DarkUSA's Server |1.4.6| MindCrack GregTech Edited |16+ Whitelist

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
DarkUSA's FTB Server
Running off of VortexServers.com with 30 Slots​
This is a friendly, casual server I have been running just for friends for a little while and have decided to open it up a bit more. We are all relatively new to FTB and are encouraging new players to join up so we can learn together. This is a world started on 12/23 so it is very fresh. We plan on swapping to the ultimate pack once it releases, but will be keeping the current world.​
General Rules
No Griefing or Stealing​
No PVP except in defense of home​
Must posses common sense, i.e. don't cheat, abuse, or harass.​
Do not build in an area that may be someone elses, when in doubt, ask.​
I don't plan on babying the server. Do not come into this server expecting fancy things, it's simply a place for you to be creative and explore with other people. If you act like responsible adults have at it. Act out and don't plan on staying long.​
Server Specific Settings
-Easy difficulty​
-Gregtech expensive recipes disabled (except nuke)​
-Everything else is default​
To Apply
In-Game Name​
Minecraft and Mod Experience​
Sounds like fun!​
In-Game Name: Ashen92​
Age: 20​
Minecraft and Mod Experience: I started playing Minecraft when it was in Alpha. I started playing with mods around 6 months ago. I originally started with Tekkit and found FtB about 3 months ago and I have been loving it.

I want to join a server where I can have fun and play with other people who enjoy the game as well.​
In-Game Name; RaId3rZz
Age; 16
Minecraft and Mod Experience; I have played Minecraft since Alpha 1.2, and have played Tekkit for like 2 months, I made the migration to FTB about 3 weeks ago or so, because Tekkit is outdated and there are no SMP servers to play on that arent over populated.
Hey me and my room mate would love to join you!

In-Game Name: arenpeterson and hartz_01
Ages: 22 and 22
Minecraft and Mod Experience: We've been playing Minecraft for quite a while, and FTB for about a month or two.

We'll most likely be working together but will help anyone who needs!
In-Game Name: math0ne
Age: 30
Minecraft and Mod Experience: Tons, I know how to play with all the mods and how to make some complicate machinery. I love to help people out who have problems. I can build nice structures and houses.
In-Game Name: TheDarkTriad
Age: 18
Minecraft + mod experience: Minecraft since alpha days, started mods/FTB a little over a month ago. Can't get enough!
In-Game Name: mjh410
Age: 31
Experience: I've been playing Minecraft for almost a year now. I have been playing FTB for about 2-3 months, prior to that I was playing Technic or Tekkit quite a lot, so I do have some experience with the 3 big mods, Buildcraft, IC, and Redpower.

Looking for a fun server to get ideas to help my own creativity and learn more about the other mods I haven't done much with in the FTB pack.
In-Game Name: richguy421 (My god I despise this name, it was a name I made around ~2 1/2 years again and it's reminiscent of my runescape days which I shudder to think about, I plan on getting a name change when I can afford to buy minecraft again)
Age: 17
Experience: I've been playing Minecraft since the alpha, modded Minecraft for about 1 1/2 years, tekkit/technic pack for a month or two, and FTB for a good month now. I know pretty much every mod, though I sometimes have problems crafting later IC2 machines as I dislike long crafting sessions. I really want to learn how to use computercraft in all of its intricacies and this server sounds like the perfect place to do it.
Applying for me and two friends i'll play with.
In-Game Name - Jeddac, Agent8910, Ch1ck3nbutt
Age- 18, 16, 17
Minecraft and Mod Experience - Other two played Tekkit servers alot and have had experience with most of the mods, i'm a noob at the majority of the mods, so i'd like to expand on my non-existant knowledge on everything aside making a macerator dump its results in a chest.
In-Game Name: dbcooper25
Age: >40
Experience: I've been playing Tekkit for bout a year. New to FTB but do have some experience with Buildcraft, IC, and Redpower - experience just stuck in lack of tekkit updates....

I am looking for a mature server that i can expand my knowledge of the mods and hang with other adults
IGN: Kirarara
Age: 23
Experience: Been playing with the tech-suite of mods for years now, and FTB specifically since it was first launched.
In-Game Name: PixelBlocker​
Age: 16 years​
Minecraft and Mod Experience: I play minecraft since alpha. I have a lot of experience with mods. I started playing mods way before tekkit.​
I hosted little private servers on my computer for me and my friends but that got bored. I wanna meet more people and have fun.​
Minecraft and Mod Experience: I've played vanilla MC for a long time, but I don't know exactly how long it was, probably 2 or 3 years.
I played a bit FTB singleplayer and figured out some nice BC and IC stuff, but I don't know much about other mods to be honest (maybe someone could show me some stuff when I've set up a basic hole :) )
In-Game Name: gameman​
Age: 17​
Minecraft and Mod Experience: I've been playing minecraft since the indev stage (actually a little before it). and I know the basics of the modpack (I think I got about 50 hours experience in the modpack) and watched a lot of videos, I don't know any in-depth mod stuffs, but much to learn! If I don't know something, I will try to look it up, maybe ask it :)
In-Game Name : cheeze2000​
Age : 16​
Minecraft and Mod Experience : I've had minecraft for the longest time, and while I have not played much ftb I was quite into tekkit during its heyday. I have also watched a fair few ftb videos​
IGN: Its_MaGiiK
Age: 16
Experience: A lot of Minecraft experience and know enough FTB to know what to do.
Age: 17
Minecraft & Mod Experience: Been playing Vanilla Minecraft SMP since 1.0.0. As for FTB, I am new to it. However, I am very familiar with most of the core mods. I used Tekkit for a long time but when this came out, I switched over.

~Looking forward to being a part of this community~
In-Game Name: Rimtare​
Age: 20​
Minecraft and Mod Experience: Been playing FTB since the start. I know most of the mods from my years with Tekkit (although I would never go back). Have worked on both single player worlds and servers with some friends. Happy to help with anything.​