Mod Feedback [By Request] RotaryCraft Suggestions

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So the water multiplying is known, and caused by the liquid spiller?

Alright, I'll stop trying to see what I did that made it happen :).

Meanwhile: Does anyone have, or know of, a block that has infinite water eating/destroying/absorbing ability? Like a sponge, that never gets wet.

Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
So the water multiplying is known, and caused by the liquid spiller?

Alright, I'll stop trying to see what I did that made it happen :).

Meanwhile: Does anyone have, or know of, a block that has infinite water eating/destroying/absorbing ability? Like a sponge, that never gets wet.
Thermal Expansion creative sponge? Not sure if it eats fluids that flow into its area of effect after it's placed, so I don't know if it'd help with your creative-mode build, but it definitely never gets wet.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There's a fluid trash can from extra utilities that voids liquids, you could turbo charge a pump to get rid of water faster than it can generate.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm actually going to use a weaker engine. The water multiplication turns out to be an explicit feature of the pump at higher power, and a steam engine is powerful enough to trigger it.

(It's not the spiller).


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2013
The spiller will multiply liquids, and not just water.

The pump's water multiplication feature is a function of torque, running it at the lowest possible torque shouldn't multiply water. A steam engine produces 8x the torque necessary to run a pump, so you'll want to gear it down if you want to turn that off.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Months of work, and I'm very nearly there. The central part of my tokamak is nearly complete. All I now require is to create steam transport, and then ignite the furnaces of the sun itself.

Just for much power does the centre magnet require to run, and is it okay to have blocks touching the bottom of it? I'd really rather not blow this thing. Again.
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Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
Months of work, and I'm very nearly there. The central part of my tokamak is nearly complete. All I now require is to create steam transport, and then ignite the furnaces of the sun itself.

Just for much power does the centre magnet require to run, and is it okay to have blocks touching the bottom of it? I'd really rather not blow this thing. Again.
The ReC manual page on the solenoid tells you exactly what the minimum and maximum speed/torque/power requirements are, just like it does for every other ReC machine (and the RoC manual for RoC machines). Blocks in the plane directly underneath the center part and the outer edges were fine last time I checked; I don't know about the space between that plane and the spokes. If there are blocks in the way, it either won't form in the first place (since it has, you're OK here) or won't visually spin once the power's on.

Also, your coolant pipes are asymmetrical and it's bugging my OCD so much. Also, it looks like the neutron absorber five up from the bottom right corner got replaced with a boiler or a steel block or something. Not a big problem; just one that might leak neutrons.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh! Indeed it was, good catch and thankee. I ask about the power because it says that the equivalent of 4 microturbines (going thru a...I wanna say 4:1 gearing for torque) is needed, at minimum. Yet, when I do so in creative, it blows. Might need to re-math again and see where I screwed up my numbers...


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2013
I'd recommend incorporating an extra neutron absorber behind each injector, to the left and right of the plasma pipe. In recent versions I've been getting occasional neutron leakage from those spots for some reason. Also, proper power for the solenoid should be like 16k torque at 256 rad/s. 32,768 rad/s is a bit on the fast side.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'd recommend incorporating an extra neutron absorber behind each injector, to the left and right of the plasma pipe. In recent versions I've been getting occasional neutron leakage from those spots for some reason. Also, proper power for the solenoid should be like 16k torque at 256 rad/s. 32,768 rad/s is a bit on the fast side.
Aah, that would explain a few things, lol. Thanks for the help!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The spiller will multiply liquids, and not just water.

The pump's water multiplication feature is a function of torque, running it at the lowest possible torque shouldn't multiply water. A steam engine produces 8x the torque necessary to run a pump, so you'll want to gear it down if you want to turn that off.

Odd. So far in my testing, there has been no significant increase in pipe pressure once I turned the steam engine down. Oh, it's *not* a function of torque, it's a function of *power*. Just gearing to speed makes it multiply faster. But a shaft junction in split mode works just fine -- and I had three pumps running off one steam engine in my last round of testing.

Somehow, I thought three "once per tick" pumps would keep up with this...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is it normal to be getting radiation entities without having a meltdown? Have a safe as can be 16 core reactor that has been running approx 1 hr no issues.

Random radiation sickness walking through base in full hazmat suit, cheated in rad goggles and cleanup tool to see whats up. Cleared up 20 or so that i could find, opis is telling me theres more that i know will multiply but can't see as yet.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is it normal to be getting radiation entities without having a meltdown? Have a safe as can be 16 core reactor that has been running approx 1 hr no issues.

Random radiation sickness walking through base in full hazmat suit, cheated in rad goggles and cleanup tool to see whats up. Cleared up 20 or so that i could find, opis is telling me theres more that i know will multiply but can't see as yet.
My reactor has something similar, I think it has to do with waste disposal in addition to heat. My reactor occasionally gets up above 400 degrees, at which point it hisses for a few ticks before going back to normal. Mine's a 3x3x3 and spawns a few entities every so often that I clean up. A tip for dealing with radiation sickness, since it lasts a while, is if you have ChromatiCraft installed, silk up a tahara crystal or make a tahara potion crystal and put it down somewhere. The crystal wipes out negative (and maybe positive, I don't quite know) potion effects every few seconds.

Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
My reactor has something similar, I think it has to do with waste disposal in addition to heat. My reactor occasionally gets up above 400 degrees, at which point it hisses for a few ticks before going back to normal. Mine's a 3x3x3 and spawns a few entities every so often that I clean up. A tip for dealing with radiation sickness, since it lasts a while, is if you have ChromatiCraft installed, silk up a tahara crystal or make a tahara potion crystal and put it down somewhere. The crystal wipes out negative (and maybe positive, I don't quite know) potion effects every few seconds.
It wipes out positive potion effects as well. Don't go near one if you're using potions in a boss fight, for instance, or are using Thaumcraft bath salts to ward off warp events.

Quite handy if you do run out of warp ward and then get hit by flux flu or something, though. Also, the tahara crystal pendants work just as well and are easier to turn off when you don't want/need them.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How are you dealing with the waste?
Reactors aren't the only source of radiation.

Also check your reactor shielding.
AE2 for Input and extraction. It had occurred to me just after i posted that Reika may have found a way to detect the waste in an AE system and apply a random rad entity in the area. (Congrats)

I had been busy previously tearing down a jet fuel powered processing system and replacing with Electricraft one. I've since set it to be trashed. Cleared more entities but had a crash so called it for the night.

I don't believe i saw this configuration of reflectors cause the reactor to get hot enough to hiss but after several hrs of tinkering i may be remembering wrong.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ahahaha! Thank you, @EyeDeck! My initial calculations had been FAR off the mark. The poloidal magnet is now fully operational! Containment is now established! Next step, establishing steam transport and creating a pair (to start) of high-pressure turbines to do the proverbial heavy lifting. This motherfucker needs a theme song, I swear. Might have found it, too, come to think of it: a metal cover of the Fallout 4 theme. Its just...appropriate, for an ultimate technological achievement. Nothing I've ever made comes close to this most beautiful of creations...I'm not sure how to outdo harnessing the power of fusion, but damn, its been a fun ride.