Sorry I haven't posted any pictures today. I've been busy with work. In fact I'm here now... at my desk
So I have about half the top dome finished in stone. The current plan is to finish it in stone and exchange the stone for warded glass. I'm concerned about the appearance difference. The idea was I would have a layer of cursed earth coming from drawbridges near the top of the top dome. using fans I would blow them off the ce platform and they would fall on conveyer belts and then eventually be routed down to the center tube. the different ledges would have different layers to them. The 2nd layer may be coarse dirt, the third layer smooth stone, maybe an ore here or there. Finally down to sand and funneled into the center. The ritual of suffering would then kill them and collect the blood.
Aestetically, the plan is to have the side of the bottom dome broken on one side in a jagged pattern. I was going to have glass floating in a random pattern as if the side had broken. The bottom of the bottom dome would have sand in it that has poured to the side and mostly out the hole. The sand should be suspended in mid air (yeah for ender facades lol). I was planning on making two egyptian oblisks standing tall in the dome flanking a smaller smooth stone step that goes all the way up the center of the alter. The steps and parts of the alter would be covered by sand.
The alter is to be decked out in purple fantasy block and I'm looking for a tan accent that isn't smooth stone. Though I haven't looked at chisels smooth stone options.
The glass I'm considering changing as the thick glass doesn't give... it's like it isn't there but I don't know. I want to add carpenter's slopes and try and it give it a rounder look. I realize this will require rounding out the bottom and the inside of the dome some more.
I'm planning on rounding out the knobs on the arms. I'm also considering replacing the materials of the knobs. I'm leaning towards adorning though rather than replacement. I'm going to add slopes to the edges of the wooden top and bottom to give it a straight line rather than jagged since it is built on an angle and minecraft no likey angles lol.
The rest will have various strips and things added to the corners and edges to give further definition. this will be in a much lighter stone material as to add contrast in the detail. I am also planning on switching out key blocks for glowstone painted as blocks so I can remove the blood magic light sources so there's not red dots everywhere lol.