I had this same question not long ago.
Im starting up an anarchy server and I got all the plugins set up and everything. Just waiting for CTB to come out.
So I actually messaged Jadedcat about it today, and she told me that it was to the mind crackers discretion to release.
After a little bit more digging I discovered that It's baj who's in charge of it.
He initially wanted to have it released A LONG time ago(like a week or two) but he doesn't want to tarnish the mindcrack name by releasing a buggy mod pack.
Currently whats stopping it's release is there's an apparent bug that causes the mod pack to crash(very little info on it is around) but according to a recent twitter post by
Baj, He appears to have found the problem with the mod pack.
Judging by this, I like to hope that the modpack will be up in the next ~48 hours assuming the most recent bug that baj is fixing up(assuming it's the bug he's looking for) is infact fixed.
Hoped that helped. I've been begging for information as much as the next guy but it's extremely hard to find.