dark iron, steel and iridium.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey all, i been playing a while but im still trying to get used to the mods. I have searched but no i dont see
how to make dark iron. ME wont show me how t? make it either. I hear u can make steel without a
Blast furnace? and finally, when do u start finding iridium?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  • Dark Iron: You can make it with a wrath igniter. Simply place down some iron blocks in your world and light them up with the igniter. Be careful as it will burn its surrounding for a short time after it has finished burning the iron blocks to dark iron blocks.
  • Steel can curretnly only be made in a RC Blast Furnace, but with a newer GregTech version (for 1.4.5) you will also be able to make it without the railcraft blast furnace.
  • Iridiunm: You can already find it if you have GregTech enabled, it is incredible rare!! If not you need to make it with UU-Matter.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Dark Iron is made by igniting an Iron block with a Wraith Igniter. These igniters are made with Netherbrick and a Diamond Shard, courtesy of Factorization: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1351802-145-factorization-073-polished/ (look in the Wrath section). The block will turn into a Dark Iron block, which can then be turned into Dark Iron Ingots.

The new Blast Furnace is a GregTech addon, the Industrial Blast Furnace (edit: not yet in the current build of FTB). It still is a Blast Furnace, it just operates differently (such as using EU rather than Coal Coke or Charcoal). As for Iridium, to my knowledge it is generated at near any height in the Minecraft world, in small amounts per chunk. Your best (if slow) bet is to start up a quarry since it can appear in any layer (again, to my knowledge, as I've yet to find any myself) while working on other things.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
As for Iridium, to my knowledge it is generated at near any height in the Minecraft world, in small amounts per chunk. Your best (if slow) bet is to start up a quarry since it can appear in any layer (again, to my knowledge, as I've yet to find any myself) while working on other things.

It should only be ONE single block. The chance depends on the settings of the server/client. By default it is about 1 block every 5 chunks :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It should only be ONE single block. The chance depends on the settings of the server/client. By default it is about 1 block every 5 chunks :)
No wonder I haven't found any. (Then again, why would I go hunting when playing around in creative mode to test things in prep for a more full release? ;) )


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ah i c... But u need so much to make advanced stuff 0_0. And i actually found ONE iridium and it was in the nether!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yea, once you get a matter fab/mass fab up and running though, you can make your own iridium. It requires a lot of work, but it definitely helps.

Also, if you can find the iridium, silk touch it and you can macerate it for 2 ore.

Once you're geared out sufficiently, the Nether is supposed to be great as it sticks out like a sore thumb, and chunks are a lot smaller.

For the dark Iron: The wrath fire will not burn out if it is surrounded by nether brick, and will not spread and light the area on fire. Build it just like a coke oven. Then, you just break a side piece out and place your iron block there. Rinse and repeat for a safe method of making it. Be careful though, if you aren't close enough to get the drop and it falls into the fire...it'll be destroyed.

I can also confirm that iridium ore is found essentially everywhere. I have found it at level 85, and at 10. I have heard it's anything from 99 and below.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Don't count on the nether for Iridium after FTB updates it's appearance there was a bug which is fixed in the latest versions of Gregtech.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am always shocked when I hear how rare Iridium Ore is since on a Mystcraft Age with one Dense Ore I can find 4 in a group and find that every 20 min of mining.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That's hardly a surprise. Mystcraft lets you get anything instantly. The mod essentially trivializes resource gathering as much as EE2 did, especially if you use the mod-author-recommended method of spawning a filled notebook in to get access to all symbols.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
arg... yet another question... what drops diamond shards? again ME has no info on it and google failed...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
arg... yet another question... what drops diamond shards? again ME has no info on it and google failed...
Diamonds shards are crafted not mined they are from Factorisation and made in a craftpacket stamper from an item which contains diamonds and TNT, best bet is to check the Factorisation thread on the MC forums.

