climhazzard87's FTB Server | [FTB DW20] [Survival] [1.4.6] | Whitelist | New 24/7 Server

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: I am 17, I think I am very mature.

Minecraft + Mods Experience: I have been playing Minecraft for about 2 years now, and I am pretty good at redstone. I also have a lot of knowledge as I also am a mod dev(making a chemistry mod). I am very good at FTB, and am best at IC2 and RedPower.

How often you play: I now almost only play FTB, and I can play about 2 hours everyday.

(Optional) Moderator: I was an admin on my own server, and many people enjoyed it. Sadly it is down as the host just died. I am also an admin on a tekkit server.

(Optional) Extra info: I still remember the first time I played Minecraft on Normal. I saw a skeleton and tried to kill it, while a creeper snuck up on me and blew me up.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: CrazyCocoK
Minecraft + Mods Experience: I've played Minecraft since 2010, and played Tekkit for atleast 1 year, and have now moved on to mods that Direwolf20 uses (2012) in Season 4. But now, it's season 5 time! I know my way around many of the mods, although progammy things like ComputerCraft and Turtles I am at a loss on how to use. I know a lot of the mechanics of Minecraft, although after around version 1.3 with all these new snapshots I don't really know anything. I have worked on adventure maps that involved a lot of redstone, so I do know how redstone functions and how to use it.

How often you play: Worst case scenario is that I play Minecraft at least once a day for 1 hour. Recently though, since the release of FTB Dw20 pack, I've been playing this for almost a day each day.

(Optional) Moderator: I've owned a few of my own servers that did fairly well, had smaller communities of about 14 people. I stopped the servers though because my computer got worse and worse and I couldn't run them well enough.

Best Means of Contacting: Steam:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: I am 14 years old, turning 15 in may

IGN: thebeatles8371

Minecraft + Mods Experience: I've been playing since the release of beta 1.4, not sure how long that is. I've been using tech mod since about 1.7.3 and am familliar with most of the things in this pack.

How often you play: I play minecraft almost everyday when I have time.

(Optional) Moderator: I used to be a moderator on a server in b1.6 and in the 1.0-1.2.5 days I was an admin of both a public and private dedicated server. I like helping people out with things on servers, that's why applied on the first server I mentioned.

my skype name is my ign


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: I'm 19 years old.

Minecraft + Mods Experience: Have played Original Minecraft for a year or two. Then moved to Tekkit/Technic. I'm slowly getting familiar with Direwolf's Modpack. I made a Singleplayer that 2 friends, my brother and I play on when we're all here for fun.

How often you play: Probably everyday.

(Optional) Moderator: Not on Minecraft. I would if you needed me too. Not sure what I'd do, anything to help out I guess.
IGN: zStretch_
Skype: zStretch


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 14
Minecraft + Mods experience: I have been playing Minecraft since 1.1, and I've been playing Tekkit (The first mod pack I used) for about 7 months now.
How often do you play: I will be on maybe 3-4 hours a day. Some days like when I have sports it might be less but I will get on frequently.
IGN: Somberanakin
Skype: I will share it once I'm whitelisted.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 17

Minecraft + Mods Experience: played minecraft for 2.5 years and mods for 2 years.. followed direwolf20 mods for 3 seasons

How often you play: maybe 2 hours on weekdays and maybe 3-? hours on weekends depends if there's anything going on

IGN: lupton4

Moderator: Ive been the moderator of 2 of my small modded servers


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Minecraft + Mods Experience:I started playing minecraft last spring, jumped right away into tekkit and played that for a while. I'm fairly experienced in RedPower, Industrialcraft, Buildcraft and the little bits of equivalent exchange 3 that have been released. I have also been playing around with Thermal expansion, though I have yet to get into Railcraft or factorization. I'm also not afraid to get into a bit of coding when it comes to ComputerCraft.

How often you play: School and tennis come first but I can usually play a few hours each night on weekdays and longer on weekends. I am in Eastern Standard Time.

Moderator: I was an admin on a tekkit server (Artisan gaming/Skytekkit) and I mostly handled the back-end stuff, like plugins and balance issues (like EE2). The server shut down because the owner was unable to support it.

Extra info: My ign is Talon685, You can reach me at skype, my nickname is Talon685, though I do not use skype too often.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 19

Minecraft + Mods Experience: Started playing minecraft back in beta 1.5.6 before there was pistons. Got bored of vanilla/bukkit minecraft around beta 1.8 and started playing with mods. I have played some tekkit(wont even touch that any more.) Cant play with out mods any more.

