Compañero de vicio en algun server.

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Llevo mucho tiempo viendo dire wolf o en su defecto en españa a Tonacho o Escomolon haciendo streamings de sky block o un survival del FTB. Pues basicamente me gustaria saber si hay comunidad española sobre esto. Y bueno tambien me gustaria buscar compañer@s de vicio. Me gustaria ser un pro de esto. Y hacer un monton de cosas. Soy un cachondo mental y aprendo rapido. Espero respuestas!! :)


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2017
I have been watching dire wolf for a long time or in his absence in Spain to Tonacho or Escomolon making streams of sky block or a survival of the FTB. Basically I would like to know if there is a Spanish community about this. And well I would also like to look for comrades of vice. I would like to be a pro of this. And do a lot of things. I'm a mental fool and I learn fast. I wait for answers!
Thank you google translate.