The ECU is also far less efficient on turbine engines as of v1 or v2.
I was pleasantly surprised to see how efficient I could get with ECUs, but if the fuel use doubled it would still be fair. I thought it was wild I can run a gas turbine for 30 hours on 64 buckets of fuel, and get nonstop 4MW or 16 MW (I forget which % I had it set to, but it was low output). I've been very pleased with jet fuel this time through, combined with the ECU I can run many loads at reasonable power with excellent fuel economy.
Two minor bugs to report in v25z, but may still be there in the latest.
First, if you place an ECU, then put an engine on top, you cannot reliably set the efficiency or speed. Break the ECU and place it under and engine that is already placed and it works much better. Wish that you could check the % efficiency with the transducer instead of changing it back around with the screwdriver.
Second, the pneumatic item pump. If you have it on and break the container it is pushing into, it spams the console like crazy. Replace the container without turning it off, and the spam stops and the pump works pushing into the new container, but you'll see the pump on Opis as the highest consumer with 6-8 ms (yes, 6-8000 usec). Two of these were causing major lag where I replaced the output to a void chest with a nullifier without power cycling the item pump.