Buildcraft Wooden pipes acting strange with Smeltery

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've been running into an issue where the buildcraft pipes are letting liquid through, even though the wooden pipes aren't being powered by my redstone engine. This just caused my Smeltery liquid to cycle through its storage container and the actual Smeltery itself. I have to cut the wooden liquid pipe in order to get it to stay wherever I'd like it to.

Has anyone else seen this happen and know why it happens? What alternative would you recommend and, while I'm asking, is there a clean way to measure out and control how much liquid I move? Being able to move the exact mbs of liquid that = one ingot would be stellar.

Thanks in advance for any responses I get :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I know this probably doesn't help you, but I've seen similar behavior when attaching an unpowered wooden pipe to an unpowered refinery.

What happens then is it starts infinitely pumping oil (not fuel). If I power on the refinery and then power on the pipe it will pump out fuel like it should.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, this is just a simple wooden liquid pipe on both ends, with a redstone engine set to OFF. If I put something into the Smeltery, then it converts into liquid, it immediately goes through the unpowered wooden liquid pipe and off to where I'd be storing it. Once it reaches the storage tank, the output wooden pipe there just shoots it right out and back towards the Smeltery.

It makes me sad. :(


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, liquiducts work like a charm. Now I just need to figure out how to gauge how much liquid I am moving from the tanks to the Smeltery.

Does anything function like that?


Too Much Free Time
Nov 11, 2013
Yeah, liquiducts work like a charm. Now I just need to figure out how to gauge how much liquid I am moving from the tanks to the Smeltery.

Does anything function like that?
Only thing that springs to mind would be filling the liquid in buckets. That way you can control it to the point of 1 bucket(1000mb).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, liquiducts work like a charm. Now I just need to figure out how to gauge how much liquid I am moving from the tanks to the Smeltery.

Does anything function like that?
You can just turn liquiducts on for an amount of time that is needed for this liquid to transfer. I don't know liquiduct rates but this can be very tricky if you want to get exact amounts of alloys (because one ingot is 144 mb).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yep. I've made a system that works even though I cannot measure the mBs. I've got a tank that I use between the individual tanks that hold specific liquid, and this tank catches the first of multiple molten liquids and obviously won't allow the rest in. I then block new stuff from getting into the tank as I filter the contents out to its respective place and then let the next liquid type in and repeat the process.

The only thing that makes it slowish is the fact that liquiducts take forever to completely push all of the liquid through. Oh well!


Too Much Free Time
Nov 11, 2013
The only thing that makes it slowish is the fact that liquiducts take forever to completely push all of the liquid through. Oh well!
Multiple connections with the liquiducts is an easy way to increase "bandwidth". ;)