Open Bug with beam splitters in the Ember mod



Summary of the problem Bug with beam splitters in the Ember mod

Pack Version 1.2.1

What is the bug? Difficult to explain, when connecting an ember receptor to a beam splitter it works as intended but when you break the receptor and attempt to move your machine (i.e. a melter) to where the receptor use to be it will crash.

Mod & Version Default FTB Beyond 1.2.1, I don't believe any mods were added/removed for the server I am playing on.

Link to log file

Is it repeatable? yes, set up ember activator to send ember pulses to a beam splitter and then from there to a ember machine (I used a melter and mixer centrifuge). Break the ember receptor on the machine then attempt to place down a machine in the spot where the ember receptor was broken at. Here is a video recreation of the bug:

Known Fix The root of the problem appears to be the beam splitter in the ember mod. You can work around the problem by not using the beam splitter.