Whitelist Server CommunityCraft [16+] [Friendly] [BRANDNEW]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello there! We are a friendly, new community looking for players. We have a great uptime, new map, and are brand new! We plan to keep this server running off of donations and owners/admins money!

Server IP:
Play Style:
Player Versus Environment, PVP Enabled
Player slots:
30, but will be kept at 15 for now.
2 GB
Mod pack:

Why you should join us:

The world is endless!

No lag!

New map!

New adventure!

We are a new and up-coming server, and who doesn't want to be apart of that!?

Disabled Items:

No items are disabled right now. If I see need to disable items I will. Chunk loaders should be left running at night when no one is on. Quarries are allowed, but don't put them in the middle of the earth. Make it look perrrttyyyy. That's all I have for that!


Don't scar the earth

Clean up after yourself

No griefing

No stealing

Don't be stupid

Try to put all quarries in water

Whitelist Application:

1) Minecraft username?

2) Why do you want to play on our server?

3) What can you contribute to our server?

4) How old are you?

5) Do you accept the rules?

6) Did anyone recommend you for this server?

7) Do you speak English fluently?

8) What is your Skype username?

To be on this server you must have Skype! Not technically a mic, but at least have Skype! That will be the main way of communication between everyone.

To contact me on Skype: ColeMurphy0529

I hope you join this new and up-coming server
1) Minecraft username? MinerNiko

2) Why do you want to play on our server? I'd love to be in a small, friendly all legit whitelisted community of friends and serious people just playing ftb, having a server life. :)

3) What can you contribute to our server? Hmm. Friendship, building tips, microblocks epxertis, perhaps just someone to collab with?

4) How old are you?Acctually, I'm turning 15, I know I am under 16, but I do hope you could give me a chance. :)

5) Do you accept the rules? Obviously.

6) Did anyone recommend you for this server? No, I just found it on the forums, looking for private serious servers.

7) Do you speak English fluently? Yes, even though I come from sweden my english is excellent.

8) What is your Skype username?skypeniko_98
1) Minecraft username? renjiabarai

2) Why do you want to play on our server? id like to be a part of a developing modded server

3) What can you contribute to our server? i may not be the mos aesthetically minded but i like to think i am organized and can always lend happy to help fellow players even if it means being target practice

4) How old are you? 26

5) Do you accept the rules? yes

6) Did anyone recommend you for this server? the forum did

7) Do you speak English fluently? yes

8) What is your Skype username? andrew.wagstaff1986
1) Minecraft username? TheSnakeFreak

2) Why do you want to play on our server? Me and my friend(which will be applying very soon) have been looking for a good server and community to play on. We ran a server off of hamachi ourselves but were having many problems. I always love the community aspect to minecraft as well.

3) What can you contribute to our server? I love helping others and I love being able to have some where I feel at home.

4) How old are you? 18

5) Do you accept the rules? Yes

6) Did anyone recommend you for this server? I found this in the fourms.

7) Do you speak English fluently? Yes

8) What is your Skype username? snake1136
1) Minecraft username? Sneaky_Beaver64

2) Why do you want to play on our server? My friend and I ( TheSnakeFreak) have been playing on a Hamachi server and we have had to restart multiple times so we are looking for a great new server with some cool chill people. I have played on multiplayer servers before but never white-listed so i have had to deal with griefers and i am looking forward to hopefully getting an opportunity to play on a friendly server.

3) What can you contribute to our server? I feel i am a good builder and most the people i meet feel i am a chill guy and i love meeting new people.

4) How old are you? 18

5) Do you accept the rules? I do

6) Did anyone recommend you for this server? My friend and i found it on the forums

7) Do you speak English fluently? Yes

8) What is your Skype username? camron.leach
1.) Minecraft Username: Leaflance4983

2.) Why Do You Want To Play On Our Server?: I was looking for a new FTB server, as all the other servers I have played on have long since shut down. This server in particular caught my eye with just the name itself: CommunityCraft. The main thing I am always looking for in a server is a great community. Every other server I've played on that didn't have a great community was not enjoyable. In addition, since your server only accepts people of or over the age 16, I would assume that your server's players are mature and aren't idiots. Thus, as your server appeals to me in all aspects, I would love to play with your server's community.

