Builder skills

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So, with the small Even number vs Odd number debate that popped up. The advice that stems from it;

Make sure to think ahead of dimensions, whether it will look good as even or odd.
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Let me say what I've been wanting to for quite some time. Do not copy Direwolf's building style, ever. There are already so many useful posts here, so nearly everything I'd want to say has been covered accept this: If you're aiming to build pretty things, try not to develop bad building habits in the first place (copping a Direwolf20 9x9). Beautiful scenic builds are often not entirely efficient, so if you're a stickler for function over form you may want to build your machines into your factory, which takes careful planning. I can tell you from experience, if you continue to build ugly yet functional structures you'll fall into this mindset. "Well.. all of my machines work. I can always pretty up my base later, I just wanted to be able to automatically crush and smelt everything."

There's also a streamer you might want to watch, I'm not sure if I can advertise so I wont. He does something called 'The Speedbuilding League', it's quite amusing to watch. If you check the Minecraft section on Twitch you'll find him.
I don't "copy" his 9X9s I am inspired by it.

I already replace stone bricks by cacked stone bricks and mossy stone bricks in my magic room.

Thank you all for the suggestions, I really have to tr them all when I get home.
I tend to like the even becuase of a few things that also end up being made even. Like Nether portals and Thuamcraft altars. You can always make odd size things like tanks or coke oven even by duping them or using sets (ie coke and blast next to each other)

It is all about planing your layout.
Well what I can say is that try not to make your walls flat try adding pillars on the outside or maibe work with colours for example use all type of stone like smooth, cobble, bricks etc or try 2 or 3 colour based buildings like add stripes and ohh fancy light. Yeah try messing around in test worlds and just keep on trying ;)
So, I always try to make things look nice,but that seens freaking impossible.

I am posting this because(I know it does not has to do with FTB) I always wanted build cool stuff but I always end with a direwolf inspired stone brick factory.Cananyone help me to be.a builder?Is that even possible?

I think all the other guys have already covered what you need to do to improve but it's not as hard as you think. For example, this was the first thing I built on our server when we started the world (sans jungle leaves and cobble stair lip) :


At that early stage I didn't have anything else other than cobble and wood. It was very basic, rather ugly, but served its purpose as a spawn base til we got established. I mean, anyone can build that even if you have no imagination. It's just 2 types of blocks repeated in a dog leg shape. Once we got our proper spawn build done I was going to tear this down, but I decided to fancy it up instead and it currently houses our AE network. All I did was add a cobble stair lip on each level, some jungle leaves, mazestone path and some Railcraft wood fences. Took about 10 mins to do but totally transforms the look into someone more aesthetically pleasing.

Despite appearances, I'm not an aesthetic builder at all, so if I can do that then anyone can, including yourself. :)
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As a weak aesthetic builder, more of a machine network guy, I have found this topic very interesting tnx to all who took the time to add there 2 cents.
Give a theme to your builds. Even if you don't have one in your mind in particular, it's always fun to discover new styles and upgrade your existing ones. I'm more used to build more with a realistic thought (as much as it is possible in Minecraft), like building realistic houses with linking above-ground roads, bridges, parks, touching the landscape barely etc. However many builds with that 'Minecraft-ish' feel (crazy, geometrical shaped, underground bases, you know) are cool aswell. People i got inspired by:
BdoubleO100 (medieval-ish style, FTB Mindcrack server)
Keralis (modern, realistic houses, bases)
JamziboyMinecraft (medieval, nordic, historicaly accurate buildings, great channel)
YogscastSips and YogscastSjin (not as much, their Tekkit base)
Direwolf20 (ok, joking, just for the fun of his 9x9 :D )

And remember - improvization is the key to everything ;)
Sorry for my english..
I think all the other guys have already covered what you need to do to improve but it's not as hard as you think. For example, this was the first thing I built on our server when we started the world (sans jungle leaves and cobble stair lip) :


At that early stage I didn't have anything else other than cobble and wood. It was very basic, rather ugly, but served its purpose as a spawn base til we got established. I mean, anyone can build that even if you have no imagination. It's just 2 types of blocks repeated in a dog leg shape. Once we got our proper spawn build done I was going to tear this down, but I decided to fancy it up instead and it currently houses our AE network. All I did was add a cobble stair lip on each level, some jungle leaves, mazestone path and some Railcraft wood fences. Took about 10 mins to do but totally transforms the look into someone more aesthetically pleasing.

