Cyclical Infinite Power-Resouce Gathering

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Jul 29, 2019
I have a couple of problems when trying to play tech mods. Perhaps the forum can help me out?

The first is simple: I have too much power and nothing to do with it. I'd like to pump my power into somewhere and do something with it. This seems to happen no matter which combination of tech mods I play, assuming the second problem doesn't happen...

When I do manage to get rid of my power, it goes somewhere like Minefactory Reloaded. A different problem arises: I have too many resources. It's not as simple as taking all of the resources and building with them, or even providing an entire server with things to use. There isn't much difference between creative mode and modded minecraft at this point; I'd like to keep resources valuable.

To sum the problem up: I have too much power or too much automated resources. Perhaps both.

I'd like somewhere to sink my power into, but it has to be a true sink and not transferring problems. I don't mind if it takes a resource sink, another power sink, and a boatload of progression to make it happen. I don't want to automate vanilla processes either - ore processing is done with hoppers and furnaces. Give me somewhere to use this excess please?
Try making a fully upgraded ender quarry from Extra Utils, DireWolf20 uploaded a video of it

I would suggest using thee max upgrades for (ie world hole, speed, and fortune) It will get you resources fast and use a ton of power. You also can make more of these if you need to use up more power.
That is my suggestion But You could just make a full out AE system for each mod.
Quarries are a prime example of trading problems: You're pumping all the power you can get into it and getting a gazillion resources that you could never use. There's way too much metal, gems, and other underground resources like that. Where does all the iron and redstone go?
Grats! You're one of that pepole who don't understand all essence of tech mods: there is always not enough energy and resources when you use them! Try to build sometheng big and cool with useless blocks/convert useless items into blocks. Why you need more machines, when you have loads of junk now? Energy? I dunno lol, try not to charge batteries.
My power sinks:
TE cosmetic block generation: Sand/Sandstone/Smooth sandstone/chisseled sandstone/cobblestone/mossy cobble stone/stone/stone bricks/cracked stone bricks/mossy stone bricks.
TE ore processing: Utilizing slag and rich slag aswell as cinnabar. Turning thaumcrafts cinnebar ore into TE cinnebar and using the slag to create clay.
Buildcraft: Builder. Why build that citty wall myself when the builder can do it for me. Allowing me to make a metropolis instead of a town. Besides, how else to use all those blocks I just made? :D
Enhanced Portals: Because nether portals are just to messy.
TE machine speed upgrades, not for ore processing though, I like extra's.
Applied energistics: Store all the things. Very Power hungry, especially if you use import/export busses for everything without thinking.

MFR rant:
I personally play without MFR, because it just makes everything to easy. Mine for a few minutes and you have a treefarm providing infinite energy. Slowly upgrade that treefarm with different types of trees and that single treefarm becomes a lategame self sustaining powersource of roflcopter (dont forget the saplings ==> biofuel). Use the sludge to generate cosmetic blocks (I reaaaaaly like this mechanic!!!). Pump that extra power into a laser drill and you never need to mine again. Another great MFR powersink is the autospawner. Spawn all the mobs for infinite drops. The only "hard" part is getting those 4 ender pearls and capture an enderman. But once you have that...

Maybe MFR could be more balanced if the energy cost of the harvester was equal to the amount returned in charcoal when harvesting trees. And maybe if the laser drill required a rare world generation block (wich they need to be placed above) so you cant spam them would reduces the "I have everything now!" effect. And maybe if the grinders didnt loot player only loot could the spawner be more balanced. And it could probably do with less range upgrades aswell, make everything just that bit more expensive.
Some mods like Ender IO have blocks to give you a protected area around your base, like an extra utilities magnum torch, only it uses quite a bit of power.

Other solution is to stop overbuilding your power supplies. If you know you will never use it, why produce so much? Most of the power people make is used for ore processing and you said you don't want to do that, so what do you build so much power gen for?
I never need a power sink myself, since I increase my power as I need it. I rarely make more than I can use, other than charging a small bit of storage.
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I'd like somewhere to sink my power into, but it has to be a true sink and not transferring problems. I don't mind if it takes a resource sink, another power sink, and a boatload of progression to make it happen.

This might come off as bad taste; but Gregtech actually fits that description rather well.
A second recommendation would be RotaryCraft and the associated ReactorCraft based paraphernalia.​

If you don't mind a world reset; have a look at Custom Ore gen mod, and set the ores for a biome based distribution- so you'll never have everything under you in 1 go, and quarries won't give you everything in 1 pass. Switching out for Railcraft's poor ores is also a good option.
Per Fabia Ad Astra: Geologica is a pre-configured mod using COG; worth checking out in itself.

