Bukkit has gone down; Minecraft being sold; what will happen here?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hate to be a 'doomsayer', but tell me what's happening as far as FTB is concerned? Because this is all going down badly out there...
Microsoft will not allow modding of its game; the sale will be complete any day now. This has obviously been in the pipeline for months, and makes sense of the EULA crackdown, and now the squeezing of Bukkit, which is now collapsing. Microsoft would not want any rivals to its new game and its capacity to sell modifications and servers. Bukkit would have been the main fly in its ointment there. MS is focused on Xbox and Playstation versions; already it's predicted in financial reviews that the PC versions need to be downgraded, made 'lesser', to encourage more of the former platforms. This is a corporate giant; it does not give a darn about the Minecraft community and the industries that have blossomed from it. It will be seeking to get back its 2.5 million, and a lot more, asap. Sale of the game alone will no way be enough for it.
So what's the deal with FTB? Do you know what your position is, and what you can do to protect all this? I'm praying you do.
My suggestion has been posted on every forum I can find; Spigot, Bukkit and now you. PLEASE, make good use of this amazing resource you have; this community. HOLD IT TOGETHER NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS. And use it to create a new game. What you have created here is pretty much that already! Developers DO own the rights to their part of these mods; you can sue if Minecraft rips you off, you know. What you should do, is use these brilliant ideas you have already in these modpacks to make a far better game than Minecraft is; it can be similar in structure, Minecraft cannot sue for that. There are many brands of ketchup, you know. You know the best elements of Minecraft; you have a captive audience already to buy your game. Don't lose them! Start working on a new game NOW. And prepare a legally binding agreement that it belongs to all involved, and cannot be sold without agreement of all parties.
Remember; Notch began on his own without this kind of awesome think tank. This is your BEST WEAPON. Bring us back our community, which is being killed off. Minecraft is killing the golden goose to get more eggs. We need a phoenix to rise from the ashes, and you people have all the skills and audience ready to do that.
Call on me for artwork or copyright advice if you need it. I'm no youngster; I'm 52 years old and I think the Minecraft community is the best thing that has happened to the young world for decades. It is democratic, sharing, creative and embraces all nations and religions. We cannot afford to lose it. Get cracking! The sale of whatever game you create will be more than enough to pay you for your time.
Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2014

2 BILLION, not million.
Also, if minecraft uses any party of their content... they cant sue.
By using minecraft, or making anything for it, you agree to its EULA, which specifically stipulates that they reserve the right to implement any of your content without payment, consent, etc.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
yea yea billion.
2.5 in fact.
And EULA is a separate thingy. You do not understand what it states and you are assuming here.
As I said, developers own their part of creations. I know copyright. EULA does not come into it. That's a users' agreement. Permission to use their code was already enabled; developers own the rights to whatever they invent likewise.
But as I said, move away from Minecraft. It's going down. They bluffed everyone with that nonsense about EULA, which was not worth the paper it was not written on, and they knew it. Nobody could actually force any server owner to run a non-profit server in any way whatsoever; IT WAS A BLUFF. I was very frustrated watching young people not know that, and believe that load of garbage. The only thing Minecraft could have legally prevented was profit from its game; but not server costs met by a non-profit group. They could NOT enforce play style, any more than Mr Hasbro could force you not to let your little brother cheat in Monopoly! Get real! They would be thrown out of court if they tried. They had no need; you all believed it.
Now modders will be bluffed into thinking they'll be sued if they create mods.
Please believe, you can sue for any of your ideas appearing in Minecraft from now on; you have publicly released these ideas. If they take them, SUE THEIR ARSES.
You can make any sort of game based on any of your modpacks that you liked. Use your own coding. Alter your graphics a bit. Rename it all. Bingo, new game. MINECRAFT DOES NOT OWN THE RIGHTS TO A GAME PLAYED THROUGH THE FIRST-PERSON VIEWPOINT, OR EVEN OF MINING/CRAFTING/FARMING ETC! Minecraft owns the rights to MINECRAFT ONLY! Your creativity is your own intellectual property. YOU DID NOT SIGN IT OVER TO ANYONE! MOJANG DID NOT EMPLOY YOU TO CREATE THESE MODPACKS! YOU OWN THEM! They might own a bit of coding within; that is ALL. They do NOT own the ideas.
Come on, guys, lateral thinking is needed now! Get to work, get together, create a committee and draw up an agreement so you know where you all stand. Then call on us all for support. But do it NOW, before you lose the member base you have here! It won't last long once MS starts a crackdown.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thank you Jedi. That's the spirit. I keep seeing people complaining about what's coming (did any of you see what's happened to Bukkit AT ALL? This is next) and not thinking proactively. Notch, Microsoft; whoever. They do not own the world! Why must you clever, creative people act as though you are NOT ALLOWED to make your own game now? You have all the skills! And there are heaps of enthusiastic olders like me who can support this. You really are allowed to make a new game, you know! Why not even consider a tiny payment for each new mod from us players, like $1 per download, as though it were an app. We would be glad to pay that tiny amount to fund modders, who could then actually make a career for themselves! To date, Mojang has ridden on the HUGE wave of popularity mainly provided by volunteers like FTB and Bukkit and Technic devs. A bit of a reward would be much better, and would help to ensure the future of this community.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ever considered a career as a motivational speaker?
Also, that reminds me, mojang owns bukkit...
Which means that microsoft will own bukkit...
You are getting this.
I'll do anything I can to save the Minecraft community. It was the best thing I ever saw as far as global communities go, and has given me hope for the future in the hands of you young people.
I won't let it get snuffed out for a few billion bucks, and I don't care what I'm called by any cynics here. I'm speaking to the developers; they are the ones with the ability to do something.
Why must cynics leap to a conclusion that I'm a paranoid when I'm actually loaded with facts about this, and have come to FTB with a strong solution to the tidal wave that is indeed coming your way!
The thing that will defeat this community is apathy and cynicism. I'll ignore those who want to just muck about and suck their toes; for the creative developers here, I say, WHAT have you got to lose if you stop working for free for a company that has sold up (the sale is going through as we speak), and start working for yourselves and this community instead? Put your genius to better use.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Seed of Andromeda is a pretty good example of what can be achieved, it's still in very early development but the development is very well documented, you can see just how much effort is going into this. If things really go legs up for both vanilla Minecraft and the Minecraft modding community I'll have my hopes set on SOA or something else similar to it if it comes about.

I'm not saying this is what the FTB mod developers should do, I'm not really qualified to have any input as I don't know what it takes to develop a mod let alone a game. It's just what you said reminded me of that and I hope it inspires even an idea maybe.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Seed of Andromeda is a pretty good example of what can be achieved, it's still in very early development but the development is very well documented, you can see just how much effort is going into this. If things really go legs up for both vanilla Minecraft and the Minecraft modding community I'll have my hopes set on SOA or something else similar to it if it comes about.

I'm not saying this is what the FTB mod developers should do, I'm not really qualified to have any input as I don't know what it takes to develop a mod let alone a game. It's just what you said reminded me of that and I hope it inspires even an idea maybe.
Good for you! I hope so too! In fact, I'm more than positive that a new game with the same democratic community is bound to rise out of this. I just hope it's you guys, and I'm recommending that you try.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm not involved in development for the record (I have no game development-related skills), it's something I've been watching being developed for a while now. There aren't always playable updates but they always let us know what's going on and we get development livestreams and video demos of new features ready for the next release nice and regularly.