I'd use a combination of SFM and AE2
I currently already have SFM to craft a stack of each slate and output them in a chest, if I were to throw a storage bus onto that chest I can use the slates and have SFM refill the slates if they're used up
if you don't know how to do this in SFM (let's hope I can properly explain this) I use a condition to check if there's 64 slates of a certain type in the output chest, if false select the input chest and place 1 stone in the altar. after that have another condition check if the slate you want is in the altar, if true input from the altar and output into the output chest.
use a flow control with 5 outputs to create a chain for every slate type. you can even combine each chain in a group to clean up the frontpage of the controller
if you really want to get fancy, you could even have another command set up that checks if there's 64 of each slate in the output, if true take an orb from the input chest and place it into the altar, it false take the orb from the altar and place it into the input chest. this way if you're not crafting slates you can keep refilling your LP network