control wireless transmitters via computer


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey everybody!
I searched for a sulution to this and was suprised not to find anything.
Anyways, is there a way to control wireless transmitter and receiver frequencys via computer? ( computercraft ).
It doesnt have to be wireless redstone, anything is ok really, it just needs to can be replaced by a turtle.


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2013
If you have MiscPeripherals the transmitters and receivers can be wrapped as peripherals (I think) and there is a rether module you can add to a turtle.

EDIT: This is assuming you are using WR:CBE. You could also look into using wireless modems on the computers/turtles and having them control the redstone.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
MiscPeripherals does have a transmitter/receiver module like Omegatron said.

Alternatively, you can have a pair of wireless computers or turtles that communicate on a specific modem frequency and the transmitter could change frequency depending on which signal you want to turn on/off and you could have receivers out there listening to a frequency and if the message they receive == "on" then they turn their redstone on or if it == "off" turn it off. You can also change the message so that if it is like if message =="2^3 then turn on the light blue redstone cable.

I don't know what version you are using but that method uses the modem API for computercraft (1.5+). I have no experience of the rednet api which I think is the only one available on 1.4.7 I think. You could probably do a similar thing with the rednet API though


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Here's a workaround, though it requires access to the server filesystem...

Create and label two computers. Create a file in each so you can find it later...

Go into your world data, and find the computers using those files. Create a symbolic link from one to the other, so that whatever is written into one computer is also present at the other. Then, simply write your desired state into a file and have the other computer read it.

Nice and hacky for you, but if all else fails that will work o_O

I use this "method" when writing scripts, so that I can write on my client (with a proper editor), commit to git, and then pull that down on the server and it magically updates my computers with the new copy.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
( removed )
i just saw misc peripherals IS installed :D overlooked it ^^ i already tried the WRCBE thing, but since it is the "new" multiblock version the old "wrap up" doesnt work. example:
i have a computer and to the right i have a transmitter.
i write a scmall programm: m = peripheral.wrap("right")

that does NOT work. any idea why?

edit: im on 1.5.2 ( dw20-1.1.2 )
edit: again^^ just saw the rether MODULE ^^ what are the commands for it? the old setFreq?