Can't get Industrious Bees


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi, I'm playing Mindcrack 8.3.2 (MC 1.4.7) and cannot get Industrious bees to mutate out of Diligent and Unweary bees. I realize this is an older version and have no desire to update (can't afford to lose Redpower), so perhaps there is no fix for this. But if anything I just want to get a pair of Industrious bees so I can continue with making Alvearies.

I'm well aware of how to analyze and mutate bees successfully, and for the most part, I fully understand the Mendelian genetics mechanics of bee breeding. I have all of the Extra Bees machines in place. I've been breeding 7 apiary's worth of fully spec'd out pure bees. All breedings are either:
Diligent-Diligent x Unweary-Unweary,
Unweary-Unweary x Diligent-Diligent,
or Unweary-Diligent x Unweary-Diligent.
(Oddly I've not seen any Diligent-Unweary bees at all)

I've done at least 200 breedings of this nature, always using 3 soul frames in each apiary. I have analyzed every single bee produced, and have not seen a single Industrious trait among them. The wiki states that a successful Industrious mutation occurs 8% of the time. Given this, on average I should have seen at least 16 mutations now without using soul frames. With the soul frames, if my math is correct I should have seen around 40 mutations.

Nowhere have I found that this mutation requires a specific biome, but I've been doing it in an Ocean biome (normal temp, normal humidity).

If you still don't believe the numbers warrant that something is wrong, I've also spawned myself in some Alveary blocks (since I can't get them legitly without the Industrious species), and a Mutator block from Extra Bees. I placed a Nether Star in the Mutator (based on the numbers this should guarantee a mutation), and still I get no Industrious mutation.

At this point, I'm ready to spawn myself in an Industrious pair and call it a day, however this seems impossible. There's no way to do it with NEI AFAIK. Forestry supposedly provides /givedrone, /giveprincess, and /givequeen commands, however all of these, when used as such:
/givedrone [playername] [species]
result in this error in the chat log: "An unknown error occurred while attempting to perform this command", and a null pointer exception in the server log:
08.08 21:19:31 [Server] INFO at
08.08 21:19:31 [Server] INFO at
08.08 21:19:31 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.q(
08.08 21:19:31 [Server] INFO at ho.r(
08.08 21:19:31 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.r(
08.08 21:19:31 [Server] INFO at ht.b(SourceFile:30)
08.08 21:19:31 [Server] INFO at iw.b(
08.08 21:19:31 [Server] INFO at iw.b_net_minecraft_network_NetworkListenThread_networkTick_p0(
08.08 21:19:31 [Server] INFO at iv.d(
08.08 21:19:31 [Server] INFO at cg.b(
08.08 21:19:31 [Server] INFO at cu.a(SourceFile:44)
08.08 21:19:31 [Server] INFO at iv.a(
08.08 21:19:31 [Server] INFO at iv.d(
08.08 21:19:31 [Server] INFO at x.a(
08.08 21:19:31 [Server] INFO at forestry.apiculture.CommandGiveBee.b(
08.08 21:19:31 [Server] INFO java.lang.NullPointerException

I've also read that you should be able to use the Tab key to autocomplete bee species' names when using this command, but when I attempt this, my entire client crashes to the game menu with the error "Internal server error", and another null pointer exception in the server log:
08.08 21:25:45 [Server] INFO at
08.08 21:25:45 [Server] INFO at
08.08 21:25:45 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.q(
08.08 21:25:45 [Server] INFO at ho.r(
08.08 21:25:45 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.r(
08.08 21:25:45 [Server] INFO at ht.b(SourceFile:30)
08.08 21:25:45 [Server] INFO at iw.b(
08.08 21:25:45 [Server] INFO at iw.b_net_minecraft_network_NetworkListenThread_networkTick_p0(
08.08 21:25:45 [Server] INFO at iv.d(
08.08 21:25:45 [Server] INFO at cg.b(
08.08 21:25:45 [Server] INFO at ct.a(SourceFile:29)
08.08 21:25:45 [Server] INFO at iv.a(
08.08 21:25:45 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(
08.08 21:25:45 [Server] INFO at x.b(
08.08 21:25:45 [Server] INFO at forestry.apiculture.CommandGiveBee.a(
08.08 21:25:45 [Server] INFO at w.a(SourceFile:161)
08.08 21:25:45 [Server] INFO at w.a(SourceFile:153)
08.08 21:25:45 [Server] INFO java.lang.NullPointerException
08.08 21:25:45 [Server] WARNING Failed to handle packet for Roachy1/ java.lang.NullPointerException
08.08 21:25:45 [Server] INFO at
08.08 21:25:45 [Server] INFO at
08.08 21:25:45 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.q(
08.08 21:25:45 [Server] INFO at ho.r(
08.08 21:25:45 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.r(
08.08 21:25:45 [Server] INFO at ht.b(SourceFile:30)
08.08 21:25:45 [Server] INFO at iw.b(
08.08 21:25:45 [Server] INFO at iw.b_net_minecraft_network_NetworkListenThread_networkTick_p0(
08.08 21:25:45 [Server] INFO at iv.d(
08.08 21:25:45 [Server] INFO at cg.b(
08.08 21:25:45 [Server] INFO at ct.a(SourceFile:29)
08.08 21:25:45 [Server] INFO at iv.a(
08.08 21:25:45 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(
08.08 21:25:45 [Server] INFO at x.b(
08.08 21:25:45 [Server] INFO at forestry.apiculture.CommandGiveBee.a(
08.08 21:25:45 [Server] INFO at w.a(SourceFile:161)
08.08 21:25:45 [Server] INFO at w.a(SourceFile:153)
08.08 21:25:45 [Server] INFO java.lang.NullPointerException
08.08 21:25:45 [Server] SEVERE A critical server error occured handling a packet, kicking 35801894

