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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
hm... i wonder if you can put a filled DSU in a DSU?
filling DSU with DSU filled with DSU.... filled with DSU would be the ultimate challenge of such kind
Via DC Force Wrench, you technically could have a DSU filled with DSUs full of Enhanced Galagadorian Blocks.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You could turn this into a community effort on your server. Just ask everyone if they would rout all of the cobble from there systems to an enderchest that you import from. See how far you can get on a server scale.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Gargadorian drill team? Like, 10 of them, running all at once?
Seriously, it might work. I don't know, I think with that, a bunch of quarries, a turtle swarm and the array of igneous extruders you may get even faster results.


Tech Support
Oct 30, 2012
Gargadorian drill team? Like, 10 of them, running all at once?
Seriously, it might work. I don't know, I think with that, a bunch of quarries, a turtle swarm and the array of igneous extruders you may get even faster results.
If you somehow setup a vanilla cobble gen to make a standing 9x9x1 cobble section(I can actually think of a few different ways to do this instead of cobble... Drawbridges anyone?). They'd be mining 80 cobble a second assuming the cobble creating mechanism can maintain that speed. 80 cobble per drill that is.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
While it is back to the RP2 days, I am sure there are sufficient tools available to accomplish a very similar approach without much divergence today. And quite possibly a system much more compact!

So, Project World Eater...
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Forum Addict
Jul 27, 2013
Thank you for the absolutely horrible image of a Galgadorian Drill Team. Galgador! Galgador! Go Galgador!


Can Solar turtles get power through other solar turtles? If so, a Turtle mining wall, followed by Crafting turtles. (Each set of turtles drops up to the top and then those drop forward and move backwards.) Then the Crafting turtles continue the chain up to one turtle who makes octuple compressed. A nine by nine wall means one double compressed cobble every cycle. Consider that in a flat world you can do 6 of those stacked...

You'd need a master control system to ensure the crafting turtles got fuel, but...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
lots of interesting ideas floating around now :D However, if it's not a passive system that can be setup and then run on it's own (which turtles are not), then it's not an option (not for me at least) :)


Forum Addict
Jul 27, 2013
I don't see the problem personally, but whatever.

Perhaps a vertical cobblegen, using MFFS block breaker force fields to 'harvest' it?

The classless

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
While it is back to the RP2 days, I am sure there are sufficient tools available to accomplish a very similar approach without much divergence today. And quite possibly a system much more compact!

So, Project World Eater...
dire wolf would love that


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Isn't there a way to get turtles to automate moving mining wells? Sure, they were made to use a lot more energy, but I would assume that wouldn't be much of an issue. Lemme see if I can get a video demo...

Here's one of a setup using drawbridges, mining wells, and turtles.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Isn't there a way to get turtles to automate moving mining wells? Sure, they were made to use a lot more energy, but I would assume that wouldn't be much of an issue. Lemme see if I can get a video demo...

Here's one of a setup using drawbridges, mining wells, and turtles.
I just got a idea to do this turtle-less using MFFS3.
Instead of turtles placing the drawbridges,we could have them placed in the world and being moved by MFFS.
Also the conduits could be placed by default or the tesseracts! :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Fun fact:

You know how the minecraft world ends at 30000000 meters away from origin on X,Z axes ? This impossibly far away distance that is impossible to reach without teleportation ?
You need dig up about ONE THIRD OF THE WHOLE WORLD to fill DSU full of octuple compressed cobble. One third of impossibly^2 large world.

You can now rethink any "dig it up" plans :)

Numbers for reference:
World size 6*10^7 by 6*10^7 = 3.6*10^15 m^2
Assume 64 cobble each column (generous, given prevalence of oceans, underground dirt, gravel and caves).
Total world = 3.6*10^15 * 64 = 2.3*10^17 cobble blocks
DSU capacity = 2*10^9
octuple compressed cobble = 9^8 = approx. 4.3*10^7 cobble
full DSU = 2*10^9 * 4.3*10^7 = 8.6*10^16 cobble
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Fun fact:

You know how the minecraft world ends at 30000000 meters away from origin on X,Z axes ? This impossibly far away distance that is impossible to reach without teleportation ?
You need dig up about ONE THIRD OF THE WHOLE WORLD to fill DSU full of octuple compressed cobble. One third of impossibly^2 large world.

You can now rethink any "dig it up" plans :)

Numbers for reference:
World size 6*10^7 by 6*10^7 = 3.6*10^15 m^2
Assume 64 cobble each column (generous, given prevalence of oceans, underground dirt, gravel and caves).
Total world = 3.6*10^15 * 64 = 2.3*10^17 cobble blocks
DSU capacity = 2*10^9
octuple compressed cobble = 9^8 = approx. 4.3*10^7 cobble
full DSU = 2*10^9 * 4.3*10^7 = 8.6*10^16 cobble

Thanks for doing the math on that, I had no intention of using "digging" methods to get this done unless that method uses a cobble generator for the cobble being dug. I'm still going to be testing out a few stationary methods of doing this soon (have a few other things on my plate). But these numbers certainly put the amount into perspective :D lol


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, given the size of the undertaking, I would suspect that the only "realistic" method is creating a self-replicating machine that also generates cobble.
A million cobble gens produce cobble 1 per second each, it takes around 2700 years, as previously calculated, to achieve the goal.
However, if a machine exists that produces cobble at 1 per second (assume it contains a cobble gen), and is able to build a copy of itself in 10 minutes, then it would be done in less than 6 hours (!) [ t = M(ln c - ln M), where t=time, c=amount of cobble, M=time to replicate ]
Of course, there is one issue - limited space. If we take into account that we only have 2 dimensional world to build replicas, then this changes significantly.
Now it would take 49 days, and would build around 60 billions of cobble gens [ t = (3/2 M c) ^ 1/3 , V = 2 t^2 / M, where V=amount of machines].
If the machine would contain 10 cobble gens, then the time would be reduced, but not as much as you may think - just assume c is 10 times less, which would mean still taking 24 days and building around 130 billions of cobble gens (13 billion machine copies).

The problem is, Java would sooner explode than be able to keep (let's assume a machine takes one chunk) 130 billion chunks loaded at the same time, regardless of what computer you are using.

So in conclusion, the challenge is infeasible for technical reasons, meaning Minecraft and even the underlying Java platform cannot handle it, althought if one can make a scheme for self-replicating machine that can build its own copy in 4 adjacent sides (unless occupied) and prove it to work, one can assume that he "did" it in about a month of constant server operation (since it's self-replicating, no further Steve intervention is necessary, and in fact, given the size it is meaningless after first day or so).
The speed will be slowed down by "defects", meaning machines that for some reason cannot duplicate themselves (be it not enough iron in the chunk by chance, or some intricate terrain feature that cause it to bug out). Assuming these defects will be less than the percolation threshold (which means at least 60% or so do work ok) then the space should fill with infinite sprawl of cobble-producing machines and it should still work ok, maybe slow down by some not so large factor (similar to modifying multiplication speed M).

The challenge could therefore be completed on design/conceptual level, though not in practice.
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