Title Crashed while flying in the end
Launcher Type Twitch Desktop App
Modpack Direwolf20 1.12.2
Modpack version 1.3.0
Have you modified the pack? Yes
Link to log file http://paste.feed-the-beast.com/view/ce155a5a
Details of the issue I was flying in the end so i can find a island with some chorus fruits and while i was flying my game crashed earlyer i could fix it because it was an error from enderstorage but now it crashed and i can't find a way to fix it.
I added some mods over the days but nothing special if u want some details i need to look tomorrow morning.
i hope u can help me
Launcher Type Twitch Desktop App
Modpack Direwolf20 1.12.2
Modpack version 1.3.0
Have you modified the pack? Yes
Link to log file http://paste.feed-the-beast.com/view/ce155a5a
Details of the issue I was flying in the end so i can find a island with some chorus fruits and while i was flying my game crashed earlyer i could fix it because it was an error from enderstorage but now it crashed and i can't find a way to fix it.
I added some mods over the days but nothing special if u want some details i need to look tomorrow morning.
i hope u can help me
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