As much as I don't want to have this go public for fear of it being patched, it's pretty obvious so I am giving in. In the map "crash landing", one cannot create smeltry parts because the crafting recipe for grout is disabled. This is so that one must forage for parts in extremely dangerous cities far from home. Once you have a basic yet functional smeltry, I found a way to convert cobblestone in to seared stone. I honestly have no idea if I am the first to come across this or if it is intended. If either of these apply, sorry for making such a big deal out of this.
If you place some seared stone based items/blocks in a smeltry you will create liquid seared stone. Once you have 72mb (1/2 of a block) you can pour that on to a piece of cobble via a casting basin and create seared cobble. Seared cobble can then be placed back in to the smeltry to create double the liquid seared stone we started out with originally.
As much as I don't want to have this go public for fear of it being patched, it's pretty obvious so I am giving in. In the map "crash landing", one cannot create smeltry parts because the crafting recipe for grout is disabled. This is so that one must forage for parts in extremely dangerous cities far from home. Once you have a basic yet functional smeltry, I found a way to convert cobblestone in to seared stone. I honestly have no idea if I am the first to come across this or if it is intended. If either of these apply, sorry for making such a big deal out of this.
If you place some seared stone based items/blocks in a smeltry you will create liquid seared stone. Once you have 72mb (1/2 of a block) you can pour that on to a piece of cobble via a casting basin and create seared cobble. Seared cobble can then be placed back in to the smeltry to create double the liquid seared stone we started out with originally.