Additionally I do not see these commands properly documented anywhere, including on the official Forestry wiki.

Can anyone tell me what I may be doing wrong and/or how to just get a pair of Industrious bees to put all of this behind me? Thanks in advance for any suggestions you may have.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
We have Minefactory Rednet to (mostly) replace redpower, you know.

You'll miss out on the lamps and microblocks, but if all you need is the logic and cabling aspects, MFR's got you covered.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
We have Minefactory Rednet to (mostly) replace redpower, you know.

You'll miss out on the lamps and microblocks, but if all you need is the logic and cabling aspects, MFR's got you covered.

And frames...
And tubes...
And machines...
And the computers (Although not many people used them anyway)
And the logic gates....
Most of these can be replaced with other mods, but I can understand his decision to stay at 1.4.7


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The logic gates as a whole are replaced with the Programmable Rednet Controller and there are a WHOLE LOT more logic components available.
The tubes were redundant (especially so now that we have logistics pipes again).
Computercraft... 'nuff said there.

What machines did redpower add? I can't say I ever used them so I don't really know what is missing, there. Never used frames, I don't even know what they are for to be honest...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The logic gates as a whole are replaced with the Programmable Rednet Controller and there are a WHOLE LOT more logic components available.
The tubes were redundant (especially so now that we have logistics pipes again).
Computercraft... 'nuff said there.

What machines did redpower add? I can't say I ever used them so I don't really know what is missing, there. Never used frames, I don't even know what they are for to be honest...
Let's see:
Transposer: Sort of like an all in one autarcich gate but for tubes, could also collect drops.
Filter: Like the transposed but can pull stacks at a time and filter what items to pull and where to send them
Retriever: Pulls items from any inventory connected to tubes and sends it somehwere
Sorter: Like an awesome version of the filter
Sortron: Like an awesome version of the sorter
Router: Not sure but it had something to do with the sortron
Block breaker: Just breaks blocks and sends them through pipes, actually a lot harder to replace than you would think
Deployer: Places blocks OR (this is the function we all need a good replacement for) right clicks whatever is in the inv - this was EXTREMELY useful as it could even use things like hoes to till ground or mining lasers to shoot at stuff

Frames are their own system of awesomeness - they're like pistons++++++ in that they move an entire structure as a whole. This made is possible for massive automatic mining machines that were chunks wide and could collect an entire chunks worth of blocks in less than a minute.

Basically, while several mods have parts of RP2, there's no mod that could replace some functions, and if you start mixing and matching the mods it's a lot harder without that nice inter-mod capability.

Also, some of us aren't rich enough to spend a diamond just to make a compact RS-NOR latch.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
LP and AE combined can do most if now ALL the functions of the RP tubing system. Buildcraft transport pipes have been made a touch smarter. Combined with LP chassis well it can do everything RP can do, just a different way.

If you are stuck on frames there are a few up and coming mods for that.

There are options out there to do everything RP did save a few things.

But if you love RP you love RP.

Not trying to Hijack your thread tho :D I myself love RP but I have learned to do without for now.

Onto your bee problem, I think the imprinter is what you want.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks for the replies!

Try spawning in an Imprinter - it let's you change any bees species.
Onto your bee problem, I think the imprinter is what you want.

Perfect! I remember hearing about this now that you mentioned it, but had totally forgotten about it. This is exactly what I needed and it worked! Thanks a lot.

Sounds like you've got an ID misplaced somewhere. No idea how / why though.

Maybe. Perhaps I'll look into it later if necessary.

As for the Redpower discussion, for the curious, perhaps this album will help make sense of my reluctance to lose RP2. Not all of these pics are redpower-heavy builds, but you'll see that it exists nearly everywhere. As far as I'm concerned, my current world would be forfeit without it.
Album link:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
As for the Redpower discussion, for the curious, perhaps this album will help make sense of my reluctance to lose RP2. Not all of these pics are redpower-heavy builds, but you'll see that it exists nearly everywhere. As far as I'm concerned, my current world would be forfeit without it.
Album link:

I don't think you have enough barrels. You need more barrels.
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