climhazzard87's FTB Server | [FTB DW20] [Survival] [1.4.6] | Whitelist | New 24/7 Server

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 23

Minecraft + Mods Experience: Played vanilla since beta, as far as mods go I'm pretty experienced with IC2, buildcraft, forestry, redpower, thaumcraft... etc I'm also excited to learn all the new mods and have fun doing it.

How often you play: at least 12 hours a week

(Optional) Moderator: I've run vanilla servers before with a few friends, the reason we stopped was due to timetables clashing.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 14
Minecraft + Mods Experience:1 Year, mostly tekkit and ftb.
How often you play: Five days a week or so.​
IGN: Templar360
Skype: Owain.thomas78


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 19
Minecraft + Mods Experience: I used to play tekkit when there was no ftb so i have pretty good experience with all the mods.
How often you play: I play every day.
IGN: uncutas
Skype: I don't really want to tell my skype to all the people, if you want it you can contact me through pm.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 15

Minecraft + Mods Experience: I've been playing mine craft for nearly 2 years and have been playing tekkit for 4 months until FTB came out and then I have been playing non stop

How often do you play: I'm on most days for a few hours and most of the day on weekends

(Optional) Moderator: I have been a moderator on a former tekkit server and would be interested in being one again

(Optional) Extra Info:
IGN: Grimreaper1997
Skype: WoWxUnholy


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 13
Minecraft + Mods Experience: been playing since 1.6.6 i know the game great and i'm am most familiar with redpower

How often you play: i play about 1-1.5 hours a day on weekdays and about 2-3 on weekends(because of school)

IGN : wolf4352
steam : wolf4352


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 14

Minecraft + Mods Experience: i learned how to put mods on minecraft a couple of weeks after i got an acount.

How often you play: i play quite a lot (whenever i don't have anything to do).

(Optional) Moderator: i am good at being good but i have no knowledge of how to run servers and put plugins on them. i am a good builder and miner i can build a spawn for you if you would like. (my skype name is tye.cameron). and my ING is tyk1001


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: MaC95Js
Age: 17.
Minecraft + Mods Experience: Minecraft 17 months (1.8 release), Mods 1 year.
How often you play: all the time.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 21

Minecraft + Mods Experience:played minecraft in alpha some play in beta and release quit for quite some time after growing bored with vanilla recently started playing ftb in 1.45 and now am trying to get onto a mindcrack/direwolf server

How often you play: if the server is nice with no or very little block lag you could count me in for 3+hours a day

(Optional) Moderator: no experience with being a mod

(Optional) Extra info: i prefer biogas power i've only made it up to mid tier2 no experience with nuclear reactors or anything of the like
am only experienced with ftb mods and thaumcraft have little to no experience with redpower 2 or ee3

Mods i plan to learn more about on the server
-red power 2
-forestry bees
-ee3 once it becomes more then it is now
-xycraft once it becomes more then just blocks

-contact info pm on forums i dont normally use skype prefering ts3/mumble/vent but if it is the prefered voice comms i will dl it after being accepted


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: Matterbound
Age: 16
Minecraft + Mods Experience: I have been playing Minecraft since In-Dev, so I'm pretty experienced in that regard. I started using major mods when the Technic Pack originally came out. I still remember downloading it and having a blast! Unfortunately, the Technic Pack and Tekkit don't have the best support or community nowadays, so I've decided to switch to FTB. So far I like what I see! I'm familiar with most mods that are in the FTB packs and can provide help to people as they need it.
How often you play: I play videogames every day! I play Minecraft almost every day as well, although it depends on what I'm feeling at the time. I'll almost always log into Minecraft at least once a day for a little bit. Most days though, I'll get caught up in the blocky goodness and be playing for hours!
Moderator: I currently own a vanilla Minecraft server that has been online for a couple months. Previous to that I've run many servers, totaling to about 2 years of Minecraft administration experience. Panpipers is a moderator on my server, so watch out for him! He should be posting an application soon.
Extra info: I usually prefer to use my real-life name when being addressed, which is Mike. On the flipside, I also like to use other people's real names as well. To me it feels more personal and friendly. I'm quite laid back but I know when enough is enough. Contrary to popular belief, I am able to activate "hardass mode" when need be. I'm sort of like the Hulk actually. Although less smashy.

The best way to contact me would be through the FTB forums. Just send me a PM and I'll get it on my phone. :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: How old are you??
I am 53 years old but have never really grown up.

Minecraft + Mods Experience: Playing about a year, mostly solo, occasionally with a few mods. Relatively recently I joined a vanilla server and discovered the pleasure of much more long term building projects that other people could play with. I'd like now to try something similar but with the variety that comes with mods.

