Hello forums, I recently set up my multiblock farm. It outputs into a diamond pipe (though now that I think about it a sorting machine would be better) sending wood into a stirling engine that powers the multiblock farm and sends saplings to a fermenter and back into the farm. I am using red spruce saplings (for some reason when I threw in some spruce saplings they turned to red spruce). Is there any other more efficient ways to generate biomass. Currently the biomass is powering my magma crucibles which will soon be fed cobblestone from my cobblestone farm. The magma crucibles will power my entire base. I currently have 5 biogas engines, but plan on making 5 or more of them. The biomass production is way too slow for my liking. This set up has to power the magma crucibles well enough to feed around 30 Thermal Generators that will (with help from 64 Hybrid Solars) power a Rotary Macerator, an Induction Furnace, a Centrifuge Extractor, a Singularity Compressor (soon to be) 4 Industrial Grinders, (soon to be) 4 Industrial Blast Furnaces, an Implosion Compressor, (soon to be) 5 Industrial Centrifuges, a Matter Fabricator, an Industrial Electrolyzer, an Electrical Engine powering my centrifuge (Forestry)and 5 Magmatic Engines. The engines power an Assembly Table with 6 lasers, a Rolling Machine, and a Thermionic Fabricator.