DarkUSA's FTB Server | [1.4.2] FTB BETA Pack A | Whitelist

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
DarkUSA, I went through a portal gun and it teleported me into a wall and I suffocated. Would you mind giving a refund on JUST 2 of my valuable items? :3
In-Game Name got1ssues​
Age 17​
Minecraft and Mod Experience Tekkit, Minecraft since beta​
What you like to do best in Minecraft: finding ways to produce free power​
In-Game Name: Recer75
Age: 20
Minecraft and Mod experience: I have played Minecraft sins the early Alfa and have hosted many different servers. ( Clasic, Vanila, Hmod, Bukkit, Tekkit ). I still Run the Tekkit server.
What you like to do best in Minecraft: I like the freedom to do whatever i want and to form a universe in my image.
In-Game Nick: NimeniAltu666
Age: 16
Minecraft and Mod Experience: not much with minecraft, lots with Modded Minecraft
What you like to do best in Minecraft: Mods heh!
In-Game Name nascar240
Age 14
Minecraft and Mod Experience ive played minecraft for 2.5 years and tekkit/ftb for 3 months.
What you like to do best in Minecraft Play ftb mulitplayer servers so i can see everybody elses cool creations :D
In-Game Name: giovanni_pr​
Age: 18​
Minecraft and Mod Experience: MC since beta and tekkit like 5 months​
What you like to do best in Minecraft: build moded machines​
In-Game Name: SooperValar​
Age: 25​
Minecraft and Mod Experience: Played Since Early Beta, and Played Tekkit for a while befor FTB​
What you like to do best in Minecraft: Become Self Sufficient along with others so we can all help one another reach the end game content.​
In-Game Name TheFoxGoesMoo​
Age 15​
Minecraft and Mod Experience Been playing the Vanilla game since Beta, no real mod experience except Tekkit.​
What you like to do best in Minecraft Build and play with others.​
IGN: ATXKMinecraft
Age: 13
Minecraft and Mod experience: I have played minecraft since beta 1.8 and i used to play tekkit but saw minecrafted playing FTB so I decided to switch to it cos it was 1.4 so i wanted to play it.
What you like to do best in Minecraft: I like building redstone stuff and using components of mods to make factories and machines.
IGN: monty58​
Age: 14​
Minecraft and Mod Experience: I've been playing since 1.7.3, and I'm good at buildcraft and IC@, I can even make a diamond factory. I can make some basic programs with computercraft. I know how to use steves carts and I am good with railcraft. I played with the old FTB when it was some modded world on the minecraft forums. I also used tekkit until I found out what they do.​
What you like to do best in Minecraft: the constant updates and the fact that mojang listens to the community so much. In game I like making redstone stuff and building things.​
IGN: WolfDoggg
Age- 15
Minecraft and Mod Experience- Been playing since 1.7.3beta, started getting into mods/IC2/BC at 1.8.1beta. Now experienced with most mods in ftb.
What I like to do best- Building stuff mod related.
In-Game Name: The_Music_Man​
Age: 14​
Minecraft and Mod Experience: Expirienced in IC2, BC3 (and most of its forks), nominal expirience in Lua and CC, and RP@ for what its worth.​
What you like to do best in Minecraft: Tech-y stuff​
IGN mcburgerbob
Age 14
Mod experience Played Tekkit, Technic, And yogbox for a while. Been playing FTB for about 3 days now. I have been playing Minecraft for about a year now.
What you like to do best in Minecraft Build and figure out machines.
IGN: Parker7771
Age: 17
Mod Experience: I have been playing Minecraft/Mods for around 5 years now & i know how to use most of the mods in depth, but it never hurts to learn more
What you like to do best in Minecraft: I like to figure out how to do new things or even the same thing different ways.
In-Game Name Lamp218​
Age 16​
Minecraft and Mod Experience Played Minecraft since the first Halloween update, feed the beast since 1.2.5 Insanity Map came out.​
What you like to do best in Minecraft I love the sandbox aspect. That there is any possibility on what you can do, make whatever you want, just have fun and be free to do as you will. Within the server rules, of course.​
in game name:xiles100

age: 12 but im used to EVERYTHING so age limit doesnt afeect me

mod experience:i have not put much time in to the mods but i have knoledge thanks to youtube and i can work well in game, i have been playing since 1.2.5

what i like: i like a little bit of everything so i dont really care

overall: im just looking for a fun server to play on and some good people to have fun with with, im very mature for my age and i think it would be fun