Big Reactors Turbine build in 1.7.10 ... any design?

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Brian Cherrick

Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2013
I think I got enough resources to finally get the reactor and associated turbines up and running. Back in 1.6.4 I was able to run 3 turbines off of 1 reactor, producing approximately 90k Rf/tick combined. Does anyone have a comparable design in 1.7.10 (using the direwolf pack) that can get me a f**kton of Rf/tick on this pack?

The output will be around 28K RF/tick for each turbine using what MacAisling suggested. Other then that, the reactor its self is going to burn through yellorium faster then you may be used to due to config changes made, in this pack, at the request of DireWolf20.

Big Reactors still operate basically the same as they did for the 1.6.4 mod packs. A few small tweeks to how some of the block types effect cooling has taken place, and the control rods themselves are far easier to adjust now, are about all that has really changed.
Doing a little basic testing in creative, it looks like you need a minimum of 8 fuel rod blocks to generate 2000mb/t steam. 4 corners w/ graphite between was doing a little over 1000. Adding the 5th for the checkerboard was doing a little over 1200.

I'm currently considering a 7x7 reactor with the following core pattern:


Using the config settings from the DW20 1.0.0 version of the pack, & with 0% control rod insertion on all rods, here are the #s I'm seeing:
Temp 345 C
Steam 2140 mB/t
Fuel 0.049 mB/t
Reactivity 448%

Using this design, you should be able to just add a layer for every turbine you want to run.
Hooked up to a turbine where the reactor retains the excess steam, the #s are a little different:

Temp 738
Steam 2000
Fuel 0.050
Reactivity 440%

The waste buildup does make the #s fluctuate a bit.
I have yet to build a Turbine only large reactors. Found a 9x9 reactor to be the most efficient I could find for a reactor producing RF. 5 cores. Made it 48 blocks tall producing 133KRF
Turbines seem to be the most efficient way to produce small amounts of energy ie. 50k or less but gets complicated over 100k. I am using a reactor that is 15x15x48 producing over 300k now. Not as fuel productive but running a full powered ended-quarry it finds more yellorium than it uses
Turbines seem to be the most efficient way to produce small amounts of energy ie. 50k or less but gets complicated over 100k. I am using a reactor that is 15x15x48 producing over 300k now. Not as fuel productive but running a full powered ended-quarry it finds more yellorium than it uses

Will look into that. I only need maybe about 50-60k right now, which I can get off of 2 turbines. But I got some solar panels that do about 20k per tick, just a lot more resources to make!

Why..."YES" ! Yes, it does :-)

And, remember : BR Reactors like to be *flat* and not *tall*. The only reasons to build vertical in BR are:

1. Ease of expansion
2. Potentially less coolant source blocks required
2. Intentionally trying to build heat (waste) to convert Yellorium to Cyanite

The main reason to build flat is:

1. Efficiency

Has DW20 (properly) nerfed/balanced the Reactor and the MFR Laser so that extracting enough Yellorium requires a half-decent reactor, or can you still throw together any reactor without thought and still extract stupid amounts of Yellorium from the MFR Laser ?
Has DW20 (properly) nerfed/balanced the Reactor and the MFR Laser so that extracting enough Yellorium requires a half-decent reactor, or can you still throw together any reactor without thought and still extract stupid amounts of Yellorium from the MFR Laser ?
IMO, he's both nerfed yellorium and then balanced it in 2 releases. 1.0.2 is a bit nerfed, 1.0.3 is quite balanced for the mods included. As for the MFR Laser, well, the mod maker redid the balance there on their own. It's not as easy to get yellorium, even with foci, but you can still get enough to sustain your reactor if you build it right.

Efficiency is more of a size thing. Building a reactor taller does not reduce efficiency until its height outpaces the coolant. Tall skinny reactors though are definitely not efficient. But multi-layer pancake reactors(wider then they are tall) can be just as efficient as larger single layer reactors.
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Has DW20 (properly) nerfed/balanced the Reactor and the MFR Laser so that extracting enough Yellorium requires a half-decent reactor, or can you still throw together any reactor without thought and still extract stupid amounts of Yellorium from the MFR Laser ?

I havent actually tested it with the direwolf pack. However, running the latest MFR and Big Reactors I tried the following:

I looked at my spreadsheet and decided on going for an actively cooled reactor with an efficiency of 55000 Buckets of steam per fuel ingot. I then assumed a enderium turbine produces 24000 RF per 2 buckets of steam for a total of 660 Million RF per fuel ingot. For ease of experimenting I reduced this to 650 Million RF (default configs).
Note: a passive reactor can never even get close to these numbers, a realistic value is probably around 120MRF/ingot. A great new config setting is in the latest Big Reactor release that allows the tuning of reactor and turbine output seperatly. Meaning this could be brought closer, though I dont advise it as turbines are realy expensive and time consuming to make. And if there is even a single exploit or favorable yellorite gain per RF spent method then passive reactors will take over.

I then set up 4 laser drills, each with 6 yellow foci and 13 filled enderium energy cells. Good for 650 Million RF each.

