Title CrackPack crashes after startup
Launcher Type FTB Launcher
Modpack Crackpack
Modpack version
Have you modified the pack? Yes
Link to log file http://paste.feed-the-beast.com/view/0ba9f2ee
Details of the issue After a long time not playing Minecraft I decided to play Crackpack. Did work on the first try. Then I quit the game, reopend and it Crashes after the mods are installed. I tried openening the normal minecraft and it also crashed. Then I deinstalled and reinstalled MC FTB and Java but nothing works. Giving the launcher my full 8 gb ram does not work, changing the startoptions does not work. It crashes everytime this mod has loaded everything. I can´t tell where the probles is anymore. If you help me I would be very thankful.
Launcher Type FTB Launcher
Modpack Crackpack
Modpack version
Have you modified the pack? Yes
Link to log file http://paste.feed-the-beast.com/view/0ba9f2ee
Details of the issue After a long time not playing Minecraft I decided to play Crackpack. Did work on the first try. Then I quit the game, reopend and it Crashes after the mods are installed. I tried openening the normal minecraft and it also crashed. Then I deinstalled and reinstalled MC FTB and Java but nothing works. Giving the launcher my full 8 gb ram does not work, changing the startoptions does not work. It crashes everytime this mod has loaded everything. I can´t tell where the probles is anymore. If you help me I would be very thankful.
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