Despite appearances, I'm not an aesthetic builder at all, so if I can do that then anyone can, including yourself. :)
That is an amazing house!_I can not even dream with something like that!
That is an amazing house!_I can not even dream with something like that!

And that my friend is one of the biggest pitfalls.. You gotta try to be able to succeed
So, forget about dreaming them, just do it ^^
I'm sure you'll be pleasantly surprised at the results
I'll share this from another topic:

My goal here was to use just local materials, then work out what I could do with them. I wanted a farm type base layout, with each building having it's own function. Ended up with my Barn and House being mainly wood, but my "blacksmith" being made from stone.
I find that it helps to not actually try and build a house, but rather build something else and then adapt it. For example, try building a boat, or a flying thing, and then make a few changes so you can fit machines into it. (for the boat example, you could have living area, like a bed, on the top deck, your machines in the middle deck, and the wiring on the bottom deck)
One thing I find makes a /huge/ diffrence is to actually do something about the area around the house.
Build fences, paths, BETTER paths (try bloak, step, slab, step block), plant flowers.
Build your base on top of the natural landscape. Don't just flattern an areaa. A flat base on a flat area generaly looks worse then the same base on multiple terrain heights or with varyed terrain around it.

Generally, When I make a starting hut, I'd go for a small rectangle (not cube), use wood accents on the corners to planks for the walls. Put in a couple windows, make a short path. Perhaps build a small fishing peir if I'm near a lake. Just basically don't make one material cubes on flatterend land with nothing around them.

And thats presuming a complete lack of insperation. Last time I had that I remodled an entire natural village on a wasteland instead of building a house.
I'mma put my two cent's in.

A few let's builds never hurn anyone, nor did creative. I think of biome specific settlements, and sometimes I just roll with what I have.

Improvisation is (probably) key. Find a village? Turn it into a steampunk mining town! Even if all it does is produce coal coke or process cobble, you have something done.

Working on huge buildings usually requires a modular style. A cobble 9x9 is as modular as they come, and that's why it's so easy to build bunches of them. So why not have some variation like false pillars of marble in the walls? A lip around the outside? A domed roof? Some moss brick by your infinite water source?

Just adding little things can transform a build, like that house by baw179 up there.
Working on huge buildings usually requires a modular style. A cobble 9x9 is as modular as they come, and that's why it's so easy to build bunches of them. So why not have some variation like false pillars of marble in the walls? A lip around the outside? A domed roof? Some moss brick by your infinite water source?

Just adding little things can transform a build, like that house by dgdas9 up there.

Good point.

As an example of this, I once did four 9x9's in a cube, but I put them 5 spaces apart with the hallways along the outer edges. This gave me lots of room to make longer runs of machines and chests along the outside edge. I was then left with a large open square in the middle so I gave it a 1 high wall with support columns going to the roof, and 2 open sections to enter through on the sides. Then I grew some rubber trees in it and ended up with a small courtyard that looked nice and was functional too. (The outside was still a large square block disaster though, so don't actually try this at home.)

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Some wonderful points that I am going to try myself. Some 9x9 can be pleasing if done right. Like adding some accents to the inner and outer walls as well making the yard outside different. I also recommend Sjin from the Yogscast for builds as he has dome some great stuff, just note that while Dire has 9x9 Sjin loves his circles so expect to see them a lot. Also any of the stuff Fyre UK has is awesome too.
The problem with Let's builds is that I always repeat the build, and that is not what I wabt, I want to be able to build by my self.

Good sugestions everyone!
The problem with Let's builds is that I always repeat the build, and that is not what I wabt, I want to be able to build by my self.

Good sugestions everyone!

You just need a guy with a modular style, and specifically says in all of his tutorials that his builds are madular, and that you should have the theory down pat after watching a few videos.

They can be hard to find indeed.