Closed Crash on launch (RedstoneFlux)

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Summary of the problem Crash on launch (RedstoneFlux)

Pack Version 1.1.0

What is the bug? Using Twitch client, worked fine for several days, now crashing on launch due to RedstoneFlux.

Mod & Version Redstone Flux (RedstoneFlux-1.12-

Link to log file

Is it repeatable? Yep. Every time I launch the game.

Known Fix Per the crash dump, I can use "To prevent this crash, add "-Dcofh.rf.crashOnOldAPI=false" to your command line arguments."... once. The Twitch client doesn't save that argument between launches.


Not sure if this helps but,

If adding JVM arguments by clicking play on the modpack in twitch, then
- launch options from minecraft launcher
- then the modpack and adding arguments here only seems to last for one launch.

However if from twitch, clicking menu in top left corner (4 little lines) then
- file
- settings
scroll down on left side to minecraft, now on right side scroll to bottom, under advanced
- JVM arguments added here will be saved permanently.

Arguments added here however will be run for all minecraft packs not just the modpack in question.
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