I agree that bees can comprise the core of an automatic resource-generation system, yet building said system requires a substantial amount of time, planning, and real estate, rivaling just about any system possible in modded minecraft. For me, the joy is not simply the end product. Having a bee-centric system whereby all possible resources are generated at a sufficiently high rate is indeed approximating creative mode. The enjoyment is rather in the process of progression.
I'm 5+ weeks into my MF2 world and I've (still) only bred 30 or so species of bees and haven't quite yet automated the production and insertion of Impregnated Frames into the Alvearies. The vast majority of the real estate of my base and my power goes into bees directly or indirectly. I estimate I have a good 5+ weeks left in RL before I'm anywhere close to "creative mode" in terms of automatic resource generation. 10+ weeks for a world is just about right for me. I'm ready to move on to different mods and try something new after 2+ months.
Contrast that with "pumping the Nether", and you'd be hard-pressed to pick more polar opposites than lava-power and bees.
Some highlights of my base and bee-centric system:
- Bred saplings for maximum power efficiency in terms of power per square meter
- Bred lemon trees for efficient juice production (also for power production)
- Bred chestnut trees for seed oil for Impregnated casings and sticks (for frames)
- 16 Alvearies (plan to build a total of 32)
- AE-less automated frame production
- Automated Alveary re-insertion and bee product processing (lots of Centrifuges)
- Set of Extra Bees machines with ample supply of Genetic fluid
- Gendustry Sampler and Imprinter to streamline trait imprinting (so much nicer than the Incolator-->Sythensizer-->Purifier shuffle)
- Thaumcraft for Essence of False Life (Metabolic Frames are much more effective than Soul Frames in MF2)
- Thaumcraft for Thaumastatic Harness to fly around in Nether to find hives
- Thaumcraft for Thaumic Grafter and Scoop
- Osmotic Enchanter for Repair II on said Grafter and Scoop
- Infusion Altar to make said Osmotic Enchanter and Harness (among other things, of course)
- Apiaries and chunk loaders in several different biomes for biome-specific breeding
- Large chunk of my power for all the above
- Large chunk of my AE storage for all the above
Indeed, there's hardly a mod or part of my base that is not somehow involved with bees. Bees are the thing which touch just about everything and you'd be hard-pressed to design and build a system more complex than one with the simple requirement of:
"Use bees to continuously make all resources possible, and make it look nice"
As a side note, while I like Gendustry, I think the Mutatron takes away from the breeding experience. There's a reason for breeding mechanics like biome-specific and special-block-under-the-Apiary/Alveary in the traditional Forestry ecosystem.