How often you play: Way more then I really should. Just about every day.

Moderator: Was a mod on a bukkit server for a long time till minecraft at the time just became boring left that server but check up on it once and a while I don't play on it though still have mod status on the server to this day. Was a mod on two FTB pack servers. The first was bought out by another FTB pack server and were merged our staff was kicked out. Then the other server could not make up its mind on what pack it wanted to host(changed packs four times with in two weeks with little or no warning.) I left that server.

Extra info: IGN: lordnikon_13 I try to be as helpful to players questions about the game to my best ability. Try to be friendly but some times you just have those people who piss you off so bad. And my first mod job I banned my self to learn how to ban people could not get back on for hours because not one admin was around to unban me. I thought it was a good idea at the time and now its just a funny memory


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: How old are you??

My age is 13 but 14 next month

Minecraft + Mods Experience: How long have you been playing Minecraft?

I have been playing minecraft since this time last year and have been playing modded minecraft just as long. I could tell you how to use most of the mods in the DW20 pack

How often you play: Tell me how often you play Minecraft. If I am to reserve a slot for you, how often are you going to be on the server??

I am going to play every day for about 1 hour+

(Optional) Moderator: Do you have any experience as a mod or admin for a server? Do you think you would be of any help in running the server?? If so, in what way??? If you were once a mod, but are no longer - why? What happened??

I used to be an moderator on a tekkit server called Fragglerock ( if you want to check) and was voted in being a moderator for about 2 months until it closed down due to loss in popularity (but used to peak at about 30 people at a time) I can help running the server suggesting plugins and building communal areas

(Optional) Extra info: If there is anything else you want to tell me or think I would want to hear, then please - do tell. Your most memorable Minecraft moment, your favorite band/music... or if you have any questions about the server or myself then ask away. I'll do my best to answer just about anything.

I dont really have any questions to ask but music i mostly like Rap,Dubstep or even coldplay and ACDC tbh i dont really mind i can listen to any music im very advanced with mods and my speciality is RP2 builds and assembly lines im interested in forestry though also i dont think ive ever been banned from a server lately ive just been moving around trying to find a community i like



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age:17(18 in Feb)
Minecraft + Mods Experience: I have been playing minecraft since the first beta update and with mods for roughly 2 years.
How often you play: 3-5 times a week.
Moderator: Never have moderated.
IGN: curiosity1836


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: I'm 15, 1 month to 16

Minecraft + Mods Experience: I have played minecraft since beta 1.4.3 (dont know exactly how long) and knowledge of the mods is pretty good.

How often you play: Depends on how much time i got and how much work i have to do. I'll play at least 7 hrs a week

(Optional) Moderator: No, never have been a mod. I dont actually need to be mod to have fun, like, i dont want it. I have been asked on 2 servers to be mod in my past.

(Optional) Extra info: No information that isnt told yet.

IGN: craftminar


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Age: 25

Minecraft + Mods Experience: I play minecraft since the wolf patch come out. I fairly good with buildcraft, ic2, redpower, thermal expansion. I start to learn lua becuse i want to play more with turtles.

How often you play: I play minecraft almost every day more then 2 hour, if i get a spot at ypur server ican spend more time in it.

(Optional) Moderator: i have never been a moderator before.

(Optional) Extra info: "I'd say more but this looks like a pretty good wrapping up point..." Direwolf20

To contact me pls leave a message in this forum or at [email protected], dont want to give out my skype in a public forum.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 13 I am incredibly mature
Minecraft + Mods Experience: i have been playing vanilla ever since beta 1.6 and i find my self very experienced with vanilla I am also a expert at just about everything in the pack except coding
How often will you play: anywhere from an hour to six hours on weekdays on weekends maby about 12 hours Friday, saturday, and sunday
Moderator: I have had some past experience and if you need a mod i can be a mod for your server
Extra Info: N/A
Contact: [email protected]
IGN: Kevowrath1​
P.S: Thank you for taking the time to read my application! :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 14 but often mistaken for 18. I'm as mature as my peers. If you're on the fence about me, I can prove I'm a great conversationalist about any real world/minecraft topics.

Minecraft + Mods Experience: I'm familiar with all the mods. I've been playing since 1.6.6 and modded soon after I started. I'm good with all the mods not just anyone.

How often you play: I play in all my free-time. I do prioritize my grades over games (like everyone should) and sports so I may only be on an hour a day during the week but weekends I normally have a couple of hours a day.