Though without a modpack/mod list we're shooting in the dark here- can you help us out?
The main thing you're going to want to do with huge amounts of resources is massive building projects. All those gems/metals you got? Install Chisel and Carpenter's Blocks to make them look nicer so they can be used too. Chisel does have worldgen by default (limestone and marble) but that can be disabled if you want. Rube Goldbergs are also a notable option.
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AE2 isn't big enough to be your sink, but it's one of the few mods that "gets it". The passive power drain to maintain the network is a great incentive to keep the power flowing uninterrupted. Switch to AE2 for your primary power/item/fluid transmission, and the maintenance cost goes higher along with the cost of the network going down. Use it to light your base; more constant power drain for something you take for granted.

Hmm, are there more mods that follow in those footsteps?
*lurk mode off*

Disclaimer: What you read is based on observation of what MDyio is saying and showing on streams so i might be mistaken here, also for a simple answer to first post skip spoiler.

Those that saw your previous thread know that u like Factorio tech style and would love to see tech mods do same thing but i do feel that u didn't tough that through and cant really pinpoint whats that "thing". well if u strip both MC and Factorio to its core engaging elements u will get something like that:
MC: get materials, convert them instantly, build with them.
Factorio: get materials, wait for converting, build.
Converting(or more common "crafting") is only difference in terms of game design between those two( of course only on if we look on that plane) and that difference between creating an impulse to automate anything. in Factorio we have time constrains on every single object that we could possibly create, from 0.1s to 5s or even more, if u add need to create tons and tons of items to get single puzzle piece you get a very big incentive to automate it, to convert as much as possible in as short time as possible. In Minecraft tho thats not really possible. No matter how much you put effort in creating a converting reason( for eg. making a 5-10 step crafting chains) you cant really add time constrain that would change from "omg i have to craft that damn thing again" to " crap i need more of this thing and i might need even more in future, better setup a chain for it" as you would have to change a core game design,something that not even TFC or GT do. And theres one more thing, in MC crafting gives you an instant gratification of effort on basis that you need x, you craft it, but theres no gratification for preparing for future like in Factorio, where prime example would be a simple circuit crafting- u can go small on start and then try and squeeze in more when u need it, more often than not redesigning whole area to fit in more crafting, or go big straight away knowing that u will need it in future. In end u don't really need auto crafting in MC as much as in Factorio and because of that only things left are mining and building.

In short you wont find what your looking for no matter what mods u will be suggested as core platform mechanic does not allow for that, u can get close to it tho.

Aforementioned GT,even if it feel tedious, is exactly what your looking for: constant power draw crafting and not only on operation; a tiered more linear progress and a compelling reason to actually create a factory-like contraptions with items flowing everywhere and creating for what might be needed in bulks in future. And its said from someone who really dislike "road" GT took after 1.4.7. Outside of that theres not much as parts of certain mods that could posibly be a item/energy sinks for eg.: Railcraft locomotive is item sink for coal and water, and with addition of electric locomotive u can sink in power too, for travel and resource transfer, a force field mods are power sinks, with Calclavia version being able to move blocks around, build and break various shapes etc., IC2 teleporters are energysink for instant travel, or even a simple electric boat it adds, not always usefull but still sink. I think Electricraft could be called a sink mod but last time i checked it for me it was more a lighting mod than anything else.And keep out of AE or any easy crafting like mods, they kill all need for factories that u want.

i'm open to critics on this one and showing me a flaws in my analysis so yea:p hope it helps a bit
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*Reads thread*
*looks at tag*
*get's puzzled*

Really it's like seeing a cop ponder what to do about a crime being committed in front of them...
Gregtech + Rotarcraft = More resource drain than you could possibly ever concieve of. Seriously, they will eat through your resources like they dont exist.
Gregtech + Rotarcraft = More resource drain than you could possibly ever concieve of. Seriously, they will eat through your resources like they dont exist.
I've found that RotaryCraft and GregTech shouldn't be in a pack together, unless RotaryCraft's machines are mega-nerfed. Often times I'll find myself using RotaryCraft because it's much less crafting/resources/building/work than setting up GregTech equivalents.

For example: Free smelting with RotaryCraft, or should I spend a week post-mining making an electric furnace that uses fuel with GregTech?
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my exact problem with tech mods and alike... at one point you get so efficient with everything that you hit that wall and don't know what to do anymore
when I reach that point I throw the idea of being efficient out the window and try to make builds that look really cool and interesting to look at, but are far from being efficient
This problem has been known for years...

Power generation has always been out of scale of power usage. Gathering resources is just a side effect of that, but with resources, resources are too common by default. I'm working on a pack that has roughly 4x less ores but the "gaps" filled with poor ores (so equal, or more manual mining at the start) and slightly more expensive crafting resources. Just a delaying measure until you hit that point of "what do I do with all this stuff?"

The key thing is that ALL mods are impossible to balance in a world of basically infinite resources, you can only slow down how fast you get to having all the resources available.
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