Conductive Pipe Explosion Problem

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
First of all, I'm going to try to describe my setup well enough so that a picture is not necessary, though I will post one if it is needed after all.

For my MJ "factory" I have a railcraft tank filled with biomass that is connected to 5 biogas engines. These engines are connected by golden conductive pipe (with a wooden conductive pipe attached to each engine obviously) to a redstone energy cell. The conductive pipe right next to the energy cell has a gate on it set to "if can store energy than output redstone signal". This redstone signal is then applied to my 5 biogas engines. The way this is supposed to work is that the engines will only turn on when the energy cell is not full, and I see no problem in the way I have this set up.

If it matters at all, though it shouldn't, all of the output from the energy cell is through energy conduits.

The problem I seem to be having is that 2 or 3 of the golden conductive pipes adjacent to corresponding wooden conductive pipes seem to explode very very often (though I've never seen the explosion actually happen). I know that conductive pipes will explode when there is too much energy building up inside them. The part that stumps me is that these engines are supposed to turn off when the energy cell is full. Therefore, there should be no reason for these engines to be supplying energy if the energy has nowhere to go.

One solution I could see is to switch the conudctive pipes for energy conduits, but then I couldn't use a gate and redstone signal to shut off the engines.

Any insight into this problem would be appreciated and I will post a picture if it seems like one is needed.

EDIT: I seem to have discovered the problem. The 3 engines that seemed to be the cause of the pipe explosions were not actually outputting any of their produced energy. Instead, they each had about 40,000 MJ in their internal storage. The fix to this problem seemed to just be to destroy the wooden conductive pipes already in place and then replace them. I can't think of any reason why these pipes would become defective besides some sort of glitch.

DOUBLE EDIT: Above "fix" did not actually fix it, 3 of the pipes just exploded.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
it looks like a very very similar problems and solutions there of was discussed here

I just read through that and it seems to make perfect sense. I understand that the engines cycling on and off would create a buildup of energy, but in my case, my energy cell was currently at only 100k stored. At this storage level, the engines were not cycling on and off, they were constantly on, so there's no reason for a buildup of energy.

Either way, I'll use the suggested method in that thread and hope it works out. Thanks for the link.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sounds like your setup is nearly identical to mine. The only time I had trouble with pipes exploding, though, was when I had a gold conductive pipe in between two wooden pipes without being connected to anything else. I thought the power would transfer from the gold pipe through the wooden one to another gold pipe that was connected to the other side of it, but nope. I replaced the pipes between my biogas engines and redstone energy cell with energy conduits, and just used a gate on a cobblestone structure pipe coming off the energy cell to send out the redstone signal to the engines when it can store energy.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah I read about using a structure pipe for the gate while using the energy conduits to carry the energy from the engines, and I may end up switching to that. Seems a lot simpler.