Can AE Quantum Singularities connect one ME Net to multiple points?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2013
Portland, Oregon
Hey all, I am trying to find some info on the AE Singularity, and instead I found dw20's new AE2 mod spotlight, to which I started having a slight fit.

But I'm using AE1 right now and have never had a need for a singularity. I am looking for info on this.

Basically my setup is this: our "home" network needs to connect to 3 distant people. Is there a convenient way to do this? We're close but it's greater than 64 blocks which is what the wireless supports.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes, it can do that. Just make sure that you don't use more the one ME Controller for the whole network, which each of those things can do.

If you're close enough, it may be cheaper just to connect your bases with ME cables, though.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's important to note, only 2 singularities can be linked, thus for 3 remote bases you will need 6 quantum rings which each need 100 eu/t. You will need 3 at your main base which each link to the other bases.

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