ComputerCraft/OpenPeripherals Terminal Glasses Ideas/Programs

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey forumgoers,
I discovered the terminal glasses a few days ago, and I got a program called Plastic from pastebin. It was cool, but it seemed a bit... pointless. I was wondering if anybody had found a way to use these usefully. I'm talking things like player detection, HUD addons, etc. If anyone has found any programs, or has any ideas for them, please list them here!
Thanks :D
This isn't that useful, but, in my current 1.5.2 ngt world on my friends server we built a building similar to the NASA building. We installed galacticraft so we could build a main base as a space station. We decided to have a security room for the NASA building. Inside it are rows of armor stands. Each one has a pair of terminal glasses. That's the only thing I can think of for the glasses.

Sent from a rich kids phone that I stole. (I'll regift it soon)
Get Information from your tanks using chatbox command

Equip a suit through chatbox command while standing on a PIM.
receiving chat command (OpenPeriphy adds this):

message = os.pullEvent("chatbox_command");

the sad part is, you have to start every command with "$$" (no quotes)


$$equip miningSuit.
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for chatbox:

if os.pullEvent("chatbox_command") == "INSERT_COMMAND_HERE" then

//exec here


normal command use

Hello everyone.

There seems to be a considerable amount of confusion in this thread!

Nothing in OpenPeripheral 'needs' the glasses. The glasses are an additional little feature to allow people to write to their GUI, a bit like google glasses. You can draw text or boxes to the GUI. You can also send commands to the computer if you're wearing the glasses using "$$whatever", which fires a "chat_command" event to the computer. This is NOT the same as anything to do with "chatbox", which is a misc peripherals thing.

Aside from that, OpenPeripheral is a mod which primary function is to turn other blocks into peripherals, nothing to do with the glasses at all. Just put a computer down and start calling functions on the block it's sat next to as though the block were a peripheral.

Of course, things get interesting when you start using the above functionality and mix it with the functionality offered by the glasses to start interacting from, and to, the glasses and machines to display any information you want to display, or control machines from chat commands.
Funnily enough, about half the reason why we like OpenPeripheral is because you can draw to your GUI and send chat commands. A lot of the functions would be of little use without the glasses. Like tanks. IC2 NC already adds a panel to display it. So it's purpose is defeated without the glasses.

That's what I meant. The vanilla GUI chatbox. Not the MP thing.

Great mod though ;)

When I said everything in Openperiphy needs glasses, I was kind of implying peripherals added by OP itself.
I think you're mistaken ;)

Most people who use openperipheral don't use the glasses, even for stuff like tanks. They like to have complete control over their machines, for example, enabling other machines when liquid levels reach an exact number.etc.
Okay, I'm trying to make a program that sets a redstone output when you type in a password in the chat, but it doesn't seem to work. (as in it doesn't give off a redstone signal when I type $$[insert password here]) Here's the code:

if os.pullEvent("chatbox_command) == "password" then
It still doesn't work :/
Also, how would I make it so that the program stays running after I type $$[password]?
Just re-wrote it a tiny bit, tested on my local server.

the while true do loop makes it run even after it gets the event it's looking for.

while true do
evt, msg = os.pullEvent()
if evt == "chat_command" and msg == "password" then
rs.setOutput("top", true)
rs.setOutput("top", false)