3.) What Can You Contribute To Our Server?: I would love to be able to help people on the server (giving resources, tips, etc.). Furthermore, I am good with Forestry, IC2, RedPower2, and a bit of ComputerCraft, so I can help anyone who needs help with those mods.

4.) How Old Are You?: I am 13, but hear me out, I am not one of those imbeciles who go around asking: "HOW DO i USE WHRENCH?". As you may have seen by now, I use sophisticated language, thus proving that I am mature. I could have lied, saying I was 19, but honesty is the best policy for me.

5.) Do You Accept The Rules?: Yes, how could I not?

6.) Did Anyone Recommend You For This Server?: No, I found it by surfing the forums.

7.) Do You Speak English Fluently?: Yes, I also speak Chinese fluently, if that matters at all.

8.) What Is Your Skype Username?: leaflance4983

Comments: Thanks for reading my application, and I hope to see you on the server. If I am not accepted, please reply with reason.
1) Minecraft username: That would be Mysticpoisen

2) Why do you want to play on our server: Well i have been looking for quite some time for a close knit community FTB server, which is exactly what you seem to be looking for here.

3) What can you contribute to our server: Well i am pretty good with ComputerCraft, i know how to code, i am still pretty new at it, but i can make some basic programs. I have a pretty good understanding of most of the mods in this pack. I consider myself to be pretty resourceful and intelligent at making machinery and the piping and such.

4) How old are you: 19 years old

5) Do you accept the rules: Yes and support them.

6) Did anyone recommend you for this server? Nope, i just see this as a great server for what i am looking for, a nice community.

7) Do you speak English fluently: Yep, it is my first language

8) What is your Skype username: Ronnicpoison
1) Minecraft username: That would be Mysticpoisen

2) Why do you want to play on our server: Well i have been looking for quite some time for a close knit community FTB server, which is exactly what you seem to be looking for here.

3) What can you contribute to our server: Well i am pretty good with ComputerCraft, i know how to code, i am still pretty new at it, but i can make some basic programs. I have a pretty good understanding of most of the mods in this pack. I consider myself to be pretty resourceful and intelligent at making machinery and the piping and such.

4) How old are you: 19 years old

5) Do you accept the rules: Yes and support them.

6) Did anyone recommend you for this server? Nope, i just see this as a great server for what i am looking for, a nice community.

7) Do you speak English fluently: Yep, it is my first language

8) What is your Skype username: Ronnicpoison

You have been accepted :)
1) Minecraft username: ryter78

2) Why do you want to play on our server: I've been trying to find a good server for a while, last one I was on had TPS issues, as it was in Europe.

3) What can you contribute to our server: I could build a public machine room near spawn, kind of like in Direwolf20's server play! :D

4) How old are you: I am 16 years old, finishing up my sophomore year of high school.

5) Do you accept the rules: Yep, of course!

6) Did anyone recommend you for this server: Nope, just saw it on the server list.

7) Do you speak English fluently: Yes, being English, I would hope I did! :P

8) What is your Skype username: natetheminecrafter
1) Minecraft username?
2) Why do you want to play on our server?
I want to be able to play on a good server.
3) What can you contribute to our server?
I can help with the community resources a lot.
4) How old are you?
5) Do you accept the rules?
6) Did anyone recommend you for this server?
7) Do you speak English fluently?
8) What is your Skype username?
1) Minecraft username? Killerkeith

2) Why do you want to play on our server? I've been looking for a new server to play on that doesn't lag so much. Also, I'd like to play on a server with a small community where everyone knows each other.

