Whitelist Server CrystalCraft [Ultimate] [Current FTB Launcher] [Whitelist] [18+] [13 Slots]

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Hi Celonic, I was just wandering if my application was denied or if it was missed. Either way no problem, would just like to know if I need to keep looking for a home. Thanks.
Just missed you, ill whitelist you asap.[DOUBLEPOST=1369268127][/DOUBLEPOST]
In Game Name: joostmakaay
Age: 17 (18 in 2 days)
Do you have Raidcall: Yes, but i'm not very experienced using it. My microphone isn't that high quality either.
Would you be willing to get it: Already got it so no. :)
Experience with FTB(or similar mods): Not much, i know the basics.
Reason that you want to join: Bored of playing on childish servers, where admins always hang around in creative mode and not play the game themselves. This server looks good for me due the +18 and i like the Ultimate modpack because its a bit harder then other ones.
What can you bring to the server: Don't know yet, i won't rage if im getting pranked or something. Im pretty active since i can play games at school. I'm pretty skilled with photoshop too.
Any other info you want: Nope.

Ill whitelist you asap
In Game Name:LittleRock9999
Age:15.....16 this year (more mature than your average teen)
Do you have Raidcall: yes
Would you be willing to get it: N/A
Experience with FTB(or similar mods):familiar with all the mods know the ins and outs of several, willing to learn more as time progresses
Reason that you want to join:no good servers and after watching nelskins stream i have come here to register
What can you bring to the server:a friendly face, great banter and a great knowledge of FTB
Any other info you want:
i know the server is for 18's and over but i assure you i am very mature. i have been told that alot of people say that to get thier own way but given the chance im sure i will prove you otherwise. i respect any and all response due to my age not reaching the required one. i have been involved with many tekkit,voltz and ftb servers. me and an old friend run many servers across many modpacks all doing seemingly well so i believe i could be a great addition to what seems to be an already thriving server :) hope to hear a reply.
In Game Name: jameszh
Age: 16 (this is actually my actual age!!! If u don't believe, skype me)
Do you have Raidcall: Yup!
Would you be willing to get it: Of course
Experience with FTB(or similar mods): I've been playing FTB for 2 years, from ftb 1.2.5 pyramid EE3 all the way to ftb ultimate 1.4.7.
Thoroughly played through almost all the tech mods like IC. RP. BC, and the new one: Thermal expansion + applied energetics.
Reason that you want to join: I really want to play with each other like a family. + interacting with each other + enjoying this awesome game and modpack
What can you bring to the server: I am gonna build a ton of cool looking buildings made of materials like Xycraft engineering block + inverted lamps and things. Also, i am going to help new guys who just started playing ftb. In fact, i have actually been a "wiki" in another server for quite some time already, and that server went down. It's called Cube empire. Lol.
Any other info you want: I just finished my game (achieved my end-game goals) in my SSP world.
I know everything about the tech mods like IC and BC.
That is basically it! I love to play on servers like this as well as being accepted to this community.
So, thank you for granting me this opportunity to come and apply for this server. ahah!

