I've been getting a bit more interested in all the endgame stuff added by GregTech, but the huge nerfs and "hard mode" always bugged me. Back in Ultimate and Beta A, I just turned the hard mode stuff off. It ended up getting really boring. Then I thought I could do what Tekkit's Big Dig does: make all the ores super common, to eliminate the dragging on that GregTech adds with its hard mode. GregTech nerfs + Ore population buffs = fair and interesting game, right? I started copying pieces of Tekkit's cofh/world.cfg file into the one for FTB Unhinged, excluding the stuff that is in Tekkit but not FTB. I got all the TE ores and vanilla ores working right away, but I am having trouble with increasing the spawn rates of the other ores, namely Uranium and all of GregTech's ones (like bauxite) to "Big Dig" levels. They simply didn't appear any more often. As a test, I added the ore "melonium" (melon block, it's easy to spot) in world.cfg and worldcustomgen.txt, with huge spawn rates and the melon block ID and meta. I made a new world, and I don't see any "melonium" veins. Am I misunderstanding how cofhWorld works? Does it only work with blocks that are actual ores in the worldgen code of vanilla or mods by cofh (Thermal Expansion, for example)?
These are my configs:
EDIT: I felt compelled to replace melonium's ID from 103 (melon) to 46 (TNT) in world.cfg, and my new test world started blowing up from inside the mines. Looks like melonium generated next to lava chasm.
This makes me wonder, what counts as generateable in cofhWorld?
These are my configs:
EDIT: I felt compelled to replace melonium's ID from 103 (melon) to 46 (TNT) in world.cfg, and my new test world started blowing up from inside the mines. Looks like melonium generated next to lava chasm.