I dunno bout anybody else, but I really enjoyed Minecraft Story Mode, despite it being a simple story without any deep characters or story. The thing is, focusing on Vanilla worlds made it feel kinda meh. The question I wanted to ask was: if by some miracle, Telltale were to use (or if they wanna be a decent company, ask the developers for permission to use) various mods, would the creators of said mods be okay with this? For some reason the idea of The Order of the Stone ending up in worlds where their mechanics are are considered quaint or archaic, and they're forced to contend with something like Thaumcraft, IC2, or any number of other really well known in depth mods that make vanilla mechanics seem pretty much useless. The idea that they would be forced into some unknown and impossible (at least from their perspective) situations would be fascinating to me.
What about you guys?
What about you guys?