Cobble: Keep it or destroy it?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Cobble that I get from quarries or fillers I destroy. If I need cobble, or sand, or whatever, for a machine, I just create an igneous extruder. I mean, if you have so much cobble you're worried about keeping it or tossing it, you've probably got enough materials to build one of those when you need some.

I think I have 3 of them currently running. One's feeding to a pulverizer, which is feeding into an induction smelter (so if I need sand, I just steal it from the smelter). One's feeding into a recycler, and one is just making smooth stone or obsidian, whichever I need more of at the time.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have a recycler problem.

It began with a rubber tree farm, it was just a small fix with me centrifuging for methane. But I needed more, so I started macerating the plantballs, I wanted a sweet clay hit for that aluminium high. But then...then I ran out of plantballs. It was horrible. Shaking from withdrawal, I started centrifuging the sticky resin for more plantballs. It worked..for awhile. Then I started getting buried in rubber balls and sand.

Now I've got six recyclers running non stop just on sand and rubber...but the biomass tank is full and I've got tons of compressed plantballs left over! Will the need for more recycling ever end???


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Option A:
-scrap all of your cobble
-turn all of that into scrapboxes
-build a 36HP boiler
-discover that a gold chest full of scrapboxes is nowhere near enough.

Option B:
- Set up a bunch of peat bogs
- pulverise cobble for sand
- make a buttload of bog earth using macerated plantballs
- throw your unlimited peat into a fire, for kicks.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have a recycler problem.

It began with a rubber tree farm, it was just a small fix with me centrifuging for methane. But I needed more, so I started macerating the plantballs, I wanted a sweet clay hit for that aluminium high. But then...then I ran out of plantballs. It was horrible. Shaking from withdrawal, I started centrifuging the sticky resin for more plantballs. It worked..for awhile. Then I started getting buried in rubber balls and sand.

Now I've got six recyclers running non stop just on sand and rubber...but the biomass tank is full and I've got tons of compressed plantballs left over! Will the need for more recycling ever end???

I had a single upgraded recycler (8 upgrades only was limited to 4 stack x 2) processing through two quarries of trash, a forestry wood farm with all its output turned into half slabs, all cobble turned into half slabs, all sandstone turned into half slabs, saw dust and what ever else I threw at it and a bee factory with 20 hives dumping all drones into it and the only sticking point I found was the bees gumming up the system very occasionally... But when that happened the entire system would shut down all inputs (which would dump to their onsite buffers) while the recycler caught up (but this rarely triggered).

I was using a GT buffer over the recycler and sucking all the scrap into a buffer chest before pumping extra into my 1-2K EU mass fab.. Generated UU like it was going out of style.... I miss that workshop :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Gravity gun grab a q-chest with 10k+ stacks, walk through a portal to someone else's base, break that puppy open and go /home. Instant troll!

A reasonable facsimile of intelligence...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Eeh, getting cobble with just a gem pick makes using an igneous extruder for mere cobble a bit of a waste of machinery, if ya ask me. I much prefer to use my extruder to make obsidian. Combine that with a filler and some pre-cleared (by said filler) land, and instant, creeper-immune base! My only wish is that there were something similar to the player detector that's in PowerCraft (which, for some reason, never works with any of the FTB packs), that sends a redstone signal whenever a player's nearby. Combine that with the obsidian base and reinforced stone doors, and you've got an easy-to-enter base that is completely secure against creeper attacks.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I keep one igneous extruder connected to a chest. This is enough cobble to serve all my needs.

All of my other cobble from automatic mining gets voided as soon as possible. Less entities to worry about.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Eeh, getting cobble with just a gem pick makes using an igneous extruder for mere cobble a bit of a waste of machinery, if ya ask me. I much prefer to use my extruder to make obsidian.
Only one extruder?
Only one...

Yeah. :) Seriously, as I mentioned, I have 3 of them dedicated to specific tasks, just to save me the effort of moving stuff around by hand or by pipe. Since cobble is free once you seed the device, it's a smaller footprint to make an extruder feed into another machine that can use it (recycler, pulverizer, magma crucible, whatever) and just walk away than trying to worry about piping, timers, engines, gates, or whatever.

Also, I thought IC2 nerfed obsidian so that creepers and other explosives could crack the walls.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Depends whether you're running or plan to run a matter fabricator for UUM. If you are then you need to be running it all through a recycler and storing the scrap in a barrel feeding the MF. I have a MF running off 5x ultimate panels (makes 1 UUM every 5 mins 30 secs) and even with 2 quarries running concurrently (both with upgraded speed & efficiency circuit boards) it is only just managing to produce a little more scrap than the MF is using, and that includes dirt and gravel going through the recycler as well :eek: . So I'd advise keeping 1 normal barrel of cobble, dirt and gravel and then recycling the rest and storing the scrap in an upgraded barrel.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Keep it...
  1. Sand (and Gravel if using TE)
  2. Scrap for UU-Matter
  3. Scrap for Generator
  4. Glass (if using for #1)
  5. Niter (if using for #1 and TE is installed)
  6. Cheap Construction material
  7. Transmutation (if using EE3)
  8. BC Pipes
  9. Essences (if using TC3)
  10. Renewable tools (if wood is overly abundant and you don't need a higher-than-stone pick)
Cobblestone is probably the MOST useful Tier 0 material in the game until you need hard ores (iron, bronze, tin) for machines and blocks. Just don't forget its usefulness when you have a fancy Q-Suit and tons of EU from your reactors. You may find yourself in a situation where you need it again.. lol...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Only one extruder?
Only one...
Also, I thought IC2 nerfed obsidian so that creepers and other explosives could crack the walls.

Well, only ever needed obsidian from it. Current map doesn't even have a mass-fab yet, so I don't need a half dozen interdimensional barrels of cobble just yet, lol.

Also, I'm...not sure, on that one, since I instinctively kite creepers away from my base to begin with. Obsidian's just an extra precaution, lol.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Also, I thought IC2 nerfed obsidian so that creepers and other explosives could crack the walls.
IC2 nerfed Obsidian so that Nukes and Reactor meltdowns would destroy it. It's blast resistance is insanely high in vanilla MC, so the nerf just means you have a reason to use Reinforced Stone/Warded Stone/Xychoridite Shield.

Obsidian can still easily withstand blasts from TNT and Creepers.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IC2 nerfed Obsidian so that Nukes and Reactor meltdowns would destroy it. It's blast resistance is insanely high in vanilla MC, so the nerf just means you have a reason to use Reinforced Stone/Warded Stone/Xychoridite Shield.

Obsidian can still easily withstand blasts from TNT and Creepers.

Oh, good...was worried there for a second. I didn't want to have to make an asston of reinforced stone (or xychordite shield, most likely, because pretty) and remake my base. Again. Moving once is pain enough!