Convince me to use Mod X - My balanced mod pack attempt.

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Bumping this thread as I am trying to figured out, that with the recent content release of Thaumcraft, I culd easily try and add a few more rules to this.

It's 1.47 (The Forestry and thaumcraft Updates should be enough of a reason for this)

Short list of things that I want to reach:

-Keep Minecraft dangers dangerous.
-Be as balanced as possible
-Try to not use duplicates
-Try to avoid high numbers of Mod Items that don't have thaumcraft Aspects on them.
-Try to avoid too much metals (especially those that don't fit into the Metal transmutation of thaucmraft)
-Avoid unnecesarry randomness.

Short overview of mods:

Green is sure inclusion. Orange is on the fence.

- Buildcraft. Pretty much a no-brainer I guess.
- Additional Buildcraft objects. No new world gen and it's just useful.
- Thermal Expansion. Basically has all the the transmutation ores and I could use it's config for all ore needs that it can be used for, while disabling other mods generation of those. Aesthetically rather pleasing and nice functionality. Only downside probably is the Ferrous Ore, which doesn't fit into the Thaumcraft Transmutation and Aspect thing.
- Thaumcraft. Obviously this is to be added. i don't think i would need to say more on this.
- Forestry. The new version is awesome and its one of the best mods made. Has slight issues with the aspects it has. But that isn't a problem once the next mod gets updated.
- Thaumic Bees. Makes Forestry more Thaumcraft compatible. Also adds more cool bees. Also is a direct thaumcraft Addon. So it fits the idea.
- Railcraft. One of those really cool mods. Boilers seem slightly imbalanced, but are one of the coolest forms of making MJ. They also rework a part of MC that needed a rework. The Minecarts. It's just awesome. Would just wish Coal coke, creosote oil and all that fuss woudl have thaumcraft aspects on it. Also adds no ugly world gen apart from the occasional Salpeter.
- Twilight Forest. If it would have more compatibility on it's items with thaucmraft aspects. Also Quarries and similar thigns kinda break the Hollow hills.
- Redpower. To be honest once it's updated I will probably have to take it. Red alloy wire and alot of the bluetricity stuff are just to sweet to pass them by. The problem is just, that it currently isn't updated and that it tons of uglly/bad world gen (accept for marble and basalt which are another must have for me).
- Steve's Carts. Quite the awesome mod having no world gen. Sadly I kinda feel like those carts are a tad too strong.
- Chunkloader. No-brainer imo.
- Xtra Biomes XL. Albeit I might opt to disable certain tree types. Not sure.
- Enderstoreage, because the vanilla one is bad.
- Iron Chests.
- Rei's Minimap.
- Inv Tweaks

Not that many mods, but I think I am pretty close to achieving the aforementioned goals with those.
RP2 is, in my mind, absolutely essential. Then again, I like the red alloy wiring and logic gates for extreme micro-miniaturization of circuitry. Also, tubes and sorting systems.

Steve's Carts is entirely forgettable.

Twilight Forest is awesome for what it is... a whole new world to explore. Unfortunately, in SMP, it tends to simply be yet another world to dismantle. And yea, quarries + hollow hills = dense-ore output quantity/speed.
Anyone knows some good values for the Thermal Expansion Conifg?

Already disabled the Forestry Copper and Tin and thus feel kinda obliged to slightly bump up the Thermal Expansion generation of those two ores. Also gonna do that for all the other mods in this list.

Also kinda concerned on the difficulty config of Forestry. i guess making it harder is a good thing, but I would hate to not have dirt as a renewable resource (you know the humus and bog earth recipes in the hard mode one)

@Shneekey That's what i also though about redpower.

edit: I uess Enderstoreage is out considering the new teseracts.
Double posting Bump:

needing a few more hints to decide for myself.

I'm nearly done though. After my quick trip to UE, I've come back to IC2 (but brought 2 cool mods, namely Power Suits and MFFS with me)

currently mainly busy making/tweaking configs. I guess I'll be able to manage essentia configs myself but I'm quite undecided regarding IC2 and Gregtech.

One gregtech decision I've allready made is using IC2 recipes for Power suits (since Gregtech made those more expansive then Gregtech quantum, while being weaker than Nano if we boil it down to defense.)

But now if it comes to Greg tech:

I don't want all those dusts and random ores in my world (so i've disabled them all) but that means that i can't use expansive recipes, since I don't have titanium.

I'm currently pending towards disabling UU-Matter and Scrap stuff and using Gregtech only for tweaking things and the generation of rare natural iridium. So no gregtech Machinery and all that fuzz, mainly because it would require all those stupid ores.

The other idea I had was to keep expensive recipes on and just enable bauxite (for titanium). But than I feel like I am using all that gregtech machinery for just a few things.

So help me decide again:
-UU/Scrap or no UU/Scrap ?
-Bauxite and Titanium using recipes?

Every thing I don't need I'll make inaccessible using Recipe Remover and remove it from NEI using the NEi configs.
I guess that might be another neat solution.

I think I would still use Gregtech for some minor tweaks though (sadly it will still bombard NEI with items :D)

Especially the unification thing, so that different Machiens don't spit out different ingots. Can gregtech even be used without IC2? edit: nope cannot. Doesn't matter. Then I'll just live with multiple Ingots.

And did I get you right? MFFS can be fueled using BC power, but it can't be build without IC2 items?

edit: just checked. it's uncraftable, which is kinda sad. but one can always hope for future updates I guess.

edit2: is there an easy way to change mod recipes to something you want? Like a recipe changer Mod out there? I am asking because I think one could create really cool powersuit recipes if you use materials from multiple mods for it.

e.g. Armor Tinker Table using:

Iron . Emerald . Iron
Ruby . Steel . Sapphire
Iron . Iron . Iron

And this is just using Railcraft and Redpower Items. I guess if one would use a combination of Buildcraft, Thermal expansion, Redpower and Railcraft items there could be kinda cool recipes.
removing recipes from NEI is a NEI config thing that would work. but I already tested a few things.

-Gregtech needs IC2
-MFFS can't be crafted without IC2. In which case I'll wait till it gets compatible.
-Found a mod that allows changing of recipes. Not sure if it works on Mod recipes and/or if it is outdated. Perhaps could fix MFFS myself this way. Who knows.
-I'll use the recipe remover (and the NEI config) to completely remove the IC2 related items out of forestry and Railcraft (no UE either)


I also love that the Modular Power Suits BC compatibility will be Thermal Expansion based :D