Mod Feedback [By Request] RotaryCraft Suggestions

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If I remember correctly, the only thing worse than this in terms of pressure required to maintain it is liquid helium.
and worse than the pressure is the Houdini act. Liquid helium goes superfluid surprisingly easily and has tiny molecules. It escapes out of basically every container ever
If its the latter, then NEI isn't showing how I can do that...
Time to fix...

My Spawner Controller only works when I'm nearby even though it's chunkloaded (in a mystcraft void age using a chickenchunks chunkloader)
The mobs and instantly despawning. This is fixed in v7.

Hmm. Reika, how about a "radioactive waste decay speed multiplier" in the config, so we could have waste decay much faster?

A containment for the really long lasting stuff; a wait for the short-lived stuff. Would that be acceptable?
Use a Tile Accelerator. :P
Use a Tile Accelerator.
First: I don't use, or plan on using, reactor craft. I have no experience, even testing in creative, on nuclear waste/explosions.

That said, it is my understanding that a meltdown produces very large amounts of radioactive blocks, which in turn spawn radiation entities. Over time, they decay, and the blocks that spawn the most entities decay fastest, and the most damaging of the radiation entities also decay fastest, leaving the long-lasting but lower-impact radiation things around.

The key question being time.

I'm not looking at "I have a waste container full of waste items", sticking a tile accelerator next to it, and letting that waste container clean up faster. I, and I think the others with this concern, are looking at "How do I recover the landscape faster?". Given that it takes many thousands (10's of thousands) of real-life years, I'm pretty sure that Reika's time scale would be in the many months, if not many years, of real time for a constantly loaded area to go clean.

Turning that down, to only several hours of gameplay, instead of several months/years of gameplay, is the goal here. Cleaning up the environment, so that the chunks that are polluted can be reclaimed.
I'm not looking at "I have a waste container full of waste items", sticking a tile accelerator next to it, and letting that waste container clean up faster. I, and I think the others with this concern, are looking at "How do I recover the landscape faster?". Given that it takes many thousands (10's of thousands) of real-life years, I'm pretty sure that Reika's time scale would be in the many months, if not many years, of real time for a constantly loaded area to go clean.

Turning that down, to only several hours of gameplay, instead of several months/years of gameplay, is the goal here. Cleaning up the environment, so that the chunks that are polluted can be reclaimed.
Ok, thanks for clarifying keybounce, that's what I'm looking into as well.

I had a ton of fun with ReactorCraft in my old Horizons world last year. I tinkered a lot with all the reactor types, and those experiments frequently led to irrecoverable disasters. Those disasters meant either moving my base (zero fun) or restoring a backup (zero gameplay).

What I'm trying to investigate is whether its currently feasible to do as you suggest, or if anything like that is in the potential queue for implementation. In order for the pack to work for the target audience, the players could never fairly be placed into a position where restoring a backup becomes a necessity. Opinions on what constitutes a necessity are irrelevant except insofar as it applies to the people playing the pack.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but can't you use sprinklers to clean the fallout from a meltdown?
That sounds simultaneously silly and cool :) (its only silly because one would hope flooding the area with water has a similar effect)

If that's true, it would be nifty if I could have a reactor bunker with emergency sprinklers that can activate when needed.

If flooding helps, this would be an interesting use-case for reika's liquid spiller block.
Hmm ... radiation-absorbing water finite liquid of some kind, perhaps?

Then, a sprinkler hooked up to a pool of it, to spread over an area?

Then, an age or RfDim with this in the ocean, as a cleanup tool ...
Definitely, just doesn't provide the experience required here.

I feel like what you are suggesting might be seen by some as OP.
The feeling of a possible nuclear fallout forcing you to find a new base is a what scares most people. This is what I think is the charm of Reactorcraft.

The reactor is high risk - high reward (16Mrf/t), I think the nuclear wasteland scenario is well worth it.
Hmm ... radiation-absorbing water finite liquid of some kind, perhaps?

Then, a sprinkler hooked up to a pool of it, to spread over an area?

Then, an age or RfDim with this in the ocean, as a cleanup tool ...

Boron was used, along with clay, sand, and dirt, to absorb neutrons in the early days of the Chernobyl disaster. Whether or not it was effective, I don't know, but if Reika wouldn't be adversed to adding colemanite (one of the ore sources of boron) ore to worldgen to be used as a source of borax crystals, we could mix it with the aforementioned clay, dirt, and sand (as well as water) in some sort of machine to create a liquid that a sprinkler could spray onto affected areas to help absorb radiation, which would be washed away by normal water sprinklers. It'd be non-renewable (since colemanite is an ore), so it'd make the cleanup materials precious and limited and, thus, only to be used in the case of an actual nuclear meltdown. Keep it as a "fluid in name only" (as in, doesn't have source/flowing blocks) and you'd remove the RFTools/Mystcraft exploit of having oceans of neutron-absorbing cleanup materials.

(I had to do research on Chernobyl for world history class, last semester. :P)
I feel like what you are suggesting might be seen by some as OP.
The feeling of a possible nuclear fallout forcing you to find a new base is a what scares most people. This is what I think is the charm of Reactorcraft.
Correct for the majority of packs.

This would be highly inappropriate however in a pack where the balance-point is centered around the point of cost/benefit analysis you're concerned about, particularly in one where migrating your starting base is fundamentally impossible.

Naturally such a configuration wouldn't be appealing to you. However, if our roles were reversed, and the reactors were actually perfectly safe by default (think Big Reactors) and you were arguing that there should be a greater degree of danger, I certainly wouldn't be opposed to adding it as a configuration for you, regardless of the fact that playing with such would be unappealing to my already-existing playerbase.
Hmm. Not being able to move your base. Good point -- a skyblock map, for example, could not use reactor craft in place of big reactors.
You could just get used to always wearing a hazmat suit. It negates all the bad effects.
Guys, thanks for the interesting solutions. They're neat but they don't work for the scenario.

Its not a huge deal, there's other reactor mods that are more flexible. With Reika's big policy changes I was just taking a look and seeing if I could make ReC work, it would be nice to have an excuse to revisit it.
New upcoming feature:
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