How often you play: Truth be told, I have no life. I am semi retired with a lot of time, and I tend to spend far too much time playing Minecraft.

(Optional) Moderator: I am an assistant moderator on another server, the vanilla server I referenced above. My duties there are not technical so much as supervisory for when the 'actual' moderators are on board.

(Optional) Extra info: I am for the most part the friendly builder sort, quite the 'nice guy' neighborly fellow. I am the absolute opposite of a griefer. If anything I can be 'too' social.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ign: Follay
Contact Info: Steam- benzon30
Age: 19
Minecraft + Mods Experience: I have played minecraft since alpha and I have exp with a majority of the mods within direwolf
How often you play: I tend to play around 4+ hours of FTB daily
(Optional) Moderator: I have moderated a few vanilla servers and I was in a moderator campaign in the large tekkit server, "Fivekingdoms Tekkit"
(Optional) Extra info: I love to build cool looking house, and for everyone who has played with me. I am a skilled sailor looking for a decent plot over many minecraft days =) I want to build many automated machines that can sustain themself for my own pleasure and that of anyone who wishes to observe my oddly done creations


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ign: Llamfish1982
Contact Info: skype - as above
Age: 30
Minecraft + Mods Experience: I have played minecraft for a couple of years (since before the nether) and I have experience with tekkit
How often you play: Weekday evenings and couple hours weekends
(Optional) Moderator: I have moderated on vanilla server 5duchies
(Optional) Extra info: I love to build Asian or fantasy builds (Erebor is currently what i want to build!!)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 21

Minecraft + Mods Experience: I've been playing Minecraft for about a year now, started in vanilla, got bored, went to tekkit, started modding tekkit, then finally i'm in FTB. I'm good with all mods, thou RP2 sometimes can be daunting. I've latley been kicking serious booty with MFFS,

How often you play: Every day or so, if I can find the right people to play with. I always have the issue of finding a place to live in smp, if you don't want to get griefed, you have to move at least 2k from spawn, which takes 2+ MC days, then you have to find somewhere that tickles your fancy, and i'm very picky.

(Optional) Moderator: Honestly, I don't think I would want the responsibility. I manage a clean/sober living house, and get enough crap from that, I come to my computer to escape, not work.

(Optional) Extra info: I once built this floating island on a vanilla server from scratch, no flying, no spawned stuff, just a ton of nerd poling. Came out looking awesome, had waterfalls off the side, and a house in an overgrown forest, with what looked like chunks of earth coming down.

IGN: IIamghostt Skype is the same. email is [email protected]


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: I am 23 years of age.

Minecraft + Mods Experience: I have been playing minecraft since late 2011. I started to get into Tekkit about 8 months ago and than I found FTB. I have been trying to find a serer to play on for a while, and one that is now on the Direwolf20 pack. I have a lot of experience with all of the mods in this pack.

How often you play: I play Minecraft literally everyday. I enjoy playing this game all the time, it's so much fun for me. I enjoy every bit of building I can do and mining. I love to build contraptions that everyone can use to their advantage.

(Optional) Moderator: I moderated a towny war server a long time back. Was mod on it for around 3 months. I also owned my own vanilla server for about 4 months but stopped it because I could not keep up with the payments any longer. I could be help to the server if anyone needs it. I know a lot about minecraft so I could almost anybody. I know a lot about this game and the mdos in this pack. I can figure things out pretty fast and show people how to fix things. I'm no longer a mod on the server I was because I stopped playing on it. The people started getting really childish and I got sick of the way the owner ran the server, which is why I made my own.

(Optional) Extra info: I like to watch tv and play internet games. I play like 4 different game at the moment, so I'm not always on, but I am on most of the time. I really enjoy spending time building with people, and making big community projects.

IGN: th3niiinja


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Age: 21

Minecraft + Mods Experience: I played minecraft since early beta and modded minecraft since early forestry, IC2, BC, etc... I pretty much all rounded with those awesome mods. Not so good with computercraft because of the programming and all but it doesn't hurt to learn new stuff and that's what I want in a server, learn new stuff and "teach" new stuff with other people.

How often you play: I'll pretty much play everyday. Unless there is a HUGE amount of work for the uni but that is unlikely.

(Optional) Moderator: Never been a moderator. But captain of my university Ultimate Frisbee team :p Kinda the skills right? :p

(Optional) Extra info: I'm currently studying Zoology in London (GMT 0). Don't really know what you want to know but feel free to ask.

IGN. tuga999
You can contact me by skype, steam or even here if you want. Just PM me and I'll give you all the details.

