Whitelist Server Craftrealm|Direwolf20 1.7.10|Whitelist|TS3|18+

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Server ip: wolf.craftrealm.org
Teamspeak ip: craftrealm.org

Server is running Direwolf20's recomended pack 1.7.10 there are no plugins installed it is just pure FTB whatever the mods add is all there is.

difficulty: Normal

Server Hardware:
5gb dediram (can up if i need to have up to 20 gigs possible)
set to 20 slots but i can up it to whatever i want

No griefing
Be friendly
Have fun

There are no added or disabled mods and no banned items. But mystcraft is off limits unles you get direct permission from the owner Infizl

We are a friendly community looking for somewhere that dosent have map resets every other day and no banned items. We are here to have fun so we use every mod possible.

whitelist app:
how long you have played-
how much youll be playing-
age(18+ but will consider younger)-
anything else-
IGN- opt_user
how long you have played- since aplha
how much youll be playing- 2 hrs a fay
age(18+ but will consider younger)- 25
skype/ts3- my micro is busted at the moment
anything else- hope the see you in the game :P
IGN- Nanosight
how long you have played- MC Aplha
how much youll be playing- 3-4 hrs
age(18+ but will consider younger)- 19
skype/ts3- iamryro is my skype and I use TS3
anything else- Hope to hear back from ya soon!
What is your IGN: DemonicShadow89
Skype (mandatory)DemonicShadow89
Country/Time Zone:USA Eastern
is your greatest achievement in Minecraft:Building with my Friends building epic builds that to weeks to build
What is your experience with modded Minecraft:4 yrs and counting with Direwolf,monster and Ultimate
how often will you play:10 hours a day

What can you contribute to the server:My experience with Running servers and having my own server also help out new players to the mod pack

What is your favorite part of Minecraft:To its legos and to be able to build epic builds that you come up with in your mind
IGN- Kapersky ([email protected])
how long you have played- Since Alpha
how much youll be playing- 2-5hrs
age(18+ but will consider younger)- 20
skype/ts3- TS3
anything else- Looking for some good dw20 server without any plugins.
IGN: Tr0xi
Age: 18
skype/ts3: have both
Time Zone: GMT +2
anything else: i ran my own server with small group full of random people and had blast with them so i adapt with people fast.
how long you have played: Started around when saw video of direwolf doing the first ftb map. i kept a small break from minecraft but now im willing to catch up with all these new mods
how often will you play: depends on college and work ill try to play alot
IGN- KowKrisis
how long you have played- since 1.2.5, first mod pack i played was tekkit
how much youll be playing- A few hours a day
age(18+ but will consider younger)- 24
skype/ts3- I have both
anything else- I enjoy looking at other peoples builds to see how they use the mods and taking notes to improve my own builds.
Ign: SirHOBO
Been playing since tekkit 1.25
Can play roughly 1-3 hours some weekdays, more on weekends.
Age: 36
skype/ts: Can do but I don't talk much usually.
Other: I like automation and magic mods. Would love to do big builds and/or a massive railroad system.
whitelist app:
IGN- iTzJimmEH
how long you have played- I just started FTB recently but I've played minecraft ever since Alpha.
how much youll be playing- I will be playing about 2-4 hours a day.
age(18+ but will consider younger)- I am 22
skype/ts3- Skype is same as IGN and I can hop on TeamSpeak
anything else- I would like to join this server to be able to meet new people and make friends and play FTB.
IGN- Streetgost
how long you have played- Since Alpha 1.0.0
how much youll be playing- 3-5 Hours
age(18+ but will consider younger)- 16
skype/ts3- Skype: Itsabrian but prefer TeamSpeak
IGN- fallingskies17
how long you have played- 3 (almost 4 years)
how much youll be playing- This really depends. Sometimes I may play 1 hour in a day or I may play for 6-8 hours. Sometimes I play twice a week, Sometimes I play every day a week.
age(18+ but will consider younger)- I'm 17 almost 18 (birth day is the 16th of july)
skype/ts3- I have both and rather use ts.
anything else- I have tons of experience and can help many problems, I have been an OP on past servers and consider my self very trustworthy.
Please get back to me soon as I really would like to start playing and have a great day.
IGN- Xman10101
how long you have played- 4-5years
how much youll be playing- It will depend on my work schedule so I cant realy fix a specific amount on that
age(18+ but will consider younger)- 24
skype/ts3- I have both, but I rather use ts.
anything else- Im looking for a fun group of People to build awesome crazy machines and buildings :) Cuz playing alone is obv borig! ;)
how long you have played-minecraft 3 years, mods 2 years
how much youll be playing- a few hours a day.
age(18+ but will consider younger)-42
skype/ts3- both
anything else- I am a creative person and I like to share ideas. I'd like to find palace to play with a few friends.
IGN: Snapplepeach
How long you have played: I've played Minecraft for about 4 years and Tekkit/FTB for about 2 years
How much you'll be playing: Probably about 6-10 hours a week. My schoolwork can be quite heavy, but I enjoy gaming for break time.
Age: 21
Skype/TS3: I use TS, and my Skype is Hybridpanda12
Anything Else?: Where is the server located? I won't clog up this thread with too many details about myself, but the information is on my profile if you care to see it :)
whitelist app:

IGN- Galaxy Yin
how long you have played- Played minecraft sense 2010 but the pack is fairly new to me
how much youll be playing- A lot
age(18+ but will consider younger)- 18 turning 19 on March 3rd
skype/ts3- Have both
anything else- Ball is not life
IGN me- Henning_B
IGN friend: halli_h
how long you have played- we both have been playing for around 3 years
how much youll be playing- atleast 3 hours a day during weekdays, up to 18 hours in weekends
age(18+ but will consider younger)- both 18
skype/ts3- we both use teamspeak
anything else- hope to see you guys in game.

Best regards
~Henning B
IGN- drawsius
how long you have played- long, modded since DW20 SSP Season 3
how much youll be playing- a couple off hours a weak
age(18+ but will consider younger)- 20
skype/ts3- drawsius
anything else- studying at university at the moment so online time may change during exam weeks. otherwise looking forward to play on an active (hopefully) server.
IGN- Dutch_Pancake_
how long you have played- started playing like 2years ago butt it stopt playing for a while now i want it to gif it another go like a fresh start
how much youll be playing- 1/3 hours a day
age(18+ but will consider younger)- 18years old turning 19 on 22aug
skype/ts3- i use both
anything else- i'm still studying so it can happen that i'm not online every day
IGN- Origblacktiger
how long you have played- Minecraft for 2 Years, Been playing FTB Infinity and Direwolf 20 for 3-4 months now
how much youll be playing- Probably 4-5 Hours A Day, 3-4 Times a Week.
age(18+ but will consider younger)- 20
skype/ts3- Both
anything else- I stream almost all my gameplay.
I would like to apply for myself, and my wife to become whitelisted on your Direwolf20 pack 1.7.10 server.

In Game Name?

How old are you?

In Game Name?


How old is she?

She would kill me to telling you, however, if it is a requirement just let me know and I will take the punishment :)
Have you ever been banned on any minecraft server?
Neither of us have ever been banned.​

Why would you like to join our server?
We are looking for a friendly community to be part of so that we can help on community projects, as well as build our own place that people can visit.

Do you use teamspeak, skype or any other voice chat service?
We tend to use TS3 daily but rarely use Skype.