Darlock Ahe

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That's hardly a surprise. Mystcraft lets you get anything instantly. The mod essentially trivializes resource gathering as much as EE2 did, especially if you use the mod-author-recommended method of spawning a filled notebook in to get access to all symbols.

Have you seen new instability mechanics? It's anything but trivial now.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Dense ores will always make a mystcraft world unstable.

unstable worlds give random maluses like hunger, weakness, nausea, fatigue and slowness.

unstable worlds may also have random explosions (meteorite strikes), tons of lightning (none that will hit a lightning rod) and most famously, corruption!

Corruption with spread from block to block, turning those blocks into corruption blocks. Every once in a while corruption will remove itself from the world and drag every block above it down by 1 block. Great big craters form on corrupted worlds, bedrock isn't safe from this either. If you don't mine your dense ores fast enough your mine will literally fall apart from under you, leaving you floating in the infinite void. Note that corruption doesn't spread through air. I don't know if corruption only comes from originally spawned blocks or if bits of it can randomly appear, but if it's the former then floating castles in empty voids are a thing.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
And I'm pretty sure the Mystcraft mod author has never recommended turning off Instability, at least for single player worlds. Turning off the tedium of learning all the symbols is one thing. Turning off the mod's actually functional balance element is quite another, and I would definitely consider the latter a cheat except in the case of keeping server strain down.

So at least you put yourself in significant danger to have "anything instantly".

Edit: fixed a typo


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Dense ores will always make a mystcraft world unstable.

unstable worlds give random maluses like hunger, weakness, nausea, fatigue and slowness.

unstable worlds may also have random explosions (meteorite strikes), tons of lightning (none that will hit a lightning rod) and most famously, corruption!

Corruption with spread from block to block, turning those blocks into corruption blocks. Every once in a while corruption will remove itself from the world and drag every block above it down by 1 block. Great big craters form on corrupted worlds, bedrock isn't safe from this either. If you don't mine your dense ores fast enough your mine will literally fall apart from under you, leaving you floating in the infinite void. Note that corruption doesn't spread through air. I don't know if corruption only comes from originally spawned blocks or if bits of it can randomly appear, but if it's the former then floating castles in empty voids are a thing.

Just a couple tweaks to that.

Spontaneous Explosions and Meteorites are actually separate. This also means you can have both.

Spontaneous explosions are roughly creeper sized explosions that occur randomly. Meteorite strikes are massive meteors that plow into the ground exhuming a massive hole ( something like 25-50 blocks in diameter )...and leaves behind a bunch of ores as well.

What you described as "Corruption" is "Black Decay". That's the only one of the decays that behaves that way. The others will not remove everything. I don't remember all of the colors, but I do know white deals damage to anything walking on it.

You are correct that a floating castle is safe from Black Decay ( Unless this was changed). This is actually why explosions, meteorites, and sun burning were added.

Other Decays however can definitely appear in air, when next to existing decay. So, they can't appear in the middle of the sky, but they can grow out of the already corrupted ground, eventually making it to your castle.

It should also be noted that you can destroy decay fairly easily, so if it's slow enough you can usually keep it at bay for quite a long time.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, I have had plenty of experience with the horrible instability mechanics, mostly the meteors. But I got lucky with one that has spontaneous combustion and weakness potions, so just going underground stops any negative effects. Can't get much more lucky then that.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, I have had plenty of experience with the horrible instability mechanics, mostly the meteors. But I got lucky with one that has spontaneous combustion and weakness potions, so just going underground stops any negative effects. Can't get much more lucky then that.

At least so far as you know:) Decay has a nasty habit of not appearing for a long time, then poof. You see your first block. Then 10. Then 500. Then your age is gone:(


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, had a boss Mushroom age that fell apart back in 1.2.5, But had EE2 back then so just ported away whenever I had trouble. But I always carry a linkbook with me in Mystcraft ages to get away from the Decay fast, so I should not run into any issues.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That sounds so scary, maybe add in Star Fissures so you have a very slim chance to escape the destruction of the world.