Problem bukkit forge??????


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i was wondering if bukkit forge will work with feed the beast server's, as id like to include bukkit plugins such as essentials on the server, but the only feasable way i can do it, is via the bukkitforge core mod

is it compatible with feed the beast???

(if you need to test it, here's the jenkins link provided by the creator, along with the origianl forum post: )

i know that some mod packs have it, or some people manually install it, but ive never seen an ftb server with it, only other mod packs, but i dont want to risk messing up my server trying to test it with ftb


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've read other posts that said Bukkit does not like FTB and that there was no real solution in sight to correct this. Not sure what that was supposed to mean, but I take it they aren't going to support this. Feel free to try and report back your findings though. I'd like to hear what you find out.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Findings so far:
server does not crash, vanishnopacket gets disabled?????

vanishnopacket does not seem to work unforntley, however, the version of esentials that was made to work with the bukkitforge mod does work well, but disguisecraft and vanishnopacket were non functiional, world edit doesnt seem to register position setting via the //wand but yeah, it seems to work fine, and because its just a mod, and not actually bukkit, if you decide that its to buggy, just delete the forgebukkit jar from the core mods folder of your server, and boom, your running vannila minecraft server jar again, but, as the creator of it says, its still in beta, so ill be sure to test it again soon, oh, and the factions plugin SHOULD work, i havent tested lwc however, as, well, unless someone would like to make an config for the direwolf20 pack for the lwc bukkit plugin, i probably wont test that, will test factions in a sec, and then re edit this post

EDIT: yes, factions does work with bukkitforge, so, if the ftb server pack maintainers were to decide to have 2 versions of the server avalible, 1 with bukkitforge and 1 thats just vannila, the bukkitforge versions isnt to buggy, it seems to be pretty stable from what ive seen, permissions can be annoying if you have worldguard installed however, so id just use the essentials permission from the group manager essentials plugin


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i use the mod and it works fine for some things. the mod is still in beta and many events still have to be added. there is a ported version of essentials and world edit. some plugins just have to be ported because they hook into regular minecraft events, which forge doesnt like (i think thats why). i think it is definetly worth checking out and trying. it is beta like i said and therefor a bit buggy. i tryed lwc like 60 versions ago and it didnt work. i would upload my config so u can try, but its too long xD


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
//wand works fine for me, If you want block logging use hawkeye(aside from not logging IDs in chest activity it works 100%). Also its not in beta its in alpha. Honeypot seems to be working if you can manage to give yourself permissions to use it(I can't seem to do that). Haven't tested other plugins, I can't seem to get PEX or Bukkitperms working.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
yeah, i just leave bukkits built in permissions blank, and just use the permissions from the essentials group manager plugin, as its easy, and it always works perfectly


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You won't get PermissionsEx to work on a Forge server, as it does a lot of aggressive hooking and patching into CraftBukkit to work and the hook points it uses don't even exist in Forge. Folks working on BukkitForge, MCPC+, etc. are pretty much in agreement that PEX is a no-go for the foreseeable future as a result.

That said, BukkitForge does work with a FTB server, and I've actually had better results/performance by replacing the stock FTB server jar with the latest build of MCPC+ (which removes the need for BukkitForge as MCPC+ also imports and auto-ports Bukkit mods).

As far as Forge permissions goes, ForgeEssentials works but does not support Bukkit mods at all (and the FE dev folks are, somewhat understandably given how the Bukkit team reacts to Forge, actively hostile to the idea of Bukkit mod support) and I never could get permissions to work properly in 1.1.1 anyway, so I ended up having to roll with Essentials' Group Manager.