Can't Open My Regrowth World



So I have been playing regrowth for a while, and have not had any bugs on it for a while. Yesterday, however, while I was playing on my world, there was a momentary power outage at my house. Everything turned off for about half a second, then turned back on. So I thought 'OK, that's fine.', and everything opened just fine, (running regrowth from the Curse launcher), but when I tried to open my world, it gave me this message: "Forge Mod Loader has detected that the backup level.dat is being used. This may happen due to a bug or corruption, continuing can damage your world beyond repair or lose data/progress." Then it asks if I want to make a backup world file. But if I click "yes", it does nothing, and if I click "no", it sends me back to the title screen. Can anyone help me resolve this?