Best TiCon Tools?

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Jul 29, 2019
Title says all. I had some questions about what are the best tools/weapons for certain uses.

A hammer for clearing out large areas as quickly and efficiently as possible -

I am looking for something with:
  • Can mine any ore
  • Good mining speed
  • Silk touch
  • Repair
I don't mind if no modifiers are left.


what is the purpose of the frying pan and sign? are they meant to be anything but a troll item?
Hammer. Thaumium, paper and cobalt. I can't remember which bit effects speed, but make that cobalt, make the rest either thaumium or paper to add modifiers.
Cobalt head + Thaumic large rod + Paper large plates. Give it the silky jewel + Moss ball (iirc) and the rest redstone.

The frying pan helps you cook food when you place it down and has enormus knockback. I'm not sure about the battle sign though XD
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Cobalt Head, Paper Plate, Obsidian Plate, Thaumium Handle. Two sets of redstone, one piece of lapis/silk touch, your choice, then Moss or Flux and another Redstone. Personally, I sacrifice one of the modifiers for an Ardite Plate, so I get stone bound as I use it. The latest versions have up to three additional modifiers. (Gold Block+Diamond/Nether Star/Notch Apple) That's one flux capacitor and 350 Redstone. Kind of insanely fast.
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Cobalt Head, Paper Plate, Obsidian Plate, Thaumium Handle. Two sets of redstone, one piece of lapis/silk touch, your choice, then Moss or Flux and another Redstone. Personally, I sacrifice one of the modifiers for an Ardite Plate, so I get stone bound as I use it. The latest versions have up to three additional modifiers. (Gold Block+Diamond/Nether Star/Notch Apple) That's one flux capacitor and 350 Redstone. Kind of insanely fast.
Those plates will kill your mining speed. I'd suggest cobalt (or titanium if you have Mariculture) head and plate, thaumium plate and paper handle. Go flux and don't care about the durability.
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Don't use moss ball. Get it down to 1 Damage and put on a Flux Capacitor.
There's nothing Stonebound, so there's no difference between 1 damage and full health, so you might as well go mossy. Now, if you had an Ardite rod and had a paper and a thaumium plate, with a cobalt head... THAT would be worth getting the flux capacitor for.
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Ardite plate on one side for stonebound. Cobalt plate on the other side. Manylium head and rod for maximum durability.
Ardite plate on one side for stonebound. Cobalt plate on the other side. Manylium head and rod for maximum durability.
Ardite rod is nearly as much durability as Many, and has SB II. Cobalt *HEAD* for mining speed and mining anything but Many blocks. Thaumium plate for additional modifier. Paper plate for second additional modifier.

Now you have 5 modifiers. Plus two more if you augment with diamond/gold block and nether star. Total 7.

Once you get Fluxed modifier, actual durability no longer really matters, so using Many is kind of silly. Then you pick up Silk Touch or Fortune, your choice. That leaves FIVE modifiers of Redstone to throw on there.
But isnt stonebound scale with the amount of damage the tool got ? So the more damage it have the faster it get ? That's why I try to get more durability possible. Stonebound is far better then any extra modifier I would want.
Those plates will kill your mining speed. I'd suggest cobalt (or titanium if you have Mariculture) head and plate, thaumium plate and paper handle. Go flux and don't care about the durability.
Paper plates aren't that bad. IIRC, an extra speed modifier from a paper plate increases speed more than a cobalt plate.

I normally go with a Cobalt head, Thaumium and paper plates with a paper rod. Flux and Silk touch modifiers, with everything else into speed.
For my Excavator and Lumber axe i tend to care less about speed. I just go for an indestructible axe and an indestructible silk touch excavator.
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Note that Stonebound is not a binary modifier; it is an average. Quoting something I posted on reddit:
Jagged and stonebound have hidden multipliers that get averaged between all parts of a tool when it is built (stonebound has a positive multiplier, jagged has a negative), so it's not accurate to say stonebound 'stacks.' Also, both jagged and stonebound work the exact same way. Ardite has a stonebound multiplier of 2.0, though, so it has a higher possible bonus (the other stonebound multipliers are 1.0 and cactus has a jagged multiplier of -1.0).

What this all boils down to is that the more stonebound/jagged pieces of a tool there are, the higher the multiplier will be of the final tool. But, if you only have one piece with stonebound in a tool made of 4 pieces, you're only going to get a quarter of that multiplier. The only way to get the 'full' bonus is to have all the pieces of the tool be the same material (whichever material has the highest multipliers; in this case, Ardite and Cactus).

I'm planning to make things like this more transparent in my TiC Tooltips mod.

EDIT: Weird side note, if you make a cleaver using two cactus pieces and two non-ardite stonebound pieces, you'll end up with something that has both the 'Jagged' and 'Stonebound' abilities but neither will actually do anything (the multiplier will have averaged to 0.0).
Well, speed is an average of the head and plates, though you could sub out the Obsidian plate for an Ardite one. Personally I prefer the distance you can go with an Unbreaking hammer over the speed of one with Stonebound II.
Btw, you can use the mod TiC Tooltips to see various information about the tools, such as the maximum bonus speed from stonebound.
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Paper plates aren't that bad. IIRC, an extra speed modifier from a paper plate increases speed more than a cobalt plate.

I normally go with a Cobalt head, Thaumium and paper plates with a paper rod. Flux and Silk touch modifiers, with everything else into speed.
For my Excavator and Lumber axe i tend to care less about speed. I just go for an indestructible axe and an indestructible silk touch excavator.
I'm not sure if I tried the two paper setup in my most recent tests. I have Mariculture in my pack, so I used titanium instead of cobalt (head and one plate) and the final product is almost too fast already =)
Cobalt heads for tools, Manyulyn head for weapons, everything else paper because once you add flux, durability is a non issue. Sure you could use thaumium instead but who has that before making their first real Ticon tools? Dont forget you can add a modifier slot with a block of gold and a diamond.
I could have sworn that only one of each additional modifier counted unless the entire tool was the same? IE only one modifier from paper, unless the entire thing was paper. Unless that's changed.

I usually get lucky enough to find Thaumium in a chest somewhere. On the other hand, it's no good without the Smeltery.