more versatile in the categories in which they compete. The tools are great, but the second tier of Tinker's Construct has really brought forward strong contenders. Force Engines are amazing early on, but they can't touch my bee-powered liquid fuel 36HP boilers. Whenever there's an overlap in functionality, DartCraft is generally either a mere alternative or second/third best.
Then it adds functionality other mods don't really handle. You could say the Rod of Return competes with Mystcraft intra-linking following books, except you can't make following books legitimately at the moment. The Force Wrench, though, is the true standout item here. If the mod just added that, I would personally want it in every tech pack (it may need an improved opportunity cost/resource cost, granted).
The Power Drill is nice enough, but the MPS glove is far, far more versatile. You have to carry a full menagerie of items to meet that threshold of functionality, and it still lacks in places.