At the end, each laser drill had produced 4 yellorium ore (small sample, I know). Each ore is good for 8 dust in a pulverizer, 12 if used with rich slag, 16 if used with cinnabar, and up to 10.8 if using a sag mill with dark matter balls.

Each yellorium fuel ingot gets turned into a cyanite ingot. 2 cyanite = 1 blutonium. 1 Blutonium = 1 yellorium. In the end this basicly comes down to 1 yellorium = 2 fuel cycles. So with a pulverizer we get 16 fuel cycles per ingot.

For Direwolfs pack we use fuel 10 times as fast. So using 1 fuel cycle we get 16/10 = 1.6 fuel cycles with a moderatly decent reactor and no special ore processing.

Is that enough? IMO, no. However, its a big improvent of no changes. Why isnt it enough? Well because it isnt to difficult to get an efficiency of 70000/80000 Buckets per fuel ingot. We have x3 and x4 ore processing available. And we have ludicrite turbines producing 28kRF/t. I think it would be better if it was nerfed abit more so that a 55000B/ingot design using 24kRF/t turbines and x2 processing produces enough fuel to break even. AKA, not 10 times more fuel used but 16 times.

Likewise, yellorite ore spawn should be configured in such a way that running a quarry returns equal amounts of fuel as it takes to extract that yellorite using the above parameters. I have no idea how much that actually is because I have never actually used quarry's. But my feeling says yellorite ore spawning should be reduced.

And, remember : BR Reactors like to be *flat* and not *tall*.

This is not entirely true. The main reason to build flat is to build up a good amount of radiation inside your reactor. Because radiation only travels horizontaly and not vertically this means your first reactors will indeed be flat. However! Once you reach a certain point of radiation you start hitting diminishing returns on radiation. A great example is in my spreadsheet where I have a flat 29x27x3 reactor with fuel reactivity levels of 586% (with rod insertion at 50%). I also have a 15x15x7 design wich has a fuel reactivity of 581%. In terms of efficiency they are realy close 79666B/ingot for the flat vs 79207B/ingot for other one.
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This is not entirely true. The main reason to build flat is to build up a good amount of radiation inside your reactor. Because radiation only travels horizontaly and not vertically this means your first reactors will indeed be flat. However! Once you reach a certain point of radiation you start hitting diminishing returns on radiation. A great example is in my spreadsheet where I have a flat 29x27x3 reactor with fuel reactivity levels of 586% (with rod insertion at 50%). I also have a 15x15x7 design wich has a fuel reactivity of 581%. In terms of efficiency they are realy close 79666B/ingot for the flat vs 79207B/ingot for other one.

Ah, I learned something new today. Thanks, @Skyqula :-)
I found a GREAT design for you. It's not a flat reactor because Being an existentialist minecrafter, I dont like flat reactors because they don't feel "reactor-y", for a giant nuclear reactor thingy should be tall too. You wouldn' expect a giant, formidable machine that makes 100,000 RF/t to not be somewhat tall.

My design: A reactor that is 7x7x9 (length x width x height) on the outside. put five fuel rods in a plus sign with collumns of gold, diamond, or graphite blocks in the corners (graphite is the worst, then gold, then diamond is the best). Fill the rest up with gelid cryotheum and you've got about 0.35 mb/t of fuel consumption for 2000 mb/t of steam.

Alternatively you can fill the whole thing up with cryotheum which doesn't seem to make that mucn of a difference just a wee 40 more mb/t of steam which doesn't matter much when you need a flat 2000 mb/t of steam.

For maximum power (5 full-size turbines, a total of 120,000 RF/T), the ideal control rod setting is 11%, that is the closest you can get to 10,000 mb/t.
That reactor will be using about 1.2 mb/t of yellorium, which equates to just 0.24 mb/t per turbine. That's very efficient.

For the turbines, I use 37 (thirty-SEVEN, not 32) enderium blocks that provide as much power as 32 blocks of ludicrite. at 1800 RPM this thing produces about 24,000 RF/t for 2000 mb/t of steam.

I would strongly suggest running a MFR laser drill with all green focuses to get a LOT of uranium ORE for 20,000 RF/t. MFR Laserdrill's are more likely to get uranium than yellorium. However, uranium and yellorium are ore-dictionaried together, so the best way to do it is to pipe your uranium into a Jabba barrel that already has 1 yellorium ore in it. It will automatically convert all you uranium into huge amounts of yellorium ore. The laser drills get you ORE, but don't process the uranium ore. Convert the uranium Ore to the yellorium Ore in the JABBA barrel, which lets you double them to get even more yellorium fuel for your reactor. Thus you can create a self-sustaining power station that, even with the drills from MFR up and running, you will still get 100,000 RF/t, which is still a LOT, being like 1,250 dynamos worth of power. You get 120,000 RF/t but use 20,000 for the laser drill.

If you want you can even use just two laser prechargers on your laser drill,using just 10,000 instead of 20,000 RF/t, with all the green foci inside it. I haven't tried this but I still think it will make more than enough yellorium for your reactor, especially because you can double the yellorium in the macerators/crushers/pulverizers/whatever and furnaces.
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im that one guy that gets all his yellorium from bees