Whitelist Server Closed :(|FTB Horizons Server|White-List|Teamwork|No-Plugins|Small Town|1.0.10

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IGN: mapleminecrafter
Age(Optional): 15
First Thing you Would Build: a house to live in so i could store everything and go from there i guess
Why you want to join: its been a while since i've played ftb and horizon is a new mod pack so i want to join a server where i could ask people for help
Do you understand the rules: of course :D
First thing you would build: a good looking base
Why i want to join:Because i love the close community stuff and ftb of course.
Do you understand the rules:Yes I do
Age(Optional): 20
First Thing you Would Build: A base and explore the mods and compatibliti
Why you want to join: Looking for a good community and great members, and i like the idea to create a small town
Do you understand the rules: Yes =D
you have all been added
IGN: immath1
Age(Optional): 16
First Thing you Would Build: A simple house to start off with
Why you want to join: To play with my friend and be a member of your friendly community
Do you understand the rules: I understand the rules very clearly
i would build a base and machines
i like nice servers with good people and no greifs
i understand the rules
i would build a base and machines
i like nice servers with good people and no greifs
i understand the rules
IGN: immath1
Age(Optional): 16
First Thing you Would Build: A simple house to start off with
Why you want to join: To play with my friend and be a member of your friendly community
Do you understand the rules: I understand the rules very clearly
ok guys join when you're ready...[DOUBLEPOST=1389672296][/DOUBLEPOST]
The Server is quite empty, why are you not coming?
i try to go on as much as possible, most people aply but don't even come on...
So, I ate a magic bean (didn't know what it was at the time, but evidently it's from Thaumcraft), and the server kicked me off and wouldn't let me back on. Tried a couple of times, got "internal server error" and "disconnected: end of stream" messages, respectively.

Got a brief message about radiation poisoning before I got kicked off, so I thought maybe I needed to wait a while for that condition to go away or some such thing, but it's been an hour or two and no luck (now getting "end of stream" message consistently). Pinged the server and got a response, but suspect it's something server-side at this point regardless.
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So, I ate a magic bean (didn't know what it was at the time, but evidently it's from Thaumcraft), and the server kicked me off and wouldn't let me back on. Tried a couple of times, got "internal server error" and "disconnected: end of stream" messages, respectively.

Got a brief message about radiation poisoning before I got kicked off, so I thought maybe I needed to wait a while for that condition to go away or some such thing, but it's been an hour or two and no luck (now getting "end of stream" message consistently). Pinged the server and got a response, but suspect it's something server-side at this point regardless.
well it worked for me? i can play..
II've restarted the server so try now if any more problems idk
Hey, just wanna throw this out there for any curious parties: the admin there got me back on the server by deleting my player profile at my request; he's a super-helpful and friendly dude like that.

The "civilized" swath of the server is a bit small--I'd call it cozy--but what's there is pretty nicely built or in the process of getting there, I'd say. People are very friendly, too, though you don't see them very often aside from me and Aaron; seems like most folks don't stick around long.

But that's where you come in! If you're vacillating about joining the server, I'd recommend it. Despite being up for a while, it still feels small enough that you can get in on the "ground floor," if that's a draw, and you can totally be a part of a friendly, still-growing community.
IGN: xaviarrob
Age(Optional): 21
First Thing you Would Build: A decent looking house
Why you want to join: Looking for somewhere to build with others :)
Do you understand the rules: Of course :)
IGN: rodolpho97
Age(Optional): 16
First Thing you Would Build: First I do need to analyze the server, but, I would get a piece of land and build my house in the town
Why you want to join: I like the fact of the server being focused on groups
Do you understand the rules: Understood. Hope that these rules work, would be nice for a server
IGN: xaviarrob
Age(Optional): 21
First Thing you Would Build: A decent looking house
Why you want to join: Looking for somewhere to build with others :)
Do you understand the rules: Of course :)
IGN: rodolpho97
Age(Optional): 16
First Thing you Would Build: First I do need to analyze the server, but, I would get a piece of land and build my house in the town
Why you want to join: I like the fact of the server being focused on groups
Do you understand the rules: Understood. Hope that these rules work, would be nice for a server
ok guys have fun :D and hopefully become a long term member :)
IGN: Dnedun1494
Age(Optional): 20
First Thig you Would Build: I'm not sure yet as I am very new to the Horizons modpack. Once I find something in the pack that I like I'll come up with something.
Why you want to join: Usually FTB modpacks get boring when playing alone and I would like to be on a small interactive server.
Do you understand the rules: Yes. :)
IGN: TheQuaker
Age(Optional): 19
First Thing you Would Build: A basic setup to get started with this modpack
Why you want to join: I haven't played this modpack yet, so i am looking for a fun co-operative server to explore the modpack on.
Do you understand the rules: Yes I do
IGN: Dnedun1494
Age(Optional): 20
First Thig you Would Build: I'm not sure yet as I am very new to the Horizons modpack. Once I find something in the pack that I like I'll come up with something.
Why you want to join: Usually FTB modpacks get boring when playing alone and I would like to be on a small interactive server.
Do you understand the rules: Yes. :)
IGN: TheQuaker
Age(Optional): 19
First Thing you Would Build: A basic setup to get started with this modpack
Why you want to join: I haven't played this modpack yet, so i am looking for a fun co-operative server to explore the modpack on.
Do you understand the rules: Yes I do
you've been added to the whitelist
IGN: bcg17
Age(Optional): 16
First Thing you Would Build: probabaly a house and ore doubling system
Why you want to join: i have been looking for a whitelisted server for ftb horizons and this seemed like a nice one to pick and i like the whole coumunity thing
Do you understand the rules: yup heard you loud and clear
IGN: Murvar
Age(Optional): 18
First Thing you Would Build: Depends on what is needed
Why you want to join: I would like to try this pack out together with some new friends
Do you understand the rules: Yes
IGN: vilereaver41
Age(Optional): 21
First Thing you Would Build: a a volcano base where door's open up to remove the lava and as they close the lava hides the entrance :)
Why you want to join: i'v been looking for a decent Horizons server so im looking :(
Do you understand the rules: *thumbs up*
good some more people are applying we need more active people though assuming you are in the US you guys are most likely have to wait till late tonight to get added owner hops on late well late for us assuming you guys are are in a nearby timezone

RANDOM IDEA EDIT: I've been thinking of a way to chat out side of the server i'm not a big fan of using the ftb forums for it because if someone posts about the server crashing people who look at it can see it it doesn't look as good was thinking IRC but i think that it costs money but then i thought why don't we make a sub Reddit it works, its free and its a great way for me to gain karma jk on the last one also its advertisement for the server also we can make multiple posts and we can moderate it on our own o we get more say in things pertaining to posts and such

sorry about the great wall of text but i had ideas and i let them flow and i'm to lazy to spend an hour with punctuation since Firefox doesn't point it out to me
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