IGN: Asalt13

Moderator: I'll admit I've never been a true admin. I'm normally the reference for admins. My neighbors used to be admins and they always came to me for help when they needed it like when their sever was griefed. I also will stick to the rules. I'm a zero tolerance kinda guy for griefing tho.

Extra info: Very community oriented, commited to my server, and I love building in towns. Great with automation and big builds. My favorite mod by far is railcraft and a future version of traincraft when it isn't buggy. Another thing is that I'll join a teamspeak server if this server ever gets one.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 39
Minecraft + Mods Experience: a few years with minecraft and dabbled with all the mods.
How often you play: An hour or more a day, most days
(Optional) Moderator: No specific experience.
IGN: PiP69
Will do skype if whitelisted.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 18
Minecraft + Mods Experience: I've been playing Minecraft for a little bit more than a year, and i have used some of the mods in the past, but not of late.
How Often Do You Play?: about 3-4 hours a day. if i'm busy, then about 1-2 hours.
(Optional) Moderator: I've never been a Moderator, though i can help if needed.
(Optional) Extra Info: I'm a pretty chill and positive guy just looking for a nice server to play on and have fun with.
IGN: bro269
Skype: I will share that info if i'm whitelisted. :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 22 Years of age

Minecraft + Mods Experience: I've been playing Minecraft since release and am very familiar with the all the mods in FTB

How often you play: I play everyday when i can.

IGN: Subjecttoend


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Tom Netek
IGN: Tom33irons
Age: 16
Minecraft+Mods experience: I caught the minecraftv addicition 13 months ago when I downloaded the Xbox 360 version of the game. Since then I have played every aspect of the Vanilla PC version and have played on countless servers of all kinds. Just about a month ago I began to get hooked on modding nad different types of mods. I first tried Tekkit and was able to get a good understanding of the mods and the amount of intelligience needed to feel comfortable in a modpack. Then I began to hear others talking about the newer FTB pack and I began to do reasearch on it. I downloaded the application and first began playing Direwolf20's pack 3 weeks ago. I now have a confidence in many early game machines and have the knowledge of most items in the mod. I will however, need assistance when reaching the mid-end game side of the spectrum and hope that this server will give me a chance to have friendly players help me when I'm in need. I am not going to ask an infinite amount of questions, but instead I will use sources such as the FTB Wiki and Youtube wheever I hit a stump. :)
How often you play: My true passion, basketball, takes up much of my life due to the amount of time I put into it and my schoolwork. Therefore my free time is decreased and I can usually only get about 2-3 hours a day to play minecraft. Yet even with the little amount of time I have, I play consistently every day I can and am hoping to find a server where I can play a large majority of my time and really get attached too. If this is the server, then I plan to put all my effort into this server and be the nest player I can be! :p
Moderator?: I have never really thought of being a mod on a server, but the though does sort of intrique me. I believe I could be a great mod if I was needed but I would enjoy my experience just as much as a regular player. So If you are in any need of a moderator I would be perfectly fine withvolunteering to watch over the server when you cannot be on.
Extra Information: As a player on the server I would be commited to enhancing the gaming experience for myself and the other players around me through my kindness and motivation to help. I have a great personality and can be freaking hilarious (wink wink) and I hope to share this with you and the other players.
Skype: I currently do not have a skype, but if you would like all the players online to be in a chat application I would be perfectly fine with getting Skype at any time.

The best way to contact me is by my email: [email protected]. If I am able to join the server I will give you my phone number as an easier contact if you need me.

Thank you SO much for going over my application and I greatly appreciate the time you put into creating a server! I cant wait to hear your anwser and I hope to see you on the server soon! :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Jasongg99
Age: 13(14 next month)
Minecraft + Mods Experience: Been playing minecraft for 2 years now and found FTB about a month ago. I would say im pretty decent with FTB.
How often do you play: I play everyday.
Skype: will share if whitelisted
Contact me on steam: Tinpip


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: I'm 14 but i can keep a conversation

Minecraft + Mods Experience: I've played minecraft since the first beta. i have a lot of experience with direwolf20 pack

How often you play: I play about 20 hours a week and if I'm on this server it will be my only server and world

(Optional) Moderator: i don't want to be mod but i have experience with being mod and admin

(Optional) Extra info: my skype is mangodudes and my steam is mango1120 but i dont use it much plz contact me through skype

i was wondering how many people are on the server at the moment?