I am interested in turning on the http capabilities of computercraft on my server.
I can envision features such as being able to post in-game events to our community website etc
or even back and forth communication : write a server application that responds to ingame posts, and returns conditionals which can trigger complex mechanisms.
Ok that being said:
My understanding is this - http api allows post and get of Web URL's.
Is this not a little risky on multiplayer servers?
Http.Get is essentially downloading a URL.
Lets give an example of http://mynakedNursery.com
(made up name - but lets imagine it has inappropriate images on it that get the FEDs interested in you)
If players on a server had the ability to arbitrarily post / get from any URL, surely they could have your server effectively downloading kid porn, viruses, or anything else under the sun.
Is there a way to block certain URLS?s or mimetypes that computercraft can use in the http post/gets?
Eg: Make a request to admin to whitelist a URL/Domain.
Then the http post and get will work.
else - sorry : not allowed
Mime-type PHP / Aspx /Asp = Ok
Mime-Type : JPEG/MPEG / MP3 /AVI - Disallowed etc
I can envision features such as being able to post in-game events to our community website etc
or even back and forth communication : write a server application that responds to ingame posts, and returns conditionals which can trigger complex mechanisms.
Ok that being said:
My understanding is this - http api allows post and get of Web URL's.
Is this not a little risky on multiplayer servers?
Http.Get is essentially downloading a URL.
Lets give an example of http://mynakedNursery.com
(made up name - but lets imagine it has inappropriate images on it that get the FEDs interested in you)
If players on a server had the ability to arbitrarily post / get from any URL, surely they could have your server effectively downloading kid porn, viruses, or anything else under the sun.
Is there a way to block certain URLS?s or mimetypes that computercraft can use in the http post/gets?
Eg: Make a request to admin to whitelist a URL/Domain.
Then the http post and get will work.
else - sorry : not allowed
Mime-type PHP / Aspx /Asp = Ok
Mime-Type : JPEG/MPEG / MP3 /AVI - Disallowed etc