Whitelist Server CrystalCraft [Ultimate] [Current FTB Launcher] [Whitelist] [18+] [13 Slots]

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey all,


1) No stealing.
2) No Griefing
3) No Abusing Chunkloaders
4) Be nice to everyone
5) Have Fun

I just started a brand new FTB Ultimate server being hosted by Creeperhost. Im looking for players 18 or older to play.

I have a raidcall group set up for all of my gaming uses, and this server is one of them, its always up, so anyone who is accepting into the server will be able to use it when they deem fit.
If you stream or record to YT thats also fine, as long as you let your followers know its a private server, so that I dont receive lots of requests to join the server.

Currently no items are banned/restricted but if items like chunkloaders are becoming an issue I will first issue a warning, then if it continues i will remove the chunkloader/quarry.

Im paying for the server out of my own pocket, so I reserve the right to keep the server where everyone will get the most enjoyment out of it.

Heres the form i want you to fill out:

In Game Name:
Do you have Raidcall:
Would you be willing to get it:
Experience with FTB(or similar mods):
Reason that you want to join:
What can you bring to the server:
Any other info you want:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: Nelskinhd and Therivanking
Age: 19 and 18
Do you have Raidcall: no we dont
Would you be willing to get it: yes
Experience with FTB(or similar mods): we had our own server for some time but the time has ran off
Reason that you want to join: our server time had ran out so we are looking for a new server
What can you bring to the server: team skills and just 2 epic faces and gr8 people
Any other info you want: nah seems[DOUBLEPOST=1369065100][/DOUBLEPOST]i also have a few people from my server who would love to join too but if not XD


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: Nelskinhd and Therivanking
Age: 19 and 18
Do you have Raidcall: no we dont
Would you be willing to get it: yes
Experience with FTB(or similar mods): we had our own server for some time but the time has ran off
Reason that you want to join: our server time had ran out so we are looking for a new server
What can you bring to the server: team skills and just 2 epic faces and gr8 people
Any other info you want: nah seems[DOUBLEPOST=1369065100][/DOUBLEPOST]i also have a few people from my server who would love to join too but if not XD

Depending on how you guys do, ill definantly consider adding more of your players/friends.

Accepted and ill white list you both.

Just letting you know the server is brand new as of yesterday, and my plan for the first couple days/weeks was to build a good spawn, with basic machines that anyone can use for free, so that new players have a good starting point. If you want to help with this project go ahead, I'll be on later tonight(I work from 4-9 EST) and tomorrow.

edit: If you can try to get on now, and let me know if the whitelist works, that'd be awesome.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name:Bjowner (Worst Minecraft name ever right... i didn't pick it)
Do you have Raidcall:Nope
Would you be willing to get it:Can easily download it yes
Experience with FTB(or similar mods):Originally i started getting into modded minecraft with IC2 and it still remains my favourite mod i also used to play back when BC/IC2/RP2 only servers were common however i may not be too up-to-date with RP2 and too complex just yet but BC and IC2 i can get behind pretty good but forestry is a whole other thing for me sadly
Reason that you want to join:I want to join a server from the start hoping the server forges a great and friendly community and i saw this whitelist server and wanted to be part of it
What can you bring to the server:Usually i like to help people when i can and i'm casual
Any other info you want:I know i'm 17 and the restriction is 18+ but i'm very mature so i'd be glad if you chould make an exception for me if not just delete this application


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: TankoHidiki
Do you have Raidcall:yes
Would you be willing to get it: already have it
Experience with FTB(or similar mods): Tons of experience with most the mods started playing a FTB R2R style learned so much stuff from it in starting mods stuff.
Reason that you want to join: Looking for a new server to join up with.
What can you bring to the server: Anything Maybe some nice ideas of building something cool.
Any other info you want: Yes the secret to life if you have it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: NeuroticNinja
Age: 20
Do you have Raidcall: No, and I won't have a mic for a while either.
Would you be willing to get it: In a few months when I get a mic, probably.
Experience with FTB(or similar mods): Good experience with the mods before ftb, moderate experience 4 months ago and very little on the newest versions.
Reason that you want to join: Well, basically what's mentioned here - http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/threads/ninja-looking-for-a-new-home.21704/#post-266745
What can you bring to the server: My strikingly good looks and clever wit? In all seriousness there's not much I can say that other's won't; I won't grief, I'd be happy to help group/server builds, I'm generally a generous person and community is what I'm after.
Any other info you want: Where is the server located? When was the world generated / how developed is it? Basically my "shopping list" on the above link.
Hope to hear from you soon -


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: YasukiHumai
Age: 31
Do you have Raidcall: No
Would you be willing to get it: Yes, I can
Experience with FTB(or similar mods): 2 months FTB: focused on Thermal, Forestry, and Factorization
Reason that you want to join: I hate playing alone. . .
What can you bring to the server: I love building locations that are useful to everyone. Factories and farms that are open to allow everyone a chance to focus on what they enjoy most. For me it is building, I personally hate dungeon diving.
Any other info you want:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: frostblooded
Age:17 ( birthday in 2 months)
Do you have Raidcall: Yes I do
Would you be willing to get it: Have it
Experience with FTB(or similar mods): I am experimenting with FTB at the moment, I have seen many videos on it, but not really gotten into it yet. I have played all the other technic launcher mods since before there was even a launcher for it. I have played minecraft since early alpha.
Reason that you want to join: To have a small server of chill people and mostly to get away from that new mods Voltz!
What can you bring to the server: I bring my knowledge, experience, and friendliness. If you have seen the yogscast, I am kind of like ridgedog,(as I build on his server the Voxelbox for a year). I can be a lone wolf or a team-player. I generally build awesome structures and design intricate or clever things.
Any other info you want: I have been mod and admin on many servers, tekkit, vanilla, and everything in between.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
When i get access to the internet i will white list quite a few if not all of you, bit hard to read everyones apps on my phone