3) What can you contribute to our server? I can definitely help new guys with the mods if they are confused. Also, I have a lot of building experience when it come to factories and energy producing set-ups.

4) How old are you? 17

5) Do you accept the rules? Of couse

6) Did anyone recommend you for this server? No

7) Do you speak English fluently? Yes

8) What is your Skype username? Mikeispothetic
1) Minecraft username? Earnan

2) Why do you want to play on our server? The last server i was on died off slowly

3) What can you contribute to our server? I am a decent builder

4) How old are you? 29

5) Do you accept the rules? yes

6) Did anyone recommend you for this server? no

7) Do you speak English fluently? yes

8) What is your Skype username? scott.moody7
1) Minecraft username? Fredrikd98

2) Why do you want to play on our server? Beacouse i love FTB and i have been playing it since beta pack. Unfortanely the old server i was on got shut down so i am looking for a new one.

3) What can you contribute to our server? I can help others with mods that might be confusing to them. Also i will communicate and do some nice builds.

4) How old are you? 16

5) Do you accept the rules? Yes

6) Did anyone recommend you for this server? No

7) Do you speak English fluently? Yes i do.

8) What is your Skype username? fredrik.dahl981
Heyo, Sheep here, thanks for looking over my application.

1) Minecraft username?

- Sheepdoggy0

2) Why do you want to play on our server?

- I want a medium sized server to play on with a stress on being social in it. I like the idea of talking on skype while we're playing. Another reason is that I've played a lot of Tekkit and DW20 before but not Mindcrack so I think with people around just to help me out with Gregtech or just to muck about with would be great.

3) What can you contribute to our server?

- I'm very accomplished generally with mods such as IC2 (without Gregtech), Buildcraft and Redpower. Yesterday, I built a computer controlled airship with a hefty dose of lasers.
I also do a lot of building and use the extra blocks introduced by the modpack to create better looking castles, factories and hidden fortresses. I think I'd be able to help a lot of people out regarding automation and efficiency, and add a couple nice looking buildings to the server.

4) How old are you?


5) Do you accept the rules?

Yep, but I'd also recommend limiting the amount of chunk loaders each person can have as it can lagg the server a lot. That's not really a problem though unless you have a lot of players.

6) Did anyone recommend you for this server?

Nope, just looking around on the forums.

7) Do you speak English fluently?


8) What is your Skype username?

Harry "Sheep" S
Whitelist Application:

1) Minecraft username?
2) Why do you want to play on our server?
Because I'm looking for a great community to play with.
3) What can you contribute to our server?
I'm pretty knowledgable about ftb. I've been playing for 6 months and that is just ftb! I also like to contribute to group projects so if anyone agrees to start one then count me in.
4) How old are you?
5) Do you accept the rules?
6) Did anyone recommend you for this server?
No they did not i found it all by myself
7) Do you speak English fluently?
Si yo hablo mucho ingles. (Yes I do)
8) What is your Skype username?
Troy.smith88868, ill add you
Thx for looking over my response
1) Minecraft username? MrHeavyMetal_SIR

2) Why do you want to play on our server? because it seems fun and friendly :)

3) What can you contribute to our server? My nice personality and i used to run a Direwolf20 server so i have experience helping people if needed

4) How old are you? 16

5) Do you accept the rules? yes

6) Did anyone recommend you for this server? no

7) Do you speak English fluently? all my life

8) What is your Skype username? jmallenby
1) Minecraft username? vMacaulayyyx

2) Why do you want to play on our server? I am looking for a small, friendly, whitelisted Mindcrack FTB server which I can spend countless hours playing.

3) What can you contribute to our server? I can help anyone who needs help and I can make community builds and farms

4) How old are you? 21

5) Do you accept the rules? Absolutely

6) Did anyone recommend you for this server? Nope

7) Do you speak English fluently? Yes, Lived in England all my life.

8) What is your Skype username? vMacaulayx