Brizzle's Packs Chats


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This thread is going to be the main hub of all of my up and coming packs. I have a few in the pipeline and the threads for those will be all listed within this thread. I can't think of any better place to post all of my threads so Watchful said this is probably the best place to put it. Reply to this thread if you have pack ideas you would like to see me make., for chat and topics pertaining to a specific pack use that pack thread.

So on to the packs. I plan on having a total rebuild of Mine and Darkraven's pack Mechanical Titan. This will be a total rebuild and I'm thinking I will release it much like I did the first time around, Release what is available now and continue to build bigger as the mods I wanted to include get released. Mechanical Titan for those who missed the original, was mostly a kitchen sink pack I released to please people that saw 1.7.10 modding begin and wanted to be able to play along(infinity was not even a twinkle in the FTB eye). I plan to have the same sort of feel. The pack will consist of mods that I would like to play in a world with(Thaumcraft, Tech mods, etc.).
Mechanical Titan: Rebuild
(temp until I can process this through FTB)​

The next pack I'm working on is a mod pack I started in 1.7.10 but with 1.8+ beginning to gain traction I have shelved it until the 1.8.9 mods I needed for it to work. I will however sort of tease what it is and if you think it's a neat idea you can pop over to the discussion thread and pipe in on it. Here's the teaser. Tech pack with no craftable power gen! That's all I will say.

I'm also working on an all magic pack with a fellow 3rd party pack team member @DrasticDemise, I don't know how much he would like me to spoil but it's something you guys have asked him to make and it's like a walkthrough.

And now you can find all new pack ideas and threads
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Updated Thread locations so you are no longer directed to a non-existent page. Also included a link to my Forum page.