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: agomez74
Age: 38
Do you have Raidcall: Yes
Would you be willing to get it: n/a
Experience with FTB(or similar mods): I have played with just about all versions of FTB: Direwolf20, Ultimate, Mindcrack. And have played with most of the mods within FTB before FTB was even around.
Reason that you want to join: Just looking for a small server to call home, and hopefully make new friends with people that are some what mature and want to have fun.
What can you bring to the server: I tend to stick to myself and just build under ground, but I don't mind helping out with community projects. Or just help someone out with what ever they may need.
Any other info you want:

-edit: Installed Raidcall, just in case i am accepted. :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: mrmcchef
Age: 18
Do you have Raidcall: yes, prefer not use it though unless i must.
Would you be willing to get it: ^
Experience with FTB(or similar mods): a few monthes, very knowledgable of most of the mods
Reason that you want to join: looking for a good, community, fun ftb server to play on, looking for a very long time for a server that will actually stay open, without lags.
What can you bring to the server: I usually help people build contraptions, setups and kind of a wiki-in-a-player guy, love helping and sharing what i know about ftb, and ofc my unending love to forestry :D
Any other info you want: where is the server hosted? (location)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: odumbone personal tekkit joke lol

Age: 19

Do you have Raidcall: no

Would you be willing to get it: yes at the moment i have teamspeak skype and mumble

Experience with FTB(or similar mods):i have playyed tekkit since it came out and basicly no all the mods inside it im a pro at tekkit haha

Reason that you want to join: i am looking for somewhere to settle and start a youtube channel and hopefully grow i also like the sound of your server and there is only this server and one other i would apply for because of rules and your bio :p

What can you bring to the server:cool builds and a nice friendly person (me) haha

Any other info you want: urm do you have a nether station that will take me far away i like my own little area to build my weird things :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: HawkeyeNL
Age: 18
Do you have Raidcall: no idea what it is
Would you be willing to get it: can't answer that
Experience with FTB(or similar mods): i played dw20 pack since beginning
Reason that you want to join: i'm thinking about going to the ultimate pack, and looked for a server.
What can you bring to the server: some knowledge, some computercraft programming.
Any other info you want: how friendly and talkactive is the server?? :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: Alious
Age: 22
Do you have Raidcall: No
Would you be willing to get it: Of course
Experience with FTB(or similar mods): I've played Tekkit for the past year and FTB for the past 5 months.
Reason that you want to join: I've been looking to join a more close-knit server to spend my time on and yours seems like a good choice.
What can you bring to the server: I'm experienced with most of the mods used in FTB Ultimate and am quick to learn.
Any other info you want: I usually stick to myself but if anyone needs any help or a person to build with then I am always willing to lend a hand. I'll be looking forward to playing with you all.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Depending on how you guys do, ill definantly consider adding more of your players/friends.

Accepted and ill white list you both.

Just letting you know the server is brand new as of yesterday, and my plan for the first couple days/weeks was to build a good spawn, with basic machines that anyone can use for free, so that new players have a good starting point. If you want to help with this project go ahead, I'll be on later tonight(I work from 4-9 EST) and tomorrow.

edit: If you can try to get on now, and let me know if the whitelist works, that'd be awesome.
i typed my ign wrong its nelskin_hd


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
ign - bugsymalone1
age - 20
country - UK, england
why add me? - im mates with Nel above and as he said our server closed down.

why accept me? - i do youtube videos and am a strong team player and can bring a lot to the server!
skype - kavinskigamer
a bit bout me - well i am mates with nel irl and do youtube vids. I play the oboe and piano and have a great scene of humour. Love FTB and terrafirmacraft and am a great builder!
questions? when can i start?
Do you have Raidcall: no
Would you be willing to get it: yes
youtube - BugsyGaming


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: enki0
Age: 30
Do you have Raidcall: No, but I can download and install it anytime
Experience with FTB(or similar mods): I ran vanilla servers since 2010, I've played plenty of tekkit prior to FTB's launch and have been playing FTB ever since
Reason that you want to join: Friends with Nelskin and Therivanking
What can you bring to the server: A mature, level mentality. I play to help others, not to grief or ruin their experience. I am a quick learner and all around nice guy. I would run my own server, but I don't have the time to maintain it between work and real life.
Any other info you want: I stream on twitch.tv as aliasenki. I'm a cable jockey by trade, so don't expect ugly pipe/cable setups in my base :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: gambit82
Age: 30
Do you have Raidcall: nope but can get it
Would you be willing to get it: yea
Experience with FTB(or similar mods): little
Reason that you want to join: want to join a server thats new and i do not feel like im miles beind ever one
What can you bring to the server: im new to server play but am willing to help where i can and im a quick learner


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok, I have gone ahead and whitelisted everyone who I have currently accepted. Those who havent been whitelisted, its nothing personal, I just want to keep it to a more mature and friendly server.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thank you for the consideration, I will continue to look for a server. I wish you the best of luck in your world building.