climhazzard87's FTB Server | [FTB DW20] [Survival] [1.4.6] | Whitelist | New 24/7 Server

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello! I have recently started up a Minecraft server, and it is currently running the Feed the Beast: direwolf20 modpack. I am looking to bring some new people on board, 6 for now and more when I decide to upgrade the server.

Currently the server can only hold about 10 people max and remain completely lag free. If things go well then I will be doubling that max. This is my first time hosting a server not from my own computer - so I will likely be enlisting the help of another person who does have some experience. It is a survival server, going to be on either normal or hard difficulty (currently hard) and the map we are on now is not permanent (BETA). Once I gather all who are joining, we will be starting out fresh on a new map. Together as a small, but close knit group of friends we will set foot in to a brave new world - and revel in a game we all love.

climhazzard87's FTB Server (name will likely change when I come up with something better)
Server is in BETA, until I gather all the players I am looking for.

Not many rules. Just don't grief or take that which does not belong to you. Don't be an ass. No cheating. Please limit yourself to only 1 or 2 MystCraft worlds - a creative notebook will be given to each player so you have all the symbols ready to go. The most important rule though - is to have fun!

If you are interested in joining, please answer these few questions. There are no right or wrong answers - it is mostly just to see who you are and what you are about.

Age: How old are you?? Age isn't nearly as important as your overall maturity, even though I would prefer to game with people closer to my age (25)... I am willing to bring people of any age on to the server, so long as you are able to hold an intelligent conversation - that is what is most important.

Minecraft + Mods Experience: How long have you been playing Minecraft? How would you rate your overall skill and knowledge of how the game works?? Have you played modded Minecraft before? Which mods are you most familiar with??

How often you play: Tell me how often you play Minecraft. If I am to reserve a slot for you, how often are you going to be on the server??

(Optional) Moderator: Do you have any experience as a mod or admin for a server? Do you think you would be of any help in running the server?? If so, in what way??? If you were once a mod, but are no longer - why? What happened??

(Optional) Extra info: If there is anything else you want to tell me or think I would want to hear, then please - do tell. Your most memorable Minecraft moment, your favorite band/music... or if you have any questions about the server or myself then ask away. I'll do my best to answer just about anything.

Please do include the best way to contact you, Skype or Steam is preferred - but not a requirement. Also including your IGN would be awesome. Thanks for taking the time to read/fill out this application. I am looking to have a great time with a new group of Minecraft buddies. I hope you are looking for the same.

- forgotten_lies
IGN: climhazzard87


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
age: almost 15
MC + Mods experience: I have played with mods for around a year and im quite good at them
how often do you play: everyday 2+ hours even during school term time
moderator: i wouldn't mind being a moderator but i haven't been one before so it is new to be
extra info: i want to build community projects like a machine room and a power room ect. im quite mature for my age. i would love to play on a server because it would be fun. you can contact me on the FTB fourms private message or my gmail [email protected]
thanks for looking at this and hopefully see you on the server
IGN: narplan63


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello i would like to get whitelisted :
Age: 15
Minecraft + Mods Experience: I know most of the mods pretty well and i also know bees :D
How often you play: I play every day.
Moderator : I'd rather be a regular player but i have experience in moderating and i have been mod on many servers.
Extra Info : I'd like to have active players on this server and sad thing is that i have lost my old server that i used to play on D:
Hope to play with you on the server :D
oh and IGN: shelfman and i have skype


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
age 12
mc + mods experience i like to play tc3 and ic2 rp2 ee3 mystcraft and buildcraft the first modpack that i played = tekkit


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 16
Minecraft + Mods Experience: beuing playing minecraft since start of beta and been playing with most of these mods before tekkit
How often you play: all the time
Extra Info : im friendly and easy to get along with
ign: enake


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
age 12
mc + mods experience i like to play tc3 and ic2 rp2 ee3 mystcraft and buildcraft the first modpack that i played = tekkit
when i play like every day
moderator: im moderator on my friends server and another friend has a server there im admin i help poeple and im very nice
extra info when i was 11 i got this game like to play ghostcraft hungergames survival games im very happy and i like poeple
ign minecraftbhfpro