Looking forward to be in the server.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: How old are you?? Age isn't nearly as important as your overall maturity, even though I would prefer to game with people closer to my age (25)... I am willing to bring people of any age on to the server, so long as you are able to hold an intelligent conversation - that is what is most important.

I am currently 12; However, I am noted as being mature (Except in some situations where maturity is not required at all. IE: A party. Otherwise, I am completely mature.)

Minecraft + Mods Experience: How long have you been playing Minecraft? How would you rate your overall skill and knowledge of how the game works?? Have you played modded Minecraft before? Which mods are you most familiar with??

I have been playing Minecraft since Indev, and I'd say my skills of the game are 10 out of 10. I have modded before, quite a lot. I am most used to most mods in FTB/Tekkit, TerraFirmaCraft, and Mo' Creatures.

How often you play: Tell me how often you play Minecraft. If I am to reserve a slot for you, how often are you going to be on the server??

I basically have no life, so I play Minecraft all the time. I'll be on lots, probably multiple times a day, each time for several hours.

(Optional) Moderator: Do you have any experience as a mod or admin for a server? Do you think you would be of any help in running the server?? If so, in what way??? If you were once a mod, but are no longer - why? What happened??

I do have some experience; However, I prefer playing the game than moderating it. I was once a moderator, but the server has since been closed down.

(Optional) Extra info: If there is anything else you want to tell me or think I would want to hear, then please - do tell. Your most memorable Minecraft moment, your favorite band/music... or if you have any questions about the server or myself then ask away. I'll do my best to answer just about anything.

I think my most memorable Minecraft moment was when I had set up a factory in Tekkit that mined out huge amounts of stone, turned them into noteblocks, and had automatically made the Tetris theme song in Minecraft without placing a single noteblock. IGN: Verodoxys


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 24
Minecraft + Mods Experience: I have a large amount of experience with IC and IC2. A fair amount with any BC build and enough with RP, CC, and Thaumcraft.
How often you play: Any spare time I have in the afternoon.
(Optional) Moderator: I have, not only hosted my own server, but am an admin on a soon-to-go live server. The problem is that it has to be whitelisted at the moment and still needs work on the spawn area. The site is Minekraft9001. I must warn you, however, the server owner sees things in a bit of a...vulgar fashion. Not hesitating to make things, albeit funny, but vulgar.
(Optional) Extra info: Well, the most memorable moment would be when I bought minecraft. The second would be joining a small community of people who started a server for IC BC and RP. I have lost contact with them but I am still on the whitelist, for now. I suppose I would have to talk about the massive ore farm I built for the company I was working for on the server. The most efficient and fastest digging for ores on that server. On avg. we pulled up enough ore to fill three double chest in about an hour. All it took was one MK4 nuclear generator. I think every time we built that thing the admins had a heart attack.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 15
Minecraft + Mods Experience: I've played minecraft since 1.5, With mods i started with tekkit(yes, noobie) but i've played with FTB since the first release, I have pretty good knowledge on the mods included in FTB except for like some of the newer ones like TH3
How often you play: I play every day from 1-8ish hours
(Optional) Moderator: I'm moderator on plenty of servers, and admin on a few. I have a lot of experiance with both and will be able to help with most things in the area.
(Optional) Extra info: I can be very hyper
Skype: Will be given if needed. IGN: Soar_1


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 12, though i am not a squeaker
MC + Mod Experience: been playing Minecraft since 1.8.2 and started modding minecraft at 1.3.2, Very familiar with Thaumcraft 3, Buildcraft and RedPower. Vaguely familiar with ee3 and ic2. I am also alright with vanilla redstone.
How often you play: Very often on Weekends, Weekdays depend.
Extra info: IGN: POCHE_POWER, Skype: Drummerjt109. Skype is recommended.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Cheeseless
Age: 19 on February 1st
Minecraft + Mods Experience: I played Minecraft since the last Alpha version, started on mods in 1.8, been doing tech mods ever since.
How often I play: Depends. I'm in college so i might have to be absent sometimes, but i'm an avid MC player so i should be on for at least an hour a day.
Moderator: I have hosted a server and administrated it before, though only for a couple of months. I shut it down when I thought the community (read 10 people) got too fragmented, and now only host if it's for playing with friends. I could give a hand if you think i should.
Extra info: I'm good at doing stuff with a team. I might do an LP if I like the server, that would include whoever on it might want to join a skype call. I could make a TS3 server available for you, hosted on my pc, for free.
Contact: Steam - Cheeseless Skype - pedro.bento.likes.potatoes (don't ask :D)