In Game Name: qscaxz2
Age: 12, but don't judge a book by it's cover! :)
Do you have Raidcall: No
Would you be willing to get it: If it increases my chances of getting on the server, yes
Experience with FTB(or similar mods): As much as Direwolf20 explains in his video (a.k.a I can work my way around most mods)
Reason that you want to join: I want to join a new server, and my friend Enki0 joined this server and recommended it. I admined his old server, so I trust he has a good view over servers and recommended this one. Also, I am not a hot-headed little kid and want to make a better name for us younger people
What can you bring to the server: I am a decent builder, and I can work my way with most mods. I also enjoy helping people, and making a difference in a server.
Any other info you want: Well this is more of a question - is Gregtech on hard recipes?
Celonic, the server crashed about 5 mins ago (10:35 pm CST). If your still up, might wanna reboot it lol.
The cows know their place in the food chain. Was trying to set up a furnace to cook the beef before going into a barrel. :(
In Game Name: SilkyPaws
Age: 32
Do you have Raidcall: No (I didn't know that it was till I googled :x)
Would you be willing to get it: If needed.
Experience with FTB(or similar mods): I don't really have any experience with the ultimate pack but I have played mindcrack for about 4 months or so.
Reason that you want to join: I'm looking for a fun and friendly server to play on.
What can you bring to the server: Well I like to think of myself as a very helpful person so I guess my time and any advice I can offer :)
Any other info you want:I'm pretty much a laid back person who can get along with anyone. I just want to play, learn and have fun like the rest of the ppl :)
In Game Name: sigge300
Age: 19
Do you have Raidcall: nope
Would you be willing to get it: sure
Experience with FTB(or similar mods): i have played whit ftb since it came out before that i moded my minecraft my self
Reason that you want to join:i want a server whit active players as the server i used to play at has no active players
What can you bring to the server: im a desent builder when i feel creative i know my way around most of the mods. so i can offer advices
Any other info you want: no not realy
In Game Name: Looch82
Age: 30
Do you have Raidcall: no
Would you be willing to get it: yes
Experience with FTB(or similar mods): I've played with the DW20 and Ultimate packs, I've also played with universal electricity so if that's ever put on the server I can answer most questions about it.
Reason that you want to join: I've run my own server for some time now but have had bad luck getting good people on, too many people lying about their age. I want to be on a server with older players and work well together.
What can you bring to the server: I have much experience with the technical mods( still learning gregtech ), very good at setting up nuke plants, I tend to do large builds and I'm fairly good at making things look good.
Any other info you want: I have a good friend I ran my old server with, he's on a break right now but when he gets back possibly getting him on the server as well, thanks.
In Game Name: littlelee211
Age: 18
Do you have Raidcall: Yes
Would you be willing to get it: n/a
Experience with FTB(or similar mods): 5 months I've played this game.
Reason that you want to join: I want to find a ftb server with a great community and people to talk to.
What can you bring to the server: I know quite a bit about redstone and I can always help with server projects.
Any other info you want: I hope to see you on the server.
In Game Name: Bob_Sack
Age: 21
Do you have Raidcall: Yes but no mic
Experience with FTB(or similar mods): Played FTB since beta pack A and knowledgeable of nearly every mod in Ultimate
Reason that you want to join: I like smaller servers with a mature trustable user-base, and the rules are lenient and fair which I'm a fan of
What can you bring to the server: I have vast knowledge of FTB and Vanilla, having played MC since alpha 1.2.6 and I enjoy community-based builds and generally helping others in the community
Any other info you want: I've been told I'm very creative and get complimented on almost all my builds, from the servers I've frequented in the past. I can be expected to play between 2 and 6 hours a day
In Game Name: IXMessyXI
Age: 19
Do you have Raidcall: No.
Would you be willing to get it: I would have to read up on what it is in the first place before hand..
Experience with FTB(or similar mods): Quite a bit of experience.
Reason that you want to join: Last server I was on was too laggy to deal with, I really would enjoy spending my many hours in the day on a working server which has minimal lag.
What can you bring to the server: I'm a mature, helping person. When I stand at a high point in the game (lots of resources, good Mystcraft ages, technical knowledge) I help people, as much as I can... or they will alow me, which ever comes first.
Any other info you want: All that up there^ Also, could you post or message me the server specs for the server you're hosting?
In Game Name: Drtro
Age: 19
Do you have Raidcall: Nope
Would you be willing to get it: Not really unless it's absolutely needed.
Experience with FTB(or similar mods): I am new to FTB though I've had prior experience with IC2 and AE. I was wanting to get into similar mods but can't really get them working together right. So I came across FTB.
Reason that you want to join: To learn more about the mods and have fun meeting new players.
What can you bring to the server: I'm not really sure on how to answer that. I'm not much of a "I want to be mod" kind of player. I like to venture off on my own and start my own establishment, then invite players to my new community.
Any other info you want: Skype is Drtro55
In Game Name:Lhamabomb
Do you have Raidcall:downloading.......
Would you be willing to get it: Next>Next>Next>Install! *ahem* I already have it...
Experience with FTB(or similar mods):Heavily fluent in CC, RP2 Efficient, Complete AE Sorting/processing/crafting system (had system programmed to 1-click ultimate hybrid solar panels)
Reason that you want to join: Previous server went belly up while i took a MC hiatus. And i just dont build as fancy on SSP as i do on MP.
What can you bring to the server: I have a pretty extensive knowledge of the different mods and am a pretty helpful person. I have had personal projects sit on hold for weeks while i helped others with their issues.
Any other info you want:gonna look after i click post but whats the deal with raidcall?