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age : 14
MC + MC mods experience: i've been playing since beta 1.3 and i've been playing mod for almost 1,5 year.I'm most familiar with IndustrialCraft2 and Buildcraft.
How often: Almost every day.
Moderator: No, I don't like that and i've got no experience with it either.
Extra Info: I'm Dutch and I amn't that good at speaking English ,but I am good at listening it.
IGN: SpaceInfinity27
Contact: [email protected]


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age : 16
MC + MC mods experience I've had minecraft since 1.7.2 beta and i have played whit mods a long time.
How often: every day
Extra info: I am form Finland and i have Skype.
IGN: evilboy99


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age : 18
MC + MC mods experience: Ive had minecraft since early alpha so ive been playing awhile, ive been playing with mods for about a year now so i understand most of them.
How often: mostly every day.
Extra info: I am from Ireland and i have skype.
IGN: sgt_griggs4
PM me on this to contact me it would be the eaisest
Would love to join and be part of a community!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Minecraft + Mods Experience:Played for a very long time on Tekkit, but relatively new to FTB.

How often you play: Pretty much everyday for a good 2-3 hours.

Extra info: Not much really, I'm friendly and easy to get along with and I can provide help for other players if needed.

IGN: Michael_4650


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Age:38... so yeah a bit long in the tooth.. although as anyone who knows me will tell you Im a young 38 hehe

Minecraft + Mods Experience:Been playing MC for around a year (maybe a little more). My first experience of MC was a modded torrent file (sort of a try before you buy) that had IC2,RP2 and BC installed. Since then Ive dabbled with Steves Carts, Railcraft and a host of other mods (most of which are in the DW20 pack.. yay!!)

How often you play: I try and get at least a couple of hours a day in... put it this way, I just booted MC and my missus said "you're addicted to that game" if that gives any indication of how often I play.

(Optional) Moderator: I have absolutely no experience of being a mod/op or admin on a server other than a little messing around I did with my kid on a LAN server but Im a quick learner so if you did need help give me a yell and point me in the right direction for any literature Id need to read up on.
(Optional) Extra info: Im basically looking for a server full of cool people who dont grief. Kinda looking for something along the lines of how ForgeCraft runs... ie communal areas but also you're free to do your own builds. Been a gamer most of my life (first ever computer was a Commodore 64) Currently own PC and Xbox 360 so if you play similar games on the console as me hit me up for my gamertag.) I currently only really play on 1 MC server which is vanilla but the admins/owners there will tell you Im pretty generous at helping out the community on there. Im all about automating as much as I can and theres only so far you can get with vanilla redstone and pistons. If you want their site or IP to check my app give me a shout... I just dont want to advertise other servers on your post.
Fingers crossed Ill see you in a few.

Best way to contact me is either through these forums or via IM for the time being... I dont just give out my email/skype to just anybody as its a work email address too.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN : Thagann

Age : 18

Minecraft + Mod Experience : Been playing MC since Beta 1.7.3 . I have a lot of experience with this mods cause i played a lot with dw20 pack the favorite that i prefer are bc3 ic2 and thermal expansion but i can use the others too

How often you play: A couple hours a day


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 13
Minecraft + Mods Experience: I play on Minecraft from the BETA 1.6.1 , I think My knowledge of the mod are good.
How Often You Play?: I play three , four hour days , i think i can spend 2 , 4 hours a day
IGN: Tekoro


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Minecraft + Mods Experience: 2 years Ive recently found ftb but I'm learning fast

How often you play: daily off and on
(Optional) Moderator:i used to be a mod of a PvP server but we didn't get enough support to keep it up

IGN: skstout1998

Best way to contact me would be Skype or email let me know what you want and i will send you the address and name to you through a pm


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN : Jawoll
Age: 22
Minecraft + Mods Experience: I've been playing Minecraft on and off for a couple of years until about two months ago I've found out about the technical mods. Needless to say, they got me addicted.
How often you play: When I can and want, I don't have schedule ;)
(Optional) Moderator: No I don't have any experience as a mod or admin.
(Optional) Extra info: I'm from Germany and as far as I can tell I'm a friendly guy. I'm hoping to find a nice and helpful community in this server. I primarily like to build automated and technical stuff, but if I try i can manage make things look nice as well. For now I can be reached through this forum, but I will of course give out my Skype via PM.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 13, becoming 14 in a month (7th of february)

IGN: Eirik929
Minecraft + Mods Experience: I have been playing minecraft since the start of august 2011. Earlier on, like 6 months or so after starting to play minecraft, I found tekkit/technic. I played it ALOT and got pretty decent on it. Now that FTB has come out with alot of packs with some of the same mods, I have gotten even more experienced. Im most experienced with IC2 I think, a little, not much with RP2. Buildcraft is something that i enjoy, so is mystcraft. I know most of mystcraft too. Im pretty bad at thaumcraft, although I was mostly decent at thaumcraft 2.

How often you play: I do play alot, mostly like half of the time after i get home from school till when I go to bed. I get home at 14:00 (2:00 in american time) mostly, and I go to bed at around 22:00 (10:00 in american time). Thats maybe 3 hours a day I'm on minecraft. Maybe like two and a half hour a day at the server if i get whitelisted.

(Optional) Moderator: I've been admin on one server, never mod. The reason I'm no longer admin on it, is that the server got taken down. The owner was going to make a new one, but we kind of lost contact, so I dont know if he's made a server now or not. I've been builder a few times, which gave me the ability to go creative, kick people etc. I never used the kick option though ;)

(Optional) Extra info: Theres not much to tell, exept that I'm alot more mature than most of my age. I'm also from Norway, and my english aint bad (I can write, but I'm not too good at talking it). My grades are pretty good, most 5's (The same as a B in america I think). I used to play soccer, but I cant anymore, because of some kind of thing in my legs, all I know about it is that when I run and use my legs alot it really hurts, so I get alot of time to use on the computer. Best way to contact me is probaly by facebook, but you'd have to be my friend on it, so i guess it would be skype. My skype is eirik-valdersnes
Im mostly online on it, but I just put my online status as "show as offline", therefore you can just try to send me a message if it says im offline too. I'll respond if I'm on :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 18
Minecraft + Mods Experience: Espert
How often you play: 2 hours a day
(Optional) Moderator: No
(Optional) Extra info: /


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 15
Minecraft + Mods Experience: 2 years, I'm best at Industrial Craft, Build Craft, Forestry,
How often you play: About 7-8ish hours on weekends(EST) and a 2-4 on weekdays.
(Optional) Moderator: I've been admin on two servers. which are now gone because the owners quit. I could help with watching out for people griefing and such.
IGN: Maxedofhaxed01
Skype: Maxedofhaxed


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age:17 years old but i would like to think that i am rather mature
Minecraft + Mods Experience: i have been playing minecraft since 1.7.3 and i have been playing with technical mods for 1 - 1 and 1/2 years i familiar with most mods except maybe factorization, redpower frames and computers(i am learning about them though) computercraft and maybe bees in forestry . i rate my mod knowledge an 7.5-8 out of 10
How often you play: i will probably play for like 6 hours a day everyday (maybe 1 day a week i won't be able to play) max maybe more in some days and less in other day
(Optional) Moderator: not interested even though i could be a helper
(Optional) Extra info: i remember my first encounter with a creeper thinking it was a friendly mob and then BOOM... yep that totally scared me
IGN: darfus666
Skype: i will share my skype in private if i'm whitelisted


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 16
Minecraft + Mods Experience: I've been playing minecraft since alpha 1.1.0 and have been playing with technical mods for about 5-6 months now.
How often you play: I do something minecraft related everyday. If I am not playing I am watching videos about it.
IGN: xxxzzzmark
Skype: I'm not comfortable listing my skype name here for anyone to see so I will share if accepted.