Best Melee Weapon (Damage) in Monster

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There are a lot of mods in Monster and most add some OP weapon, but which one tops them all in Melee DPS? (railgun is more than enough for ranged damage) An enchanted Vajra used to be the best as far as I can remember, but without the Vajra I'm coming nowhere close.

I've heard of some TiCO weapons getting 20+ damage but I can't replicate it. Redstone flux sword looks promising and obviously the OP lightsabre from ic2 does top 20. Any obvious one I'm missing?

Bedrock sword from Rotarycraft? Unstable ingot sword? etc.. Any advice would be awesome. :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The ethereal sword really sucks compared to the Arcane Sword and a good Rapier which both have the same ability. Ti C arrows (unless they were nerfed in 1.6.4) can really pack a punch if they are made of a paper rod, feather fletching, and a thaum head. Then just smack a bunch of quartz on it until you can't anymore (maxed out modifier slots). You should do an insane amount of damage with this, though I recommend testing in CSP before dedicating the amount of time needed to get that amount of quartz in your main world. It worked in 1.5.2, but I haven't dabbled too far in TC4 yet so I haven't been able to try it.

Arrows also don't have a durability, so you will never need to spend more thaum on it, and if you choose to you can make them in the stacks because 1 stack of arrows can all share a single piece of quartz.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Yea, I'm at the point where materials don't matter anymore. I just want something to one-shot monsters to keep them out of my face while I'm doing other things. I'll remember the arrow thing from unleashed, but I didn't even think to try it in Monster.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yea, I'm at the point where materials don't matter anymore. I just want something to one-shot monsters to keep them out of my face while I'm doing other things. I'll remember the arrow thing from unleashed, but I didn't even think to try it in Monster.

If all you want is monsters to go bye-bye, then get the banish spell from AM2. Why fight when you can 1-cast them to the nether?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Eh, I tried out that arrow. It would be nice if you were having material problems since you never need to repair, but it only does 14 melee damage. Thats with gold+diamond/netherstar extra modifiers and all of the other modifiers maxed out with quartz.

If all you want is monsters to go bye-bye, then get the banish spell from AM2. Why fight when you can 1-cast them to the nether?
AM2 isn't in Monster.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2013
The Netherlands
Most mobs have 10 harts (20 life) With a Cleaver from TiC you can get to 10 harts of damage using only 3 modifiers for damage.
With a battle axe you need to use 6 modifiers. (combine paper and thaumium to get to 5, then one more from diamond and gold)

However, the battle axe has a "barbarian rage" kind of thing that gives you the strength effect for a few seconds, Though you do need to charge it up.

These weapons still don't one hit all mobs ,but it comes pretty close.

EDIT: You need to use manilium for the damage dealing parts of course
EDIT: Spelling
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There are a lot of mods in Monster and most add some OP weapon, but which one tops them all in Melee DPS? (railgun is more than enough for ranged damage) An enchanted Vajra used to be the best as far as I can remember, but without the Vajra I'm coming nowhere close.

I've heard of some TiCO weapons getting 20+ damage but I can't replicate it. Redstone flux sword looks promising and obviously the OP lightsabre from ic2 does top 20. Any obvious one I'm missing?

Bedrock sword from Rotarycraft? Unstable ingot sword? etc.. Any advice would be awesome. :)

Light Sabre from IC2 is really good.


Brick Thrower
Forum Moderator
Dec 11, 2013
If Blood Magic is in Monster (can't remember for sure, sorry) try the Bound Blade. 12 base damage that can go up to about 20 with some enchants on it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Nothing beats a Sword of the Zephyr for taking down hordes of mobs. Who cares if you can't one-shot an enemy when you can two-shot ten of them at once? Also never needs to be repaired if you have the repair enchant.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Nothing beats a Sword of the Zephyr for taking down hordes of mobs. Who cares if you can't one-shot an enemy when you can two-shot ten of them at once? Also never needs to be repaired if you have the repair enchant.

Yea, I have one of them with Loot 3, sharp 5, fiery and repair 2 for hordes, but if I can 1shot the single things like the I can with the railgun, it would be nice. I'd just use the railgun if it didn't have the recoil effect.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Nothing beats a Sword of the Zephyr for taking down hordes of mobs. Who cares if you can't one-shot an enemy when you can two-shot ten of them at once? Also never needs to be repaired if you have the repair enchant.

Blood. Magic. Bazooka.

Recoil be damned, it'll do some serious damage.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Finally went and did some testing myself.. found that the bedrock sword is the best "out of the box" weapon by far.

It's unbreakable, +12 attack damage and comes with Sharp 5/Loot 5. Does 19 damage with no additions.

Going to have to get it legit, but it will be worth it. Bloodmagic sword also does +12 attack damage, but you need to enchant to +5 sharp yourself and can't get +5 looting. I also know nothing about Blood Magic, so there could be a downside I don't know about. I know charged light sabre does 2 damage more (21), but that has to be charged and has no looting.

Unless there is a TiCO weapon that will outdo that, I've found my answer. Thanks everyone.


Too Much Free Time
Nov 11, 2013
A fully enchanted Sword of the Zephyr(Looting, Fiery, Soul stealer, Repair, Unbreaking, Sharpness, etc) for everyday use and a Nanosaber(called lightsabre now, ey?) for bosses served me well for previous versions. Pretty sure I will be doing the same again for "endgame" in Monster.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A fully enchanted Sword of the Zephyr(Looting, Fiery, Soul stealer, Repair, Unbreaking, Sharpness, etc) for everyday use and a Nanosaber(called lightsabre now, ey?) for bosses served me well for previous versions. Pretty sure I will be doing the same again for "endgame" in Monster.

Nah, it's still nanosaber, I just couldn't remember the name. :p
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Redstone Arsenal sword with Sharpness V and Looting 3.

it's only 8 + 4 full charged, so the same base +12 as bedrock sword, adding sharpness V will make it on par with bedrock sword, but it won't beat it. You have to charge it and be using empowered mode.. and you